Friday, 25 September 2020

Kundali Bhagya 28th September 2020 Written Episode Update: Pawan comes to kidnap Preeta

Kundali Bhagya 28th September 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Maira exclaims that they have played a lot of games but now it is time to end it, she hits Preeta in the head and she gets unconscious, Maira calls her but when she doesnot responds Maira gets worried wondering if she has died, but is relieved to know that she is just unconscious and so wonders that she just has to wait for the Rawan as the end of Seeta haran has begun.
Karan walks to the hall where everyone comes to take selfies from him, Pawan walks into the house and takes a glass of wine which he puts on the table then bumps into Karan before leaving but karan is about to follow him however gets stopped by the fans.
Shrishti is walking when Sherlin stops her and pressurizes her into taking something to drink, she mentions that Shrishti is just a guest so should remain in the function and should not interfere in their household matters, Sherlin walks away and Shrishti thinks of taking her revenge, She is stopped by Sameer who mentions that she is looking really nice and she also compliments him but then asks her to come with him as he has something important to talk about.
Janki comes out of the kitchen exclaiming that she was not able to get the juice so came in, She bumps into Pawan and apologizes explaining that it happened by mistake, he warns her that she should have not bumped even by mistake, he leaves but Janki exclaims that it was also his fault so he should also ask for her apology,. He gets mad saying that she should not give him lecture, she gets a relapse and remembers of the time when she was paralyzed and heard someone talking.
Maira is in the room exclaiming that she doesnot know what is important in Preeta that Karan should like her as she is just another ordinary person, she thinks that she would not reach the function and Maira would introduce herself as Misses Karan Luthra, she tries to prepare herself for the function but then is not able to resist so thinks that she should go outside and look for him, when she is outside Pawan comes, she asks him who he is and he mentions that he is Rawan, she asks why he got so late but he goes into the room, and asks what is so important in Preeta that his brother is mad for her, he exclaims that his brother could forgive those who deceive him but he is not like him and now everyone would know what kind of person he is.
Rishab is in the function when a relative arrives, he greets her and she also meets Karan but then goes to get the snacks, Karan explains to Rishab that he cannot bear her as he is not like him but Rishab mentions that this is the beauty of a function, Karan explains that he was just telling Rishab of her qualities, he mentions that he will bring Preeta who is his wife.
Pawan asks Maira how {Preeta got injured, she exclaims that she had to hit her otherwise Maria would be the one outside the house, Pawan exclaims that she should not have hit her as his brother loves her so no harm should have come and the next time she should use chloroform. Maira gets tensed of his aura and gets nervous. She exclaims that he should just take Preeta and leave.
Karan is in the hall and thinks that he would make Preeta pay as she tied to control him but now he will make her pay by arranging a meeting between Preeta and Rano aunti.
Pawan asks Maira why is she helping him as what is in it for her, she mentions that she lost just as his brother because Preeta took karan from her, Pawan reaches to the conclusion that Karan is the one beh9ijnd everything as because his brother lost the fight and now he would be the one to fight Karan and he never leaves the opponent standing, Maira gets nervous asking him to just take Preeta and leave as she would control Karan, she thinks that if he comes to take revenge she would have him arrested, Pawan warns her to not think like this as the police could not do anything. She inquires how he knew what she was thinking, he mentions that he can see what other people are thinking by just looking at their eyes.
He exclaims that she wants that she be the one to marry Karan while Preeta be the wife of his brother so this is what would happen as he will take Preeta to his house and never let her come back, he takes Preeta in his arms but Karan comes into the room.
Maira is standing behind the veil while Pawan Is with Preeta behind the bed hiding, karan exclaims that it is good that she is behind the veil as he would not have to see her face, he asks her why is her room so messed up as everywhere he can only see her belongings, Pawan wonders that he is a strange person as when he hates Preeta so much then why are the hosting the reception.

Precap: Pawan is taking Preeta away but she wakes up and hit shim with a vase so she falls away, karan realizes that something is wrong when Pawan screams.

Update Credit to: Sona

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