Monday, 14 September 2020

RadhaKrishn 14th September 2020 Written Episode Update: Krishna And Radha’s Quality Moments

RadhaKrishn 14th September 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Krishna tells Radha that Gathotkach will do something important in the future that he it was important for him to see all this now. Radha asks if she should return to Barsana. He says yes. She gets up sadly. He holds hand and says Barsana can wait, so she can spend some time with him and play with him. She warns to stop joking and runs behind him. She then rests on his shoulder. Krishna gets serious. She asks reason. He says Bheem’s reunited with his family and will soon reach Indraprastha to attend rajasuya yagna. Many kings will attend it and even Sishupal will come, Sishupal’s sins are increasing and he will meet Sishupal last time where he will kill him. He says now its time for him to leave for Indraprastha. She asks if he will not take him along. He says she knows where she is. She says she is in his heart. He says his heart is Radha.

In Indraprastha, Pandavs start Rajasuya yagna. Yudistra takes oath to become Indraprastha’s king and will take care of its citizen, he will never reject anyone’s plea, etc. Krishna reaches there and greets everyone. Arjun gets happy seeing him. Krishna asks Yudistra why did he take this oath, did he evaluate the consequences because of it; if he has taken, he has to follow it at any cost, etc. In Rom, Radha asks Krishna why he looks tensed. Krishna says Duryodhan and Sishupal both will attend Rajasuya yagna, dharmasthapana will not happen without politics, politics says 2 enemies shouldn’t be kept under same as their unity will harm them. Duryodhan gets yagna’s invitation and fumes in anger. Shakuni informs that Sishupal hates Krishn and Pandavs more than them, so they can take his help to ruin yagna.

Duryodhan, Shakuni, and Sishupal reach Indraprastha’s border. Krishna with Arjun greets them. Sishupal laughs that Pandavs sent cheap Krishna to greet them and starts insulting Krishna. Arjun gets angry and warns him to mind his tongue. Sishupal insults even him. Krishna asks Arjun to keep his calm. Duryodhan laughs that he heard Indraprastha is a lavish land, but he sees only deserted and baron land. Sishupal continues insulting and spits on land. Krishna asks them to follow him and disappears. Duryodhan fumes that Krishna escaped. Sishupal yells Krishna is a fugitive and fearing them escaped. Shakuni stops Duryodhan and himself moves forward. They are amazed to see a huge city door and enter in. They then see a garden and huge palace but no way to get into it. Sishupal insults again. Duryodhan says he has 3 gardens in the entrance of Hastinapur, here there is only 1 small garden. Krishna asks them to step on it and once they step on it, it flies. Krishna says it is a flying garden to reach palace, hence Pandavs didn’t make a walkaway to palace. They reach palace. Duryodhan says this place has only gold and diamonds, but place to sit or refreshment for guests. A table with different refreshments appear. Duryodhan picks glass and says its empty. Krishna asks if he would like to have water, juice, or something else. All appear one by one in glass. He then asks Shakuni if he would like to sit. Royal chairs appear. They are amazed seeing it. Sishupal continues insulting Krishna and calls him a dog. Arjun fumes that he will fill Sishupal’s mouth with arrows, but he is calm because of Krishn and walks away from there. Krishna hopes Duryodhan doesn’t make Sishupal’s mistake and says Duryodhan gave baron land to Pandavs, but they converted into Indraprastha, they are way superior to him in deeds, so he should accept them. Duryodhan stands fuming.

Precap: Sishupal insults Radha. Krishna gets angry hearing that and gets sudharshan chakra to kill him. Sishupal runs away afraid. Draupadi insults Duryodhan tghat a blind’s son is also blind. Duryodhan takes oath to insult her in front of everyone and disrobes her.

Update Credit to: MA

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