Thursday 14 January 2021

Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 78


The episode starts with Anuprya putting the baby in the bed that is decorated with flowers and it is prepared for this ceremony.
After she has putted the girl in the bed, she starts blessing the girl.
Then she makes Riddhima and Vansh sit together so she could be able to bless them.
Anuprya: God bless you both my lovely children. I hope that no one could be able to destroy your happiness and I hope that your lovely daughter could be like you both.
Anuprya hugged Riddhima and Vansh to express to them how she is really happy that they have fulfilled her dream to be a grandma and see her son’s daughter.
Vansh: Thank you mom for your wonderful wishes.
Riddhima: Thank you mom. I’m sure that our lovely daughter will learn a lot of things from her adorable grandma and of course she will love you a lot mom.
Riddhima and Vansh were very happy seeing their lovely child.
They were enjoying seeing everyone in their family members are happy because of the arrive of their girl.
Vansh and Riddhima were looking at each other.
Then Vansh holds Riddhima’s hand and he whispered at her ears.
Vansh: I didn’t see a beautiful mother like you sweetheart.
A smile has drawn on Riddhima’s face.
Then she comes near Vansh and she also whispered in his ears.
Riddhima: If I look beautiful as you are saying this is because of your presence in my life. You are the reason of making me glowing like that. You are the reason of anything good is happening to me. You are the reason of my happiness Vansh. You are like the candle that has lightened up my darkness and now God has gifted me another copy from my beloved one as I’m sure that our daughter will be totally like you.
Riddhima’s words made Vansh very happy.
He was feeling Riddhima’s love towards him.
He was sure of how much he is so precious to her.
He hugged her very tightly to express to her how much he is grateful for everything she is doing and saying to him.
Ragini: I can see that Vansh became more romantic when he became a father!
Kabir: I don’t think that this attitude from Vansh’s bro is a new thing as Vansh bro is always romantic.
Actually, he always take the advantage of any situation to romance with Riddhima bhabi so this isn’t an unusual thing about Vansh bro!
Rudra: Stop it guys. Don’t disturb our new father and mother.
Anuprya: Vansh and Riddhima don’t care about what they were saying. Just do what you both want and enjoy your time my lovely children. This is yours day and you both could do whatever you both want.
Siya: So let’s start the ritual by presenting our gifts to the new parents and each one of us must bless the child.
Kabir: Yeah, let’s do that.
Anuprya and Rudra start giving Riddhima and Vansh their gifts.
Then they blessed the girl and they kissed her tiny hands.
Anuprya: God bless you my lovely granddaughter.
Rudra: May you always be happy my dearest granddaughter.
Then Ragini came and she hugged Riddhima.
Ragini: I’m really happy for you my lovely sister and I’m sure that you will be the perfect mother in the whole world. I’m really happy that I will be an aunt for your adorable daughter. Trust me I will play with her a lot and I will make her observe everything new in the whole world. I’m promise you that your daughter will always be showered with my love to her.
Then Ragini blesses the girl.
Afterwards, she gives her gift to Vansh and Riddhima.
Then she comes near the girl and she kissed her in her cheek.
Ragini: I promise you my beautiful baby that I will love you a love that no aunt in the whole world has loved it to her sister’s daughter. I love you dear so much.
Angre and Siya come after Ragini has left and they blessed the child.
Angre: God bless your beauty and cuteness my lovely girl.
Siya holds the girl’s hand and she kissed her hand.
Siya: You are really beautiful dear like your parents. God bless you all.
Then Siya and Angre presented their gift to Riddhima and Vansh.
At the end, Sejal and Kabir came to Vansh and Riddhima and they presented to them their gift.
Afterwards, Sejal and Kabir blessed the girl.
Sejal: I’m sure that you will enjoy a lot when me and Kabir’s child will arrive.
Kabir: I’m sure that you will be both a great friends. God bless you darling.
Riddhima: Thank you all for all your wishes and blessings to our lovely daughter.
Vansh: Our happiness will never be completed without you all. God bless you all to us.
The whole family have a group hug and they were all happy.
Rudra: So now it’s the time of choosing a name for the lovely girl.
Kabir: Do the parents have any suggestions of the name of the girl or shall we give you both a suggestion?
Vansh: I already have chosen a name for the girl and it will be the best name to my daughter.
Riddbima: Excuse me! I’m also have the right on my daughter so why you are the one who must give the name to the girl?!
Vansh: Because of course the name that I have chosen is more suitable to my daughter.
Riddhima: Of course not. The name that I have chosen is more suitable.
Vansh: No, the name that I have chosen is the best and it will be my daughter’s name.
Riddhima: No Vansh. The name that I have chosen is the name that will be my daughter’s name.
Vansh and Riddhima start arguing and the whole family were watching their debate over the girl’s name.
Then Anuprya decided to interfere so she could be able to stop Vansh and Riddhima’s debate.
Anuprya: Enough guys. Stop your debate with each other as the matter isn’t that big to debate about such a small thing.
Rudra: Hold on Vansh and Riddhima. You don’t have to argue that much. We could handle this situation.
Riddhima: How?
Rudra: Each one of you must tell us the name that each one of you has chosen and we will decide which name is more suitable to the girl.
Anuprya: I think that this is a good choice and we promise that we will be fair and the name that will be best suitable to the baby it will be the name that we will agree on it. Do you both agree about this solution?
Riddhima: Yes mom. I agree.
Vansh: I also agree.
Rudra: So tell us what is the name that each one of you has chosen.
Riddhima: I will say first.
Vansh: You want to say it first so you could be able to influence them by the name that you have chosen. No sweetheart, I will be the one who will say the name first.
Riddhima: No, I’m the one who will say it first.
Anuprya: Hold on guys. I think that after you both became parents you both start to act like the children. So how you both will handle your daughter and you are both owing that child behaviour?!
Rudra: So please guys calm down.
Kabir: I have an idea to stop this debate.
Anuprya: What is this idea?
Kabir: Vansh bro and Riddhima bhabi could say the name that they have chosen for the girl at the same time so they don’t argue again.
Rudra: A nice idea.
Anuprya: I think that Vansh and Riddhima will not disagree so you could say now the name that you both have chosen at the same time.
Riddhima and Vansh at the same time: Rianshi.
Everyone was surprised that Riddhima and Vansh have chosen the same name to their daughter.
Actually, Vansh and Riddhima were also surprised from how they both have chosen the same name to their daughter without discussing that with each other.
They were surprised of how they were really attached to each other till this state.
They were staring at each other and they were still didn’t believe how they think in the same way like that.
Kabir: Impressive! So after all these argues you have both chosen the same name for the baby!
Sejal” Do you both really weren’t aware that each one of you has chosen the same name for the baby or you were already gave discussed the girl’s name before?!
Riddhima: We really weren’t know that each one of us has chosen the same name to the baby.
Ragini: This really shows how much you both love each other. I’m really proud of Vansh and Riddhima’s love story.
Vansh and Riddhima were staring at each other and they were smiling.
Anuprya: I really liked the name of the girl so much as it could connect Riddhima and Vansh’s names. Rinashi is really an adorable name.
Kabir: A nice choice Vansh bro and Riddhima bhabi.
They all have liked the girl’s name and what they liked more is the chemistry that is between Vansh and Riddhima.
After the ceremony has finished, Riddhima and Vansh were talking together.
Riddhima: I still impressed of how we both have chosen the same name of Rianshi!
Vansh: Because each one of us were thinking about the other and we were thinking of how our daughter’s name could be connected to our names so she could carry our identity with her.
Riddhima: Regardless that we have done a huge debate because of Rianshi’s name, but I was really happy when I have discovered how we think in the same way.
He takes her hand and he makes her sit on his lap.
He makes her closer to him and he hugged her very tightly so no one could differentiate between his breaths and her breaths.
Vansh: We will be always thinking in a similar way sweetheart because we always feel about what each other feel. We have a huge connection between each other.
He kissed her in her cheek and he starts playing with her hair.
Vansh: So now our daughter will not just share our personality and characteristics, but she will also share our names.
Riddhima: Yes as Rianshi is a combination of our names. Ri states for the first two letters of my name and ansh is the last letters of your name and the i for the female name.
Vansh: so now no one will separate us as our relationship got more and more stronger after the arrive of our daughter Rianshi.
She hugged him more tightly to make him more closer to her.
They were very happy that they are together.
So they took the advantage that Rianshi is asleep and they enjoy some quality of time together.
They got very close to each other and they were very attached to each other.
A 3 months has passed, those months Vansh and Riddhima were experiencing the new journey of being a father and a mother.
They were enjoying their time with their cutie daughter.
Rianshi has gaven a happiness flavor to VR mansion.
Regardless that she is very young and she isn’t aware about anything around her, but she has changed the whole family and made them all enjoying their lives when she has entered their lives.
At the morning, Vansh and Riddhima were getting ready to go to the hospital.
Vansh: You are still sticking on going to the hospital?! You must take more time to relax as you have been given the birth to Rianshi from 3 months ago so you must to relax.
Riddhima: I’m totally fine and I doesn’t need to relax more and I really missed to go to the hospital and I already have prepared everything.
Vansh: And what about Rianshi? You will leave her here or you will take her with us? If you want to take her with us, I don’t mind as I will make a nurse responsible of her during the time that you are busy on it.
Riddhima: No, I don’t need for that. It will be better for Rianshi to be in the house and there are a lot of people who will take care about her as you know that the whole family take the advantage of any situation to be with Rianshi. Anuprya mom and Ragini will take care about her when we are not in the house. So we could go now or there is anything that you want to ask about it?
Vansh: How I will ask anything after my wife has prepared everything?! So let’s go sweetheart.
Before they went out, he kissed her in her cheek.
Riddhima: This is for what?!
Vansh: Because you look really beautiful today my lovely wife.
She hugged him very tightly.
Then they went to the hospital and they were very happy being together.
After they have arrived, each one of them were busy in a different work.
Then Riddhima got surprised when she saw someone drags her to a corner.
She got more surprised when she saw that person.
Riddhima: Sam you?! Why you are here?! And why you have dragged me like that?!
Sam: I missed you Riddhima.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.

The post Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 78 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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