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Here the episode begins… ..
Flashback( continuation)..
Morning 8.00am
Aryan calls riddhima…
ARYAN: Riddhima when will you give me that recording.
RIDDHIMA: Be calm. You’ll get the recording within half an hour.
ARYAN: Thank you so much riddhima. Where should I come and collect it?
RIDDHIMA: Come to my house.
ARYAN: Sure riddhima. I’ll be there in 10 minutes.
Saying so he cuts the call.
After 10 minutes..
Aryan reaches AR Mansion.
ANGRE: Riddhu, why did you call him? I don’t even want to see his face.
RIDDHIMA: Bhai, actually I called him to give the recording to him.
ANGRE: Riddhu, in that case you could have asked him to come to any other place. Why to our house?
SEJAL: Bhai relax. Actually bhai, we both have decided to resign our job.
RIDDHIMA: Yes bhai.
ANGRE: Riddhu, then why did you call him here. I can’t understand anything.
RIDDHIMA: Bhai, you don’t worry. I’ll tell you everything, but not now.
ANGRE: Ok riddhu, By the way even I have a meeting. So I need to leave. But be careful.
SEJAL: Ha bhai, Sure. I’m with her. Don’t worry.
Saying so angre leaves the mansion.
ARYAN: Riddhima, if you give that recording even I’ll leave the place.
RIDDHIMA: Aryan, I’ll give you that recording but before that you must do what I say.
ARYAN: ( almost controlling his anger) Ok riddhima, tell me. What should I do.
RIDDHIMA: I’ll give you that recording at the office, that too only after resigning my job.
RIDDHIMA: Just do what I say.
Saying so Aryan walks towards his car.
RIDDHIMA: Where are you going?
ARYAN: To the office.
RIDDHIMA: Give me your car key.
RIDDHIMA: This is the last time I’m saying this to you. Just do what I say. If you again question me, then you won’t get that recording.
ARYAN: Please don’t do that. I’m sorry.
Saying so Aryan gives his car keys.
ARYAN: Now how will I reach the office.
RIDDHIMA: Don’t worry, I’ll tell you. We both will go to the office by taxi. And you must come running behind our taxi. Only then you’ll get that recording.
ARYAN: What!! How will I?
RIDDHIMA: Yes, you should. If you need that recording then you must follow what I say.
Saying so riddhima leaves along with sejal in a taxi.
ARYAN: ( thinking) Riddhima, you have crossed all your limits. Once I get that recording I’ll change your fate. But till that I must control my anger.
ARYAN: I can do anything to get that recording.
Saying so he runs behind riddhima’s taxi.
SEJAL: Riddhu, what’s all this. Do you think Aryan will change because of all these punishments. It looks like school punishment.
RIDDHIMA: Sejal it doesn’t matter to us. For Aryan this will hurt his ego. He thought that he can do anything in this world and can easily escape from it. Today I broke his ego and arrogance. He will never forget this in his whole life.
Meanwhile sejal and riddhima reaches the office. Aryan comes there running. He was almost exhausted. The tiredness was totally visible on his face. He had fire in his eyes but couldn’t do anything because he needs that recoding. And that fire or his anger is not bigger than his life.
RIDDHIMA: Now just come inside following me.
Riddhima and sejal goes inside the office while Aryan follows them. The office staff were gathered together in the middle of the office.
ARYAN: Riddhima, come we’ll go to our cabin.
RIDDHIMA: No, We are going to talk here and why are you getting nervous now?
SEJAL: I know riddhu, it’s because he doesn’t want any of his crimes to come in front of anyone.
RIDDHIMA: But I will tell everything to everyone.
Riddhima explains everything about Aryan to the office staffs.
ARYAN: Riddhima please, I accept all my mistakes but please give that recording to me.
RIDDHIMA: Now you all see, he had done so many mistakes and today he is begging me for that recording.
ARYAN: Riddhima please.
Riddhima slaps Aryan continuously and Aryan falls on the floor.
RIDDHIMA: Aryan, yesterday I slapped you in front of my family because of your doings towards my family and my brother. And today this slap is for your cheap doings towards me. You must remember this slap till your last breath. Ok let me tell you one thing. Aryan actually the recording which you are craving to get from yesterday is not there.
ARYAN: Which means?
RIDDHIMA: Which means, I have not recorded your call. It was a lie And you believed it. The most funniest thing is that believing my lie you did what all I said. I just thought a second to save my bhai.
ARYAN: So you fooled me. I won’t leave you riddhima. I won’t..
Saying so he comes forward to slap riddhima. Riddhima holds his hand in return slaps him.
RIDDHIMA: Don’t dare to touch my family again.
Saying so both riddhima and sejal throws their resignation letter on his face and leaves the place.
ARYAN: Riddhima, I won’t leave you. You have committed a world’s biggest mistake by crossing my path. Today will be your life’s worst day. You will never forget this day throughout your life.
Saying so he calls someone.
Meanwhile riddhima’s parents were going in a car and suddenly a truck comes at the opposite direction. Before riddhima’s father could apply brake the truck hits the car and it hits the nearby tree. Riddhima’s parents died in the accident.
Two days later…
Riddhima was walking on the road reminiscing all the moments spend with her parents. Just then Aryan comes there..
ARYAN: Riddhima I know you are totally broken now. Actually just now I heard that your parents died in an accident. Actually it was not an accident, it is a planned murder.
RIDDHIMA: What rubbish are you speaking!
ARYAN: Calm down riddhima. Actually that murder was planned by me. Yes riddhima, I made that accident intentionally.
RIDDHIMA: ( Crying) Why did you do that?
ARYAN: Have you forgot? what you have done to me is a big mistake and as you said there must be a punishment for every mistake. None can escape from that punishment. This is just a beginning. I will make you regret for your whole life. I won’t leave you. You’ll remember this throughout your life. You played your game. Now it’s my turn. Here after whatever bad happens in your life remember, that I will be the reason for it. Now just see my games.
Saying so he leaves…
Riddhima comes running to her house and locks herself in her room. Sia, Ishani, sejal Kabir and angre who were present there knocks the door. But riddhima doesn’t open. Later after sia, ishani and kabir leaves riddhima comes out and informs sejal and angre about what Aryan told her.
ANGRE: Riddhu, don’t worry. I won’t leave him. How dare he to do that. I won’t so are him this time.
RIDDHIMA: Bhai, please don’t go anywhere. I can’t lose you. Please don’t go bhai. Please.. Promise me that you won’t go.
Angre couldn’t see riddhima in this state. Till today he hadn’t seen riddhima like this.
ANGRE: Riddhima please calm down. I promise, I won’t do anything. You please, don’t worry.
RIDDHIMA: This is what happened vansh. There after he began to follow me and wherever I go he tortures me. Even that day it was aryan’s goons who tried to kill me. Because of that aryan, I lost my parents. Moreover, I don’t have the guts to lose my close ones. Till today I can’t forget Aryan or that day. One day changed my whole life. It took all my happiness vansh. Till today whenever I close my eyes, aryans words haunts me. Wherever I go, Aryan followed me and till now he’s not letting me to live in peace. Now I’m regretting that I shouldn’t have met him. I should t have taken that video. I shouldn’t have slapped him. That one day spoiled my whole life vansh.
VANSH: Stop it riddhima. Have you gone mad? You haven’t done any mistake. I won’t leave him.
RIDDHIMA: Vansh stop. You shouldn’t go anywhere. I won’t let you go. Vansh, I said everything, but I can’t lose you vansh. Please understand.
ANGRE: Vansh, please understand. That Aryan is too danger.
ISHANI: Bhai, please listen to riddhima.
SEJAL: Bhai, please from that day till now riddhima is suffering. If anything happens to you then she can’t forgive herself.
SIA: Bhai please..
VANSH: No, I won’t. None can stop me. I can’t see riddhima in this state. Till today I don’t know the reason for riddhima’s tears. But after knowing all this, I won’t spare that Aryan.
RIDDHIMA: Vansh stop. You won’t listen to me right? Sorry vansh, even I don’t have any other option. I can’t see you suffering in front of my eyes. I can’t lose you.
Saying so she runs crying into the house and takes a knife from the kitchen.
ANGRE: Riddhu, What’s all this. Have you gone mad?
VANSH: Riddhima please listen to me. Just drop the knife. Please riddhima.
RIDDHIMA: Sorry vansh. I can’t see anyone suffering because of me.
Meanwhile at aryan’s house…
ARYAN: By now riddhima would have committed suicide. She is an emotional fool. She don’t have the guts to fight me. Vansh you can’t win over me. Now your riddhima will make you lose..
At AR Mansion..
ANGRE: Riddhima, please listen to me. We’ll solve the problem.
RIDDHIMA: Sorry bhai..
ANGRE: Riddhimaaaaa…
ISHANI, SEJAL, SIA & KABIR: (unison) Riddhimaaaaaa…
PRECAP: VANSH: Riddhima, If you believe me then listen to me. I will win in this challenge. I won’t lose you..
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