Wednesday, 27 January 2021

Beyond Great Darkness – Chapter 1


Disclaimer- Naagin 5 belongs to Balaji Telefilms, Colours TV and anybody else that owns it. I do not claim to have its ownership and I am not making any money from it. I am just borrowing its characters for creative purposes. Anything recognizable belongs to the owners, everything else is a part of my imagination. Do not copy/recreate/repost without permission.

Author’s Note: So finally the first chapter is here. It was completed long ago but then things kept happening, I was travelling for work then was stuck in hospital for a while..well you get the drift…but finally it’s happening. The updates are going to be slow as mentioned in the introduction but I promise you I’ll complete the story. This story will start from when Veer returns from the moon. Only he is not unconscious and has not lost his powers.

Beta reading by the lovely Shesha485.

(Link for intro-

Link for Story overview and character introduction- )

Beyond Great Darkness

The door opens and enters a person.

Person 1- “Are you ready to talk now? Or you still want to enjoy my hospitality?”

Person 2- “Never….I will never betray her. Kill me if you want but I will not tell you what you want to know.”

Person 1- “Kill you? So soon? Do you thing I will give to this mercy? I think you are ready for my next round of hospitality”

Person 2- “No….No…No….Please….Please leave me…..Aaaahhhhhh…..”

Person 1- “Chants his words for the ritual.”

Person 2- “Chants his part of words for the ritual.”

Suddenly the wind started moving at high speeds.

Mysterious giggling sound can be heard.

It seemed that the universe itself was laughing at their piteous attempt.

Person 3- “What is happening…this was not supposed to happen….”

Person 1- “Dont move. Nobody moves. Once we have started the ritual we cannot stop it now. If we stop that a great calamity will befall us.”

Person 3- “But….”

Person 1- “But nothing. The ritual shall continue.”

Chapter 1 – How long will I love you?

Location- Bani and Veer’s room, Singhania Mansion.

Veer is resting on his bed and Bani is sitting by his side holding his hand. The room is filled with silence. Balwant is sitting on the other side. It’s been an hour since Veer returned from the moon. The way he fell, breaking the roof of the great Singhania mansion, made Ponky and Meera frightened. They are standing beside Tapish who is giving them courage. Meera felt relieved as she had sent Mahek, Dahek and Ritu outside the house. Balwant is happy that his son is out of danger and he didn’t lose any of his powers. Pawan, Shukla and Daksh are also present Breaking the silence, Ponky speaks,

Ponky:”Thank God that Veer bhai returned safely. I thought he was about to take citizenship on moon….”

“Shut up Ponky”, Balvant interrupts ”But yes, thank God that you returned back. And Bani, I have always spoken ill of you but it was you because of which Veer came back to us today. For this I thank you. I know we cheels and you naags have always been at war with each other but you are still trying to protect my family. ”

Bani: “Daddyji, now it is my family too. ”

Tapish- “Dad, I think we should let Veer rest now. It has been a long day for him”.

“I think Tapish is right. We’ll leave you now. Good Night.” Agreed Balvant

Ponky- Daksh: “Good night Bhai- Bhabhi”

Tapish- “Bye Veer, take care. Bani, bye”

Shukla- “Veer baba, I’ll take your leave”

Meera- “Good Night Bani. Veer, don’t trouble my sister much.”

The door slams shut.

Veer-“Bani I…..Bani I am sorry. That day in the guest room I saw you with Jai and I lost my mind. I should not have left from there abruptly. Or maybe I should have just asked you. Let you explain. And then in the party I don’t know what came over me. My memories after that are a bit hazy but I know I had insulted you. Pushed you even. I had vowed to never let any harm come to you. To always keep you happy, but I once again became a reason of your pain. I am sorry Bani. I am so so sorry…..”

“Oh ho Veeranshu. How much do you speak. But you are right I am angry with you.”

“Bani, I am sorr…”

“Veeranshu let me complete. I am angry with you. Very angry. Full day I worked on preparing a surprise for you. I had even brought a gift for you. But you did not see it only. All my hard work got wasted.”

“Bani, I am really really”

“Veeranshu if you say sorry once again na, I will hit you. By the way that surprise is still waiting for you. If you are interested that is.”

“Of course I am sweetheart.”

“So close your eyes and come with me. And no cheating okay.”

‘How long will I love you?
As long as stars are above you
And longer if I can,

How long will I need you?
As long as the seasons need to
Follow their plan’

“Careful Veeranshu, you were about to hit the wall.”

“When you are guiding me sweetheart how can I fall”

‘How long will I be with you?
As long as the sea is bound to,
Wash upon the sand.

How long will I want you?
As long as you want me too,
And longer by far.’

“Accha Veeranshu, now slowly open your eyes.” The fragrance of the scented candles assaulted their senses as soon as she opened the door. Bani switched on the lights. The room was beautifully decorated with heart shaped balloons and red roses.

“Wow Bani. This is so beautiful. Kahi khushi ke maare mein paagal hi na ho jaau. (I will go mad with happiness.) ”

“And I am not even done yet Veeranshu. Here open this” she said as she handed him a small box, neatly wrapped in a beautiful red paper, tied with a golden ribbon.

“Aadi naagin herself giving me a gift. Tum pighal rahi ho Bani. Is this even real?”

“Should I pinch you?”

“You may even bite me if you want sweetheart. I will even take poison willingly for you….”

“Shhh” she said as her hand came on his lips, preventing him from speaking about his death “Remember you told me that love may be one side but marriage is always two-sided? You have asked me a question since the day we crossed each other’s paths. You always kept pestering me for the answer. I give it to you today.”

The box held a beautiful ring.

‘How long will I hold you?
As long as all the love stories told you,
As long as I can.

How long will I give to you?
As long as I live through you,
However long you say.’

“Bani, I–”

“Make me wear it Veeranshu.” She held her hand forward. “Make me yours. Ab hui na main hakk se tumhari.

When I was a little girl, I dreamed of a fairytale love story. I thought that love had to be delicate and fragile, similar to a flower. But as I have grown older, I’ve realized that love can be different. It can be like firework- explosive and bright. It can be raw, passionate, wild, maybe even dangerous and reckless.” A smile gazed their lips as they thought about the centuries of hate between Eagles and Snakes.“ But I realized that we shouldn’t be scared to fall in love. We are made of flesh, bone and muscle, and we are strong enough to handle any type of it. ”

‘How long will I love you?
As long as stars are above you,
And longer if I may.

How long will I love you?
As long as stars are above you…’

Veer: “Bani, I love you. Not maybe, not tomorrow, not someday, right now at this very moment. I realized something. I need you. I trust you, I admire you, I respect you and  I want you. And you can be irritating a lots of times and we can fight and we can get mad at each other, but nothing, nothing in this world can change the fact that I LOVE YOU Bani, truly, madly, deeply.

Wase sweetheart, if I knew that my hynosis would make you confess your love, I myself would have given that idea to Markaat.”

“Veeranshu, how can you be such a darling in one moment and completely irritating the next moment?”

“I don’t try sweetheart, its effortless, I am just that talented.”

“Shut up. And don’t bring Markaat between us now. Let it just be you and me for today. We’ll worry about Markaat tomorrow. Anyways the score is now Vani-1 : Markaat-0”

“Veer and Bani became Vani….Sweetheart… it you only or someone else has come here taking your form?”

“Shut up Veeranshu”

“Hasi Toh Phasi”

Somewhere in the forest of Tilismi, in a cave near an eternal waterfall, “so it is Aadi Naagin-1 v/s Me- 0 today haan. You managed to bring back your Veer from the moon. Enjoy these small victories while they last my dear Aadi Naagin. Because tomorrow will be a new day and tomorrow I’ll come back stronger and more powerful than before and then neither your love nor your God will be able to save you. My wait in your captivity is over Aadi Naagin. Soon I’ll be free and you will regret that day…..

Author’s Note- Lots of cheesy lines in this chapter…I know….but I thought to give you guys a little bit of Vani cause we’ll be starting with serious stuff soon….think of this as a calm before the storm….And all the hindi dialogues are the ones which Veer has spoken sometimes in the show and I thought if I translate those, they will lose their charm so kept it as is.

Also please please comment guys. Tell me what you think of this chapter. Any suggestions? Any specific scenes you want to see?? Please let me know…

I’ll be back with the next update soon. Stay tuned.

(Also song credits to Ellie Goulding and Beta love to ‘shesha485’)

The post Beyond Great Darkness – Chapter 1 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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