Tuesday, 29 December 2020

#Enmity to Love #Riansh #27 What is that truth ??


The mother- in-law and daughter-in-law Jodi start decorating the house when Ishani and Siya wake up and come.

Ishani : Hh..What is happening ?  

Siya : Ishani , you forgot.

Ishani : What ??

Siya : 1 Jan 

Ishani : Oh yeah , it’s Vansh bhai’s birthday 

Siya : Hmm

Riddhima : Listen we won’t wish him till 6 pm 

Siya : Ok

Riddhima : Now help us in decoration , Vansh is not at home . 

Siya : Ha

They all decorate the house.

Ishani : So, what are the next plans ? 

Uma : Vansh will come and then we will shower flowers on him and then celebrate his birthday . 

Riddhima : Hmm..So now everyone bring gifts for him 

Siya : Yeah..Let’s go 

Riddhima : I won’t come with you..

Ishani : Ok

They leave. Riddhima also leaves but not with them. After 2 hours, Vansh steps out of his car thinking that nobody wished him on his birthday . When he steps, flower petals fall on him , he enters and sees the mansion decorate beautifully, he smiles. Then the members come and shout,”Happy Birthday.” A big smile is on their all’s faces. Vansh thanks them . Then , he receives gifts from all. 

Riddhima :

Uma :

Deep :

Ishani : 

Siya :

Vansh thanks them all , and then the party begins. They all dance . Then , cake cutting . He cuts the cake and serves it to all. And then , sits beside Riddhima. 

Vansh : Sweetheart, won’t you wish me in a special way ? 

Riddhima : My dear hubby , be back in our room at 9 

Vansh : Sure wifey. 

Riddhima smiles. They celebrate his birthday with great happiness but Vansh is waiting for 9. And finally his wait was over. He entered the room.The room was decorated beautifully. There were rose petals on the floor surrounded by earthen lamps . He stepped on the petals and entered inside. The bed was decorated with rose petals and candle light was arranged. The table had two glasses , rose petals and earthen lamps.

Then, Riddhima comes, looking gorgeous in her red frock , open hair , neutral makeup. She heads towards Vansh, who is lost seeing her.

Riddhima : Vansh..

Vansh : Ha

Riddhima : So, how is the surprise ? 

Vansh : Pretty like you

Riddhima : Thanks

Vansh : Well, I wonder , how can you look cute and hot at the same time ? 

Riddhima : This is the magic of Mrs. Riddhima Vansh Rai Singhania 

Vansh : Hmm..

They both sat on the chairs, holding each other’s hands. 

Vansh : I really loved the surprise..

Riddhima : Now , no more surprise only..me and you

Vansh : Well, you can speak something on me

Riddhima : Sure..Vansh, you know you are a kind hearted, smart , handsome , hot person . I love you..

Vansh : Just that much ? 

Riddhima : I don’t have words to describe you. 

Vansh : Take a dictionary..

They both laugh. Riddhima thinks,” Shall I tell him ? No, it will break him , he is so happy..My one truth will break him .No Riddhima no..”

Vansh : Where are you lost  ?

Riddhima : Nothing..

Vansh and Riddhima continued their talks and then they were on the bed. 

Riddhima :  Vansh., why are you so handsome

Vansh : So that girls die on me..

Riddhima hits him softly and then they sleep. It is the 3rd Jan..5 pm. Vansh is returning home very sad . ( The family members except Riddhima and Vansh are gone on a trip and will be back by 6th Jan ) Riddhima comes to him. 

Riddhima : Vansh , what happened ? 

Vansh (anger tone) : Riddhima, stay away 

Riddhima : But what happened ??

Vansh (in the same tone) : Riddhima, understand , I don’t wanna talk to you..ok ? Get it ? I just don’t…Go 

Riddhima  cries and leaves. 

Riddhima : What has happened to him ??

Vansh enters. 

Vansh : Riddhima , you wanna know..You didn’t tell me the truth 

Riddhima : Vansh on 1st I

Vansh : What ?

Riddhima : I was about to tell you

Vansh : Why didn’t you tell me ??

Riddhima : Sorry

Vansh : Keep your damn sorry with you..I am going don’t call me now

He left. Riddhima kept on crying for 2 hours and then slept. Next morning, Vansh came to  his  and Riddhima’s room to take his clothes , he saw Riddhima was trying to hang the fan , she had tied the stole. She kicked off the stool .Vansh came running , Riddhima had fainted . He took her in his arms and made her lie on the bed . He sprinkled water on her . She woke up . 

Vansh : Are you mad ? Going to do suicide ? Why ??

Riddhima : You said I betrayed you , you told me that the cost of betrayal is death so I .

Vansh : Riddhima, don’t think that…What do you want ??

Riddhima : A knife that assures that after getting injured from it, I will die. 

Vansh : Shh..Don’t even think of that ..

Riddhima : But I didn’t tell you the truth , I should have on the 1st ..But I..(sobs)

Vansh : Riddhima calm down ..

Riddhima : Bu..t

Vansh : Riddhimaa..

To be continued..

So now, what is the truth ? I know this all happened so fast , I didn’t want to drag this but for the next segment that is something romantic , starting from episode 29 to episode 32. Then , 33 to 38 twists..and then..I don’t know what I will do ..So, now drop your views and yes, my result is 91 per cent..I know it’s not that much good , but I will do more hard work for finals. Thanks for your good wishes for my results otherwise my result wouldn’t have come this much too. 

The post #Enmity to Love #Riansh #27 What is that truth ?? appeared first on Telly Updates.

12/29/2020 02:14:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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