Thursday 14 January 2021

Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 79


The episode starts with Riddhima still shocked to see Sam in front of her especially after what he has said to her.

Riddhima: Are you mad?! Who allows you to enter my life once again and to tell me that you have missed me?! Do you forgot that I’m a married woman?!

Sam: Riddhima, I still love you and I didn’t forget you since the day that we broke up. I still remember that day as if it is still yesterday. When I saw you in Goa from 9 months, I kept thinking about you a lot and I have got nostalgic to all our past memories. I still love you Riddhima and I know that you also love me.

At the same time, Vansh was searching about Riddhima and he wasn’t able to find her.

He starts roaming around the whole hospital.

Then he becomes near to the side that Sam and Riddhima are on it.

At that moment, Riddhima was confronting Sam.

Riddhima: I think that you start to have problems in your ears so that’s why you aren’t able to listen to what I’m saying. Sam, everything was between us has ended now. Yes, we were in a relationship before and we were loving each other so much, but now everything is over and you are the one who has ended this relationship and I think that this is the only good thing that you have done to me. I don’t even think about you, you are just a past Sam. Vansh and my daughter are my present and future so please try to understand and leave now before Vansh could see you as I’m sure if he saw you, you will not be happy for what he will do to you.

He holds her hand so he doesn’t make her able to leave him.

Sam: Riddhima, I have taken all this time since the time that we met on Goa to be sure of my feelings towards you and to be sure that I still love you and I will not make anything forbids us from uniting this time. I’m sure that you are still loving me and what you are doing now is just a way to disturb me with because I’m the one who has broke our relationship so of course you are just trying to make me feel the same thing that you have felt in the past.

Riddhima: You are really idiot! I really regret that when I saw you in Goa I talked to you. If I thought that you will return to my life once again to destroy it, I would never looked at your face even for a second. I don’t love you Sam. Actually, I don’t even think about you or care about anything you are doing. I have found my true love and I will complete my life with him, I have known that Vansh is my soulmate. I have known that God has putted you in my life from the beginning to make me know the differences between the true love and the fake love. So please leave my hand and get out of the hospital and get out from my life as I really don’t need anything to disturb my relationship with Vansh.

At that moment, Vansh has seen Riddhima in the corner and he has seen her talking with someone, but he wasn’t able to see this person.

Vansh to himself: Finally I found you sweetheart, but why you are standing in that far corner and who is that person that you are talking with? I think that I shall get closer to know what she is doing.

Vansh comes more closer to where Riddhima and Sam are standing and he starts listen to their conversation.

Sam: Really?! You are talking as if you really love your husband so much! No, Riddhima you just have got married to him to forget me and forget your love to me. I’m sure that you still love me because simply the first love will never be forgotten. Riddhima, I have came to take you with me so we could start a new beginning together. We could do all the things that we were preparing it to do it together. Riddhima please try to understand your feelings, just remember how everyone around us was admired from our love story.

Riddhima: Just shut up Sam, you are saying a nonsense words so please stop it and get out from here before Vansh could see you.

Sam: I’m sure that you want me to leave because you are afraid about me and that is a big sign that you love me a lot Riddhima, you must just listen to your heart.

Riddhima: You really have lost your brain! I told you before that I have totally forgotten you and I now just love Vansh. How I could make you understand that you are nothing to me?! Please leave as I really don’t want to see you in my life again.

Sam: If you really love and care about your husband, so why you didn’t told him about me and our old relationship?

Riddhima: I just didn’t have the chance, but from the day that we saw you in Goa I was preparing myself to tell him everything. Just a second, from when you have known that I didn’t told Vansh about you?!

Sam: Lie. You are lying Riddhima, you didn’t told him about me because you are still love me. This is the truth that you mustn’t forget it. Riddhima, I know everything about you. Actually, you have forgot that we were knowing everything about each other without anyone of us tell the other anything.

Vansh was listening to their words and he wasn’t able to tolerate what he has heard.

He wasn’t believing that Riddhima has hidden such a big truth about her like that.

Sam’s words really hurts Vansh.

So he wasn’t able to control his anger more and he comes to them.

Riddhima was shocked when she saw Vansh in front of her especially when she has known from his face that he has listened to Sam’s words.

Riddhima: Vansh, just listen to me and I…

Vansh: Enough Riddhima. Don’t say a single word as what I have heard is really enough to me.

Sam was happy seeing that the misunderstanding has started between Vansh and Riddhima so this will make him succeed in returning Riddhima back to him.

Vansh: And you stupid Sam, just get out from here and don’t think again to be near my wife.

Sam: Relax Dr. Vansh I don’t see that there is a reason of all this anger that you have. I’m Riddhima’s first love so of course I will have the first right on her as you know that the first love doesn’t be forgotten.

Vansh got really hurt from Sam’s words and his anger increased more.

According to that anger, Vansh wasn’t able control himself and he starts hitting Sam very hardly because of what he has said.

Riddhima was trying to stop Vansh because she was afraid about him, but he wasn’t listening to her.

Then the security and some of the doctors succeeded in separating Vansh from Sam before Sam’s wounds could be more deeper and this what would put Vansh in problems.

Vansh: Make this stupid man get out of my hospital and don’t allow him to enter it once again. I don’t want to see his face in any place I’m going to it.

The security have taken Sam away from Vansh, but before Sam could go he has increased the misunderstanding that is between Vansh and Riddhima.

Sam: I will return back Dr. Vansh, but this time I will return to just take Riddhima from you and leave. FIRST LOVE Dr. Vansh, so don’t forget that.

Sam starts singing Pehla Pyar song while he was leaving the hospital.

Vansh got very angry.

Riddhima was trying to talk to him so she could be able to make him understand everything.

Riddhima: Vansh please listen to me.

He lefts the place that they were standing on it and he starts going to his office so he can’t be able to see Riddhima or listen anything from her.

Just the way that Vansh was walking on it makes everyone notice how he was really angry.

Riddhima runs after him so she could talk to him.

Before Vansh could be able to close the office’s door, Riddhima has succeeded in putting her feet between the door so it doesn’t close.

Riddhima: Vansh, you must listen to me first please.

Vansh: Leave me alone.

He was trying to make her away from the door so he could be able to close it and be alone.

Riddhima didn’t gave him this chance and she succeeded in entering the office.

Then she closed the door with the key and she puts the key in her pocket so she could be able to talk with Vansh without giving him the chance to escape from her.

Vansh: Give me the keys back.

Riddhima tries to come closer to Vansh so she could be able to calm him down, but he wasn’t giving her the chance to do that.

Vansh: Just be away from me.

Riddhima: I will not leave you Vansh whatever are the circumstances. You have to listen to me because the situation isn’t like what you have understood it so please give me the chance to tell you everything please.

He drags her in a very angry attitude to the nearest wall to him.

Vansh: What you will say more than what I have listened to?! You have hided from me a very important thing about you and you didn’t think for awhile that I have the right to know it. You have made me listened to this idiot’s words about how you still love him and you and his love story was very strong. You made me got hurt so much when I have listened to these words. And what makes more hurt that I didn’t know this truth from you Riddhima.

Riddhima: Vansh please listen to me. I didn’t mean to hide anything from you.

Vansh: Really?! So why when we have seen him in Goa you didn’t told me about him?! Why since all those months you didn’t told me about him?! You were have a lot of chances to tell me everything, but you didn’t used them.

Riddhima: Please Vansh trust me I was trying to tell you everything, but I was just waiting for the right time. Actually, do you have remember in our 1st wedding anniversary when I told you that I want to tell you an important thing about my past? This was the thing that I was wanting to tell you about it. I was wanting to tell you that in the past I was in a relationship with Sam and we were going to get married, but before the wedding day he has left me and he broke our relationship because he has been in love with another girl. I was wanting to make you know everything related to my past so I could forbid what is happening now to could happen. I wasn’t wanting to make you misunderstand me. Since the day that we saw him in Goa I was really wanting to tell you everything so you could know that my past with Sam is a past and I have totally forget it even before I met you. Please Vansh don’t make Sam’s words to cause problems in our relationship. Please don’t listen to his words, he is just want to make you misunderstand me so he could succeed in separating us.

Vansh wasn’t able to respond to what she is saying.

He was really paining and he wasn’t able to believe that there was a person who was having a place in his Riddhima’s heart before him.

Vansh: This is all an excuses. The truth here that you have hided a very important thing from me and the way that I have known though it the truth was a very hard way.

Riddhima: Vansh I really love you and I can’t make anything separate us. I know that you are hurt from knowing the truth in that way, but please you have to be sure that you are the only one that is in my heart.

Vansh: I don’t want to listen to any other thing from you. Just give me the keys as I don’t want to be with in the same place again.

Riddhima: I will not give you the keys until you listen to all what I want to tell you. I will not make you leave until we clear all the misunderstanding between each other.

Vansh: What has happened is really hard and I will not tolerate listening to any other word from you so just give me the keys.

Vansh was screaming to Riddhima.

He was trying to get out a small amount of the pain and angry that he is owing.

Riddhima: I will not give you the keys.

Vansh got very angry and he starts punching his hand on the wall until it bleeds a lot.

Riddhima runs to him to stop him from hurting himself.

Riddhima: What are you doing Vansh?! Please don’t hurt yourself.

She cuts a part from her scarf so she could stop the bleeding.

Vansh: This is a small kind of pain than what I’m suffering from inside as the heart wounds are really hard than the physical wounds.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.

The post Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 79 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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