The episode starts with Riddhima going downstairs to start preparing for the thankful pray with the whole family.
She was looking at Vansh when she went downstairs.
She was staring at him for how he really cares about their daughter very much.
She was staring at him while he was playing with Rianshi.
She was observing Vansh making Rianshi fly as if she is a bird.
She was observing him while he was laughing and enjoying his time With Rianshi.
There was a smile that has drawn on Riddhima’s face due to the cuteness of Vansh and Rianshi.
Afterwards, Sejal and Kabir went to Siya and Angre to talk with them about how they could make Riddhima and Vansh get closer and clear all the misunderstandings between them.
Sejal: Siya, Angre there is something that we want to discuss it with you both so we could all be able to do a perfect plan to solve this problem.
Angre: Don’t tell me that you are both coming to talk with us about Vansh and bhabi’s misunderstanding.
Sejal: How you have known that we are coming to talk about that?!
Kabir: Do you actually have noticed that there is a misunderstanding between Vansh bro and Riddhima bhbai?!
Siya: I not only have just noticed that but I also have seen the whole story that lead to this misunderstanding.
Sejal: Is it related to Sam?
Siya: Yes
Sejal: Unfortunately what I have thought about has happened.
Kabir: Siya can you please tell us everything that you have known as we could know what shall we do to fix the problems that it could make Vansh bro and Riddhima bhabi apart from each other.
Siya: Okay, I will tell you everything.
Siya starts telling Sejal and Kabir everything has happened between Vansh and Riddhima and how Sam’s arrive has caused a misunderstanding to occur between them.
She has told them how Sam’s motive isn’t good as he has said a lot of fake words to make Vansh against Riddhima.
Sejal: This idiot Sam! I will not leave him. He didn’t just get satisfied from what he has done to Riddhima at the past so he came back to destroy her life like what he has done in the past, but I will not make him this time succeed in destroying my best friend’s life.
Siya: Calm down Sejal as you are pregnant and the nervous and stress isn’t good for you or for the baby.
Angre: Yes Sejal Siya is right. Actually, the anger and nervous will not be beneficial to us. We must to be relaxed to be able to help Vansh bro and Riddhima bhabi to be back together.
Kabir: Yes, we must now think about a way that could make them clear all the misunderstandings.
Sejal: This will happen when they could be able to spend some quality of time alone.
Siya: I have already prepared a plan for that.
Kabir: Really?!
Sejal: What is that plan?
Angre: Before making Siya tell you both the plan, I want to ask you Sejal about something as you are the only one who has known everything about Sam and bhabi’s old relationship.
Sejal: What you want to know?
Angre: I want you to tell me everything about bhabi and Sam’s relationship. How it ends and why it ends? I want to know every information about Sam as I feel that he is come back in bhabi’s life is for an evil motive.
Sejal starts telling everything has happened in Riddhima and Sam’s relationship.
She told them how this Sam has cheated Riddhima and left her before the marriage day that was left on it just a few days.
She told them how he was playing with Riddhima’s feelings.
Angre’s reaction could observe that he has known something important about that Sam.
At the same time, Riddhima was looking at Vansh and Rianshi while she was helping the others in preparing for the thankful pray.
Anuprya: We need someone to fix those flowers that are putted in this high place.
Ragini: I can’t do such a thing because you know that I got afraid from the higher places.
Riddhima: It’s okay. I will do it.
Anuprya: Okay dear.
Rudra: Actually, this is the only thing left in the hale’s decorations.
Anuprya: We must go now to check the food and the sweets if it has delivered or not. So Ragini let’s go.
Rudra: I will also go to do some business work until the time of the pray.
Riddhima: Okay. I will go now to fix the flowers.
After Rudra, Ragini, and Anuprya has left, there wasn’t anyone in the hale except Riddhima, Vansh, and there daughter Rianshi who has already slept and Vansh has putted her in the sofa.
Vansh was looking at Riddhima secretly without making her notice him.
She gets a ladder and she climbed it to fix the flowers, but unfortunately while she was fixing the flowers she lost her balance.
She was going to fall and Vansh had observed that.
So he runs very quickly to reach to her at the right time and save her.
Riddhima wasn’t able to control her balance and she was really going to fall.
She was very afraid and she wasn’t able to do anything so she has closed her eyes due to her fear.
Then Vansh succeeded in holding Riddhima before she falls.
Riddhima was still closing her eyes.
Vansh: You can open your eyes now as you didn’t fall.
She opened her eyes and she was very happy to see Vansh in front of her.
She was happy that he got succeeded as usual in rescuing her.
Vansh and Riddhima were having an eye look while Vansh was still holding Riddhima.
They were staring at each other very much.
They were feeling very happy that they have that chance that could make them close to each other.
Then Vansh lefts Riddhima.
Vansh: You have to be more careful. What has happened to you now if I didn’t came at the right time and saved you?!
Riddhima: I’m sure that nothing will happen to me when you are with me as you always manage to save me from any danger. So I don’t worry when you are near me Vansh.
Vansh stared at her after she has said those words.
At the same time, Siya, Angre, Sejal, and Kabir were still discussing about Vansh and Riddhima’s misunderstanding.
Angre: Sam’s motive isn’t good at all. He is just thinking about separating Vansh and Riddhimae bhabi. He was coming to the hospital for a mission which is making Vansh misunderstands Riddhima bhabi so they could leave each other and he could succeed in returning Riddhima bhabi back to him.
Siya: And what makes you sure of that?!
Kabir: Yes Angre, what makes you sure that Sam’s purpose from going to the hospital is to separate Vansh bro and Riddhima bhabi?
Angre: From what Sejal has told me about that Sam makes me sure that this guy isn’t a good guy at all. Of course after he has seen Riddhima bhabi with Vansh bro, he got jealous and he felt that Riddhima is the one who just belongs to him even if he was the one who has left her at the past. So he decided that he will destroy Vansh and bhabi’s relationship to get bhabi back to him.
Sejal: I could expect anything from that guy.
Kabir: So what we will do now to stop that guy from succeeding in his motive.
Angre: I will handle that Sam. I will do a huge investigation about him to know every single detail related to that Sam and I’m sure that I will get a lot of secrets about him that will make us prove to Vansh that all what Sam has said was all fake and not true.
Sejal: This is a great idea.
Kabir: We must now just think about the way that will make Vansh bro and Riddhima bhabi close again.
Angre: Siya, you could now tell them your idea as we must to start implementing our plan before the thankful pray starts.
Siya starts telling Kabir and Sejal her plan.
They got amazed from her plan and they agreed that this will be the perfect plan that will make Vansh and Riddhima close to each other.
Sejal: It is really a great idea as this will be the perfect excuse that will make Vansh and Riddhima spend some time together before the thankful pray.
Kabir: Especially that there is a much quality of time left until the thankful pray to start.
Siya: So let’s go now to start our plan.
At that moment, Vansh was still starting at Riddhima.
Then Riddhima comes near him.
Riddhima: Vansh please try to forget everything has made you be upset from me. Trust me if the thing was in my hand I was never felt a tiny feeling for that stupid guy. I know that you are feeling angry that you weren’t the first one to have a place in my heart, but trust me you are the only true love that is in my life. My feelings towards that Sam was never a love. So please don’t make him succeed in separating us. Please make us clear all the misunderstandings that is between us so we could live peacefully with each other and enjoy every single moment together.
Vansh was thinking about Riddhima’s words as it really start to minimize the fire that it was in his heart, but he is still upset from her so he doesn’t respond to her words.
Riddhima was feeling that Vansh’s upset start to minimize.
Riddhima to herself: I can observe that my words start to minimize the fire that is in your heart Vansh. I know that you are still upset from me, but at least I have got the way that could make me return back to your heart.
At that moment, Siya, Angre, Kabir, and Sejal have reached to the hale of the house.
Then Anuprya and Ragini have also joined them.
Siya: So does everything is prepared for the pray?
Ragini: Yes.
Anuprya: Everything is ready for the thankful pray. We are just waiting for the auspicious time.
Kabir: I think that there is still 5 hours left for the auspicious time, right?
Ragini: Yes.
Sejal: We must to get ready for that pray.
Siya: Yes. I have bought a new saree for the pray.
Sejal: I also bought a new saree for that pray as we must wear a new clothes in the thankful pray.
Kabir: I was sure to buy to Sejal the saree that she has liked so everyone could know how much I’m a caring husband, right Sejal?
Sejal: Of course Kabir.
Angre: I was also the one who has bought the saree for Siya.
Siya: Of course Angre as you are always caring about your wife.
The 4 of them were doing that acting to make Anuprya concentrate that Riddhima didn’t get a new saree and that could make them succeed in their plan.
Riddhima has noticed that she didn’t bought a new saree and she didn’t know what shall she do.
Anuprya: And what about you Riddhima dear? Did you also bought a new saree?
Riddhima: Unfortunately I didn’t have the chance to buy a new saree. I’m sorry mom, but I was really busy with Rianshi so I didn’t remembered to buy a new saree.
Kabir has pretended as if he was really surprised.
Kabir: Really?! How this is possible bhabi?! You know that we all must wear a new clothes during the thankful pray.
Siya: If you have forgotten how Vansh bro didn’t remembered you?!
Sejal: So how you will solve this problem now?!
Anuprya: The solution is very easy Riddhima could go now to the nearby mall and get to herself a saree.
Angre: Yes as there is still 5 hours remaining for the pray so Riddhima bhbai will be able to buy the saree and come back before the pray could start.
Kabir: But I don’t think that bhbai must go alone.
Siya: Yes I think that Vansh bro must go with her.
Vansh: And what is the reason for that?! Do I will be the one who will try the saree before buying it?!
Sejal: No Vansh, but you were must remembered Riddhima about buying a new saree because you are her husband. Actually, you were the person that must buy the saree to her. So this will be a good chance to you to do the thing that you have forgot to do it.
Anurpya: Yes Vansh Sejal is right. You must to go now with Riddhima to the mall to get to her the saree and don’t be afraid about Rianshi as she will be with her grandma.
Vansh wasn’t able to refuse and he has agreed.
Vansh: Okay mom.
Anuprya: You and Riddhima must go now to be able to come before the pray can start.
Vansh: Okay mom.
Riddhima: Let’s go.
Vansh and Riddhima left the house and Vansh was still not talking with Riddhima.
Siya, Sejal, Kabir, and Angre were really happy that their plan has succeeded and now Vansh and Riddhima will spent some time together and of course while they returning back to the house the misunderstanding that was between them will be cleared.
The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.
The post Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 84 appeared first on Telly Updates.
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