Saturday, 9 January 2021

Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 65


The episode starts with Kabir, Sejal, Siya, Angre, and Ragini have taking Riddhima down stairs by holding a duppata above Riddhima so they can represent her to her baby shower in a special way.

Vansh was down stairs standing beside the place that Riddhima will sit on it and he was watching her while she is coming with beautiful way.

He was amazed by her beauty as he always see her beautiful more than the previous day.

Anuprya has observed that so she puts her hand on his shoulder.

Anuprya: I can see that you are staring so much at your wife.

Anuprya’s words has waked Vansh up from sinking on Riddhima’s beauty especially that he didn’t felt that Anuprya has putted her hand on his shoulder.

Vansh: Mom are you here?! Sorry can you say what you were saying again as I wasn’t concentrating?

Anuprya smiles and then she starts talking.

Anuprya: Oh! My son wasn’t concentrating in what his mom was saying because he was staring at his wife! I can observe that you have forgotten your mom!

Anuprya was saying that words just to tease Vansh and see what he will do.

Vansh: I can’t forget my mom whatever are the circumstances. You are my lovely mom so how I will forget you?! You are the one who made me be in this world. I know how much you have cared and still caring about me. I will always love you and appreciate what you have done and still doing to me.

Vansh hugged Anuprya to express how much he loves her and how no one could take her place in his heart.

Anuprya: That’s my lovely son. I know that you will always love me and I was just teasing you and actually I was testing you to see how much you are loving your mom and you really did what I was expecting.

Vansh: I will always love you mom. Actually, I start to know how much you have suffered when you were pregnant on me when Riddhima become pregnant. I have observed how much you have passed through so much pain. I really respect you so much mom. I really respect each and every mother in the whole world.

Anuprya: You didn’t saw anything yet, you will still see a lot of things and pass through a lot of difficulties when the child arrive. You will know how much we have suffered to raise you and and your siblings with the right way, you will express this when you and Riddhima start raising your child. I’m sure that you and Riddhima will be the best parents and I’m sure that you will raise your child with a very unique way.

Vansh: Of course we will need your help in a lot of things as we are newly in the parents lives.

Anuprya: Of course I’m ready to help you both with anything. I will always be there for you both.

Vansh: I love you so much mom.

Anuprya: I love you too my son.

They hugged each other.

Anuprya: We must stop the mother and son time because the mom to be has arrived and you must make her sit on the place that is prepared to her so we could start the ritual.

Riddhima has arrived to the hale of the house and Vansh made her sit so they can start the ritual.

Then Vansh has whispered in Riddhima’s ears.

Vansh: I didn’t see a mom to be looking very wonderful like that. I think that there was a perfect person who has helped you in getting ready, right?!

Riddhima: My dearest husband is the one behind making me look that beautiful today. Actually, he always makes me glowing from what he is doing to me.

Vansh: I can observe that your husband is a very caring husband, I think that you must make me meet me him so I could learn from him how to be a caring husband so I could be like him.

Riddhima: Sorry, but you will can’t be like him even if you tried hard. No one could be like my dearest husband as he is unique in everything!

He smiles from her attitude and she was also smiling.

Then the baby shower starts by blessing Riddhima and her child.

The whole family starts praying for Riddhima and the child’s health and afterwards Anuprya has putted a duppata above Riddhima’s head to bless her.

Anuprya: This duppata is the sign of my blessings and love to you and your lovely child. Take care about it Riddhima dear.

Riddhima: Of course mom. I will always take care of anything is taken from you my lovely mom.

Anuprya hugged Riddhima very much to express to her love and respect towards her.

Anuprya was very happy seeing her son and his wife’s happiness.

She was very happy that after a short time her son will be a father and she will be a grandmother.

Anuprya was grateful for the presence of Riddhima in their lives as when Riddhima entered their lives, everything has changed as she spreads a lot of happiness and love in their lives.

Anuprya to herself: Thank you so much Riddhima for giving us this happiness, I’m really grateful that you are Vansh’s wife and you will be the mother of his child. I’m blessed to have a bahun like you. Actually, you are not just a bahun to me as I really treat as you are my own daughter. I love you my lovely Riddhima.

Riddhima was blessed that her husband’s mother loves her a lot.

She is blessed that Anuprya treats her as her daughter as God has given Riddhima a huge gift when he has given her Anuprya’s love so it could be replace her own mother’s love.

Anuprya: Now Riddhima must drink the auspicious water from the hand of the wife of her husband’s wife. So please Sejal come and make Riddhima drink the auspicious water.

Sejal: Okay mom.

Sejal has taken the glass that contains on it the auspicious water and then she comes to Riddhima to make her drink it.

Then Sejal makes Riddhima drink the water.

Everyone was happy to celebrate the baby shower of Riddhima and Vansh’s baby.

Rudra: So now each one of us will come to Riddhima and make her eat a piece of a dessert and wish her child a lovely wish.

They start with Anuprya.

Anuprya came to Riddhima and makes her eat a dessert.

Anuprya: I wish that your baby come without any problems and I hope that you don’t suffer to any problem when you are giving the birth to the baby.

Then Rudra came to Riddhima and he makes eat a piece of the dessert.

Rudra: I wish that you be the perfect mother to your child and I wish that your child could be like you.

Ragini has came to her and she hugged her very tightly and then she makes her eat a large piece of the dessert.

Riddhima: You have made me eat a large piece of the dessert as you want me to be fat, right?!

Ragini: You will still get fat?! You have already got fat during your pregnancy Riddhima!

Riddhima: Really?!

Everyone smiles and Vansh has looked at Riddhima while he was smiling.

Riddhima: I think that everyone has liked a lot what Ragini has said especially you Vansh! Why you are smiling very hard like that?! Do I really became fat?!

Vansh came near Riddhima and he puts his hands around her to comfort her.

Vansh: Come on sweetheart! Don’t be nervous like that. You are a pregnant and of course there will be changes in your body so you don’t have to panic and of course when you will give birth to the baby you will get back to your old shape.

Riddhima: So instead of telling me that I didn’t got fat, you are making sure of the idea that I really got fat! It isn’t fair!

Vansh was smiling seeing Riddhima’s reaction and how she was really annoyed and he was liking seeing her very annoyed like that.

So he decided to minimize her annoy so he kissed her in her cheek in front of the whole family and he whispered in her ears.

Vansh: You always look beautiful in my eyes whatever your look and don’t worry sweetheart you didn’t got fat and even if you got fat I will always love you.

His words made her smiles and she was feeling very happy.

Kabir: Vansh bro, you are just taking an advantage from any situation that could make you close to bhabi even in front of all of us.

Everyone laughs on Kabir’s words.

Then Vansh went near Kabir.

Vansh: Just wait for what I will do to you Kabir when the ritual will end. Try to enjoy till the max as I don’t think that you will be able to enjoy anything after what I will do to you!

Kabir: Chill Vansh bro, I’m just joking with you so don’t have all those anger as it isn’t good for your health.

Vansh was going to reply to what Kabir has said, but Anuprya has interrupted them.

Anuprya: Stop it boys, you are always causing a lot of noise. Please make us complete the ritual and don’t disturb us.

Kabir: Okay mom.

Vansh: Okay mom. Sorry.

Vansh has whispered in Kabir’s ears.

Vansh: Mom has saved you Kabir from me.

Kabir: My mom will always safe me as you also always saving all of us. I love you bro.

Vansh: Okay, you are trying to be saved from me by praising me.

Kabir: I can do anything to not make my brother be angry from me.

Afterwards, Ragini starts wishing Riddhima and her child.

Ragini: I wish that your lovely child could be very happy and I wish that I could play with him a lot and enjoy our time together.

Then Sejal and Kabir came to Riddhima and each one of them made her eat a piece of the dessert.

Sejal: I wish that when your child arrive he/she could spread a lot of love to your life Riddhima dear.

Kabir: I wish that the child could be the best child ever.

Then Siya and Angre came to Riddhima and each one of them make her eat a piece of the dessert.

Siya: I wish to you and the child all the happiness and the joy that is found in the whole world.

Angre: I wish that the child could be brave and strong like his/her parents.

Riddhima: Thank you all for all the love and wishes that you all have showered me and my baby with it. I really love you all.

Anuprya: We also love you too dear. God bless you.

Kabir: So now after we have finished the ritual we could now play the music and have fun.

Vansh: Just a second. There is something missed.

Anuprya: What?!

Vansh: Everyone has wished my wife and my child, but no one has gave the chance to the husband to do the same. As I also have the right on my wife and my child. There is no music will play until I also make my wife eat a piece of that dessert and wish her.

Anuprya: I will can’t forbid you Vansh, do what you want.

Vansh: Thank you mom.

Vansh came to Riddhima and makes her eat piece of the dessert and then there was a part of the dessert on her lips so he managed to remove them with a romantic way.

Vansh: I wish that you always be with me Riddhima. I wish that I always see your happiness. I wish that the arrive of our child come with much happiness to us.

He hugged her and he whispered in his ears.

Vansh: I love you sweetheart.

Riddhima: I love you Vansh.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.

The post Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 65 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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