Monday 7 September 2020

Pavitra Bhagya 7th September 2020 Written Episode Update: Reyansh struggles with his dilemmas

Pavitra Bhagya 7th September 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Archit brings Maan home. Your car? Maan tells him to let it be there. I will keep checking on Navya. Archit nods. Pranati comes outside. Maan tells her that Navya is fine. She calls him a good guy. Maan nods and heads inside. Pranati apologizes for not coming over yesterday. For the first time, I realised what having a family means. Archit smiles. You look happy. She says Rey and Jugnu had made such a mess. Jugnu was so thrilled. I got lost seeing her so happy.

Reyansh is getting Jugnu ready for school.

Pranati continues telling Archit how happy Jugnu was when Reyansh had lifted her in his arms. She held his hand so cutely. It felt as if Jugnu got her father’s love for the first time. Even Reyansh appeared to be caring for someone else for the first time. His eyes were shining with happiness and I was thrilled to see them together. Archit looks disheartened. Pranati notices Reyansh and Jugnu together and tells Archit to look at them. Reyansh stops smiling the moment he notices Archit. Archit says you did say it. Reyansh and Jugnu sit in the car. Reyansh asks her to wear seatbelt and then drives straight to where Archit is standing. Archit jumps back in shock. Reyansh smiles.

Reyansh asks Archit if he got scared. I am a Delhite and I know how to drive. I would not have saved you if I wanted to run over you. He gestures him to move aside.

Pranati speaks to Jugnu. Hope you have packed everything and make sure you finish your lunch. Jugnu tells her she has memorised all the rules by now. She calls Archit dost uncle. You don’t come to meet meet me these days. Reyansh says he has a lot of work these days. He is uncle and not papa who will come running for you. Archit nods. I do have a lot to do. Plus your Chachu’s car broke down. Someone had to help him. Jugnu says it had to happen. Dadi is a miser after all. I overheard her telling someone the other day that we should get them serviced at some local shop. Pranati and Archit smile. Reyansh is surprised to hear it. Jugnu says the cars look good from outside but they are a wreck from outside. One day Dadi will go up and this money will remain on earth. Pranati tells her not to say such things about elders. Jugnu says I am not lying though. Reyansh says let’s go now. They have a lot to discuss. Pranati bids Jugni goodbye.

Archit asks Pranati what she is doing. Pranati says I don’t mind if Jugnu is happy with Reyansh. I am happy to see her happy. Archit reminds her of the battles she has fought to be with Jugnu. What if she chooses Reyansh over you? You have lost so much in the process. Pranati does not mind. Archit says Reyansh has all the luxuries to give to her. What do you have? Pranati says a mother’s love in reply. He asks her if that will be enough for Jugnu? Would she not want her father’s love too? What if she gets habituated to Reyansh’s love? We only have 5 months. She thinks of Jugnu and Reyansh’s bonding. Archit tells her not to give up so easily. She is your daughter. Pranati asks him if he wants her to keep Jugnu forcibly with her. I cannot do that. I will willingly accept it if Jugnu chooses to stay with Reyansh in the end as Jugnu’s happiness is of utmost importance to her. If it means that she has to stay away from me then its ok. Archit is taken aback. She heads inside.

Pranati’s laptop’s battery is low. She tries shifting the table near the socket when Reyansh holds it from the other end. You wont be able to do it alone. They maintain an eye lock as they move the table around the room. He helps her as her dupatta gets stuck under the table. You would have broken your back if you had done that alone. She replies that it wasn’t such a big deal. Taking support sometimes costs you dearly. I don’t have the capacity to pay that price. I know why you have that look on your face. I know you wont understand but he is just my friend. I don’t need him (Archit). In fact, I don’t need anyone. Reyansh says I don’t want to be anyone’s need but wish. Ishq hai plays. She looks at him in surprise.

Reyansh says it was a good filmy dialogue. I am thinking of becoming an actor. I am good at this. I only helped you. I dint lift a mountain and I dint win a war. My laptop was what I saved. It isn’t from a second hand shop after all. Pick up the laptop next time instead of the table. He goes.

Reyansh is taking out his anger on the punching bag when servant tells him that Dadi has called him.

Vardhan is with Dadi. Reyansh enters. Dadi tells him that it is Ganesh Chaturthi. It is Riya’s first function since her marriage. I told you that Pranati should be out of the house in 10 days. Vardhan asks her what’s the rush but Dadi stays put. I cannot bear to see her in this house anymore. She is a gold digger. Reyansh counters her. What’s the real problem? She tells him there are 2 problems. One, Pranati is still here and this occasion needs to be celebrated. Two, you will have to be sit with her during the function. He tells her he can manage but she knows he is getting closer to her in the process. I hate seeing you with her. Don’t try to fool me. He insists he isn’t a fool but she does not buy it. Riya wants to bring Ganpati home for puja. She wants you and Pranati to sit in the puja together. He tells her to say no to Riya. Dadi says she tells her father everything. Plus, Mallika keeps coming here and she has her eyes on you and Pranati all the time. Reyansh calms her down with a drink. He gives one glass to Vardhan as well. Reyansh assures them he will manage everything. He thinks he told Dadi he will do it but his heart tells him against it. He goes. Dadi hopes that everything goes smoothly. Vardhan decides to show his true colors to Pranati asap.

Precap: in Progress

Update Credit to: Pooja

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