Monday, 14 December 2020

Unknown to Friends (RIANSH) Episode #6

Hello everyone!!


Again letters! 

The episode starts as……

At 08:00am in RR’s house,

Vansh wakes up and finds the letters around him. He starts smiling, recalling the last night.

Vansh(to himself): In all these years, it’s the first time that I could sleep so peacefully with a smile. Otherwise, there used to be work loaded over me on going to bed. And I could hardly sleep.

Ishani calls Vansh outside to have breakfast so he moves out, breaking his thoughts. He hides the letters in the file which he brought last night to work and walks out. Sia and Angre are sitting together while Ragini, Kabir and Ishani are in the kitchen. Vansh walks upto Sia.

Vansh(whispers): Thank you Sia!

Sia(whispers): For what?

Vansh(whispers): Actually, it was a wonderful night. If you hadn’t offered me to stay in that room, I would have missed the chance.

Sia(whispers): No worries Bhai! Anything for you!

Sia then notices the broad smile on Vansh’s face.

Sia(thinks): It’s been ages since I saw him smiling in Morning. He looks even more adorable. What could have been the reason? He’s happy that’s more than enough!

Everyone sits on the dining table. Vansh is smiling and having breakfast being lost in his thoughts of the letters given to him. But only Sia noticed him smiling and no one else, since they were all busy talking. The breakfast was done and everyone walked to the living room.

Ishani: Ragini, I guess we should leave now!

Kabir: Exactly!

Ragini: Okay! If y’all say so!

Everyone started walking to the door but Sia was drinking water and she noticed Vansh’s file on the centre table. She took the file and quickly walked upto him. Just when she was about to give him the file, it fell down from her hands and few papers were left around. Vansh recalled putting the letters in the same file. Ishani was about to bend down to pick them up when Vansh with full force, gathered everything and put them in the file. Everyone found it strange not because Vansh picked it up but because it was all of a sudden with force. Everyone looked at him and Vansh realised the reason.

Vansh(sternly): WHAT! There are important papers in this and that’s the reason I don’t want anyone to hold it.

Well, this reason was almost valid because Vansh hardly gave his files to anyone except Angre so the situation was under Vansh’s control. After this, Everyone left from there and Ragini cleaned her house alone this time.

At 10:00am in RR’s house,

Ragini is sitting in the living room and thinking about Vansh.

Ragini(thinks): Vansh slept in my room. It should have become so Romantic now. I’ll sleep in my room where Vansh slept and then one day, I’ll sleep with Vansh in the same room, on the same bed.

Ragini thoughts were broken with the opening of the door.

Ragini: Ahhh! Why did you come so early Riddhima?

Riddhima(taunt): You should be happy that I went last night!

Ragini(annoyed): Thank you! Happy? What more do you want?

Riddhima: Prepare lunch today!

Ragini: Me?

Riddhima: I didn’t know that I have another member living in the house except the two of us.

Ragini: FIIINNE!!!

Riddhima walks to her room and goes to fresh up. She comes out and the first thing she does is arrange her pictures in the room again. It’s not just hers but also Aryan, Sejal, Rishi and her parents along with her. She has no picture with Ragini. They have clicked pictures but never frame them or show them to anyone. Riddhima later sits on the study table to go through a book. She opens the drawer and is surprised to see so many letters. She jumps out of happiness to learn that the person who stayed in her room enjoyed her naughtiness.

Riddhima(to herself): Lekin aise Revenge kaun leta hai? (But who takes such revenge?) Anyways, now I’ll read them.

She counts the letters and ends up on number six. She realises that it’s exactly the same number which she had written. So she starts:

First letter:

Hello Ms.R. Sahni,

Well, I must say it’s much better than that ‘Hello whosoever’ of yours but it’s not your fault completely, you hadn’t known my name. Whatever, let me clarify I am not your sister’s friend. I am her friend’s elder brother. I was forced to join them but after reading those letters, I am happy that I came. And I was glad since you gave me the opportunity to stay in your for the night. I had no intention to check your study table but seriously it was really CATCHY! Let me tell you that you ARE SUPPOSED to read the next letter.

Second letter:

Hello Ms.R. Sahni,

I was very sure that you would read it since I had informed you to do so. And as I said that I am not her friend. I don’t know about myself but you, you definitely seem to be a genuine person and I really enjoyed the letters. 

Third letter:

Hello Ms.R. Sahni,

And yes! I became a fool since I thought that even you are a fool too, who gives her number to random strangers but ultimately I was put down. But still I was smiling. And yes, I get annoyed very easily but unfortunately you’re not the one who can do that to me. I have the guts to do many things. And you can’t say anything because you yourself knew that someone would be staying in your room. And I call myself ‘the lucky one’.

Fourth letter:

Hello Ms.R. Sahni,

Haha! Again I was a fool to think that you would say your name but I was wrong. So even you don’t need to know my name and it’s useless asking your sister since she doesn’t know who was in your room last night. And yes, for a moment I was surprised to find no picture of yours and later I realised that you are really cunning but also are beautiful, adorable, cute, sweet, amazing, fantastic, just guessed. Don’t take it seriously! 

Fifth letter:

Hello Ms.R. Sahni,

You tell me, what can a person do if your letters are more interesting than those books in the bookshelf? Since I really wanted to save my skin, I just wrote all the letters and placed them together in order not to misplace anything since I assumed the consequences of messing with you. Haha! My initial name is ‘V’. Don’t expect more of my name because I was the one who had to write the letters and you only had to read them out.

Sixth letter:

Hello Ms.R. Sahni,

Have a great day ahead. It was lovely talking to you. And I would definitely want to meet you so beware that I may enter your house anytime to meet you and you won’t get a chance to escape. Now open the drawer of the side table, there’s a gift for you from me. It’s really unique. 

Riddhima smilingly, collected the letters in the same order and went near the side table. She opened the drawer and found an envelope. She opened it and found another letter, which read:

Hello Ms.R. Sahni,

You became a fool as well! I don’t talk much to girls but looking at my sisters all I learnt is that girls love surprises and so did you! But you became a fool like me. Sorry to disappoint you but if anyday I get a chance to meet then definitely I will make up for it. Bye and please miss me!

Riddhima sat on the bed with all the letters in her hand. She started smiling and reading them again. She wasn’t smiling but instead blushing.

At 01:00pm in RR’s house,

Riddhima by now had read all the letters a number of times. It had never happened before. Reading one letter more than thrice was considered as sin for her but now, since 2½ hours she’s just reading and blushing. And now again she just completed the last letter again. And suddenly something strikes Riddhima.

Riddhima(to herself): Was he flirting with me through letters? Maybe! Still it was fun.

She takes the letters and keeps them or one can say hides them in the wardrobe. She comes out of her room and finds the lunch ready.

Riddhima(dramatic): OMG! You prepared lunch!

Ragini: Why are you being so dramatic? Didn’t you tell me to prepare lunch?

Riddhima: So you obeyed my words?

Ragini: Hmmm… so?

Riddhima: So, if I tell you anything then you listen.

Ragini: No! Shut up and come and have lunch.

Riddhima and Ragini sit together and have lunch. Usually their lunch is always done with arguing and taunting but today there were no talks. Ragini was lost in Vansh and Riddhima in the letters. They completed their lunch and cleaned the dishes, dining table and kitchen without argument.

Ragini: I am going!

Riddhima: Where?

Ragini: Aww… Meri choti behen ko apni badi behen ki fikr hai. (My younger sister is worried about her elder sister.)

Riddhima: There’s nothing like that. Just answer and leave.

Ragini: Friends house.

Riddhima: Okay!

Ragini leaves her house and Riddhima comes back to her room.

In VR mansion,

Vansh is in his room with the letters. He keeps them in the wardrobe and sits on his bed.

Vansh(to himself): I hope it’s her only who gets my letters and not Ragini. And anyways, Ragini doesn’t know that I stayed in her sister’s room instead of Sia. But still…..

Sia knocks on Vansh’s door which brings Vansh out of his thoughts. Sia walks in.

Vansh: What happened Sia?

Sia: Why are you smiling?

Vansh: WHAT?

Sia: I know that you don’t like beating around the bush. So it’s a straight question. Why are you smiling?

Vansh: I am not!

Sia: Okay! So why were you smiling?

Vansh: There’s nothing like that.

Sia: Ever since you went to her sister’s room you have been smiling continuously. And the reason is unknown.

Vansh: I’ll just tell you one thing.

Sia: Fast!

Vansh: I’m just curious to meet her.

Sia: Chee!

Vansh: What?

Sia: You want to meet Ragini!

Vansh: HUTT! Her sister!

Sia: What? How? Why?

Vansh: I don’t know! But yes! Just curious.

Sia: Why don’t you increase your closeness with Ragini for that.

Vansh: Ishani and Kabir have been close to her since college, is it of any use? They don’t even know her sister’s name.

Sia: Then… we’ll decide something. Even I want to meet her sister. (Confused sad face)I hope she’s not like Ragini.

Vansh(instantly): She’s not!

Sia(doubt): How do you know?

Vansh(covering up): Assumption!

Sia: Hmm….. By the way, Ragini’s come downstairs.

Vansh: I am not leaving my room, I have work. Tell that glue stick to stay down only.

Sia: Glue stick?

Vansh: Ragini! She comes and sticks to me from time to time.

Sia: *Laughs* okay fine! Bye!

Sia goes and Vansh removes all thoughts of Ragini’s sister from his mind and sits to complete his work.


Precap: Angre comes to Vansh’s room.


The post Unknown to Friends (RIANSH) Episode #6 appeared first on Telly Updates.

12/14/2020 01:14:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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