Burraaahhhhh!!!!!! I’m back again!!!!!!! I hope you all are doing good 😁😁
Disclaimer – this is a very long chapter so read it when you have at least 25-30 minutes free.
And please don’t forget to give your comments in between the chapter, I love them 🥺🥺
And don’t forget to read the Author’s note at the end! 🙆
Let’s start now!!!!!!!!!!
Recap – sanskaar to go to Australia
The episode starts with Gadodia’s leaving after the evening tea.
<< After lunch everyone sat in the living room. Even dp was contributing to the normal discussions. Everyone felt good about that. They told ragini and sanskaar what all happened when they were not here. Ragini was sitting with dadi and sanskaar was sitting in between rp and sujata. They had a few eye locks but each time sanskaar moves his sight away.
Ragini told them about her job and how she travelled by metro and how good was Delhi’s street food. She promised Addy she’ll take her with her when she also expressed about going there. She described her singing classes, the orphanage and of course Pooja.
Swara didn’t liked when Ragini happily told how Pooja took care of her as a sister. Her eyes turned moist as she felt she lost her sister even after getting her back. She glared at Sanskaar angrily.
They too asked her questions to keep it engaging. Dp suggested ap to start her singing school again. Ap blushed and said she’ll think about it. Dp smiled.
Addy : oh dadu smiled………..
She claps happily. Dp made her sit on her lap and kissed her forehead. Pari adored them. Well finally things were changing. And in a positive way.
Swara was now three months pregnant. She was feeling tired so ap told laksh to take her to room. Laksh complied and they both disappeared for that evening. Later, Addy, uttara, sanskaar, adarsh, pari and ragini played games while elders talked for a while about things.
And it was finally evening and the gadodia’s were leaving. Sanskaar and ragini didn’t got anytime to talk alone. Sanskaar was angry and ragini was frustrated. They both wanted answers.
The evening was spent in their own rooms. Sanskaar was talking to Pooja and then to his managers. They had long conversations about what needs to be done.
There ragini was now alone in room and trying to call sanskaar but his phone was busy for two and half hours. She got more frustrated.
Adarsh contacted Pooja in delhi and got to know what happened with ragini and sanskaar. He tells everything to pari.
Pari :oh god adarsh…. if they don’t solve their fight and sanskaar goes from here.. their relationship will become bitter and will finally come to an end….
Adarsh : i know…. they both are right at their places but they have to understand each other’s point of view also….
Parii : i think we should talk to them before he goes to delhi…
Adarsh ; but will it be right? I mean interfering in their personal lives….
Pari ; adarsh… sanskaar is your brother and ragini is like my sister…. i’m sure they’ll understand and it’s important for them. And it’s not like that we are their enemies. We are just helping them to get out of trouble ….
Adarsh nods.
Adarsh : okay then i’ll talk to him in morning and we all can go somewhere where they can openly discuss.
Pari ; i know. Today also they didn’t get any chance.
Adarsh ; you also don’t give me a chance ( he said changing the topic )
Pari ( blushes ) : shut up and leave me… i have to go and cook dinner for you……..
Adarsh leaves her and she goes from there smiling.
After dinner when sanskaar was going to his room, he got ragini’s call. He picked up.
S ; hello..
R : hello my foot…. i’m trying to call you from hours and you just don’t bother….
S : is there something important?
R : huh important?? Seriously sanskaar? You do realise na our lives are going to change… don’t you wanna talk about it??
S : oh so now you wanna talk?
R : what’s wrong with you sanskaar? I’m trying to talk to you and you are just taunting me… aisa kya kar diya hai maine?/
S : what have you done? Seriously ragini you have no idea?? Huh… great… ( he said sarcastically… he has reached his room )
R : fine sanskaar…. if you are going to be like this then let’s don’t talk okay?? When you get your mind back then call me…
She cuts the call in anger. She cries keeping her hand on her mouth so that her voice doesn’t get out. Her eyes are filled with tears. She keeps on crying thinking about their moments together.

“ “ “Tu jo nazron ke saamne kal hoga nahi
Tujhko dekhe bin main
Mar na jaaun kahin (x2)
Tujhko bhool jaaun kaise
Maane na, manaaun kaise?
Tu bata…
Roke na ruke naina
Teri ore hai inhe toh rehna
Roke na ruke naina…
” ” ”
There sanskaar is also in similar situation. He throws his phone on the bed and sits taking support of the bed stand. His eyes have become red. He tries to recall the last time they laughed together.

“Kaat’ta hoon laakhon lamhein
Kat’te nahin hain
Saaye teri yaadon ke
Hat’te nahin hain (x2)
Sookh gaye hain aansu teri judai ke
Palkon se phir bhi baadal
Chhant’te nahin hain
R : sansku why are you doing this to us? What went wrong suddenly?
She cries harder.
S: why ginu why? Why you forgot me, ginu? Why did you let this just slip away?
He covers his face with his palms.
Khudko main hasaaun kaisi
Maane na, manaaun kaise?
Tu bata…
Roke na ruke naina
Teri ore hai inhe toh rehna
Roke na ruke naina..
They both cry remembering their moments. Cursing each other for their pain. This is not what they had planned. But not everything goes as planned. Sanskaar wipes his tears, get up and goes out of the mansion.
He wanders on the roads of Kolkata. Kolkata has seen his best and his worst state. He had been through all but couldn’t handle the one person he loves going away from him. He was too scared, not for himself but for her, his Ginu… he knew she could be hurt again and if he was not there for her he would never forgive himself. She was his everything and she was going away from him and he couldn’t tolerate it.

It would have been easy for him to tell what swara did to her but then she wouldn’t be happy as she is now, maybe without him but she would be so hurt.
She has got her family back and he too but in this race of getting their families back… their love lost.
He kept wandering and when he got tired he went to the park and sat down on the bench. It was the same park where he kidnapped ragini. (( serial – swara’s bday with laksh )) all the memories came running down his mind.
Ragini was in the same dilemma and pain. What went wrong? Was she wrong or her love? Why all of a sudden he was being so distant? She had so many questions but no answers. She was so happy when she heard that sanskaar has agreed to come back to Kolkata, but not for long. And now he would be gone so far for so long.
One side where she was happy that everyone has forgiven and accepted her, she got her family back on the other side her love was going away from her and she could not do anything about it. He was not even ready to talk. Neither did he nor pooja were interested to talk to her. What should she do now? Where to find the solution of her problems and answers to her questions? She missed him so much. And, she loved him so much.
She cried until she fell asleep, hugging her pillow.
The sun rose on its time and so did the people of MM. When DP was taking a stroll in the garden, he saw sanskaar coming from outside. He called him.
Dp : sanskaar, where are you coming from? And this early?
Sanskaar : voh… i had gone for a walk bade papa….
Dp looked at him in suspicion. He saw his swollen eyes and dark circles. He knew something was wrong. He took him to the table and chairs kept in the garden area. They both sat down.
Dp : is there anything you want to share?
Sanskaar ; umm what??
Dp : i know sanskaar you don’t trust me and…. and it’s fine. I know i have hurt you a lot and…
Sanskaar : what are you ……
Dp : let me complete beta…. after so many years i have got the strength to talk to you…. ( sanskaar bows down his head ) i know i have put many restrictions on you, on yours and ram’s relationship and on everyone else as well. But that was not because i don’t love you or i don’t want to see you happy. It was just my way to make all my kids disciplined, mature and docile. ( sanskaar recalls his instructions and his scolding ) Beta, i never knew and i never realised that i was taking away the innocence of my kids. I never realised i was hurting you all. Until now.
Sanskaar looked at him, finally. Dp’s eyes were filled with tears. He had always obeyed and respected dp no matter what and therefore he loved him and could never see him hurt.
Dp : beta…. i was raised in the similar environment and i always thought this is the only way to raise kids. But now i have realised that people have to change with time and so the rules and regulations. I know i cannot bring back those days, but if you could ever forgive me for all my wrong doings then i would be obliged.
He joins his hand in front of him. Sanskaar immediately held his hands and nods no.
Sanskaar ; bade papa please.
Dp : beta i know you have always respected your elders and therefore you are not saying anything but i know i have hurt you, more than anyone… so please give me a chance to ask forgiveness.
Sanskaar felt helpless. He was obviously angry on dp and have hated him for years. He was the reason for his misery but at this point when dp was actually in front of him being sorry for all his deeds, he didn’t knew how to react and what to say.
Dp : i know it won’t be easy for you to forgive me… and you can take as much time as you want but just remember one thing. If you ever need me, anywhere for anything , i’ll be there for you. I couldn’t see you growing into a business man you are today but i want to be there for you, watching you when you succeed, watching you when all will bow down before you and when you’ll become the best businessman of the world.
Sanskaar saw pride, respect and love for him in Dp’s eyes. He smiled emotionally.
Dp ; i’m very proud of you sanskaar. I know that….. ( he gulps ) that now you have a different name but you’ll always be my son because you have all the qualities which i once taught you.
Sanskaar nods. Dp puts his hand on his head.
Dp : sanskaar, sometimes we hurt people, unintentionally, and sometimes for their benefit only. I know Annapurna has told you everything. And any justification of my actions cannot reduce your pain. ( Sanskaar looks on ) i didn’t realised that in order to protect my own son, I was on the verge of destroying another family. But trust me sanskaar, i have never met Kavita. ( he rubbed his thumb over his hand to calm himself ) i know this was the main reason you came back….
Sanskaar ; bade papa… i just knew she was talking to you. And when she didn’t returned, i knew you were the reason behind her accident. I still have no idea who did that.
Dp ; beta maybe it was just an accident.
Sanskaar ; i don’t know bade papa… now that i know you were not behind it. it’s okay. Pooja and Mona di had told me not to get into this. But because of the party scene and then this i couldn’t control myself. I was losing my family one by one and somewhere in my heart all the things were getting mixed and it all heated up at once.
Dp i know beta. It’s justified. I just want my family to be happy, sanskaar. And Beta, you are my family too. ( sanskaar looks on emotionally ) And being at the wedding, i learnt that happiness is a choice. I never gave that option to my family. You, Ragini and your friends proved that being modern does not mean disrespecting traditions and values. Thank you Sanskaar…
Sanskaar nods. Awkward Silence surrounded them.

After a few minutes, Dp continued.
Dp : sanskaar one more thing… never think again that i didn’t loved you or i didn’t let ram love you……. ( sanskaar looked at him shocked. Dp nods ) yes i heard you that night… when you were drunk…. ( sanskaar bowed down his head ) maybe i never showed you beta but i have always loved you the most, more than my own sons….. and i never stopped ram. But it was his respect for me that he couldn’t show his love towards you….. but beta, our parents never taught us how to show your love to the children. Our upbringing was different and i just followed the same and i know i was wrong….
Sanskaar : bas bade papa…. i’m sorry i drank too much and said all those things but… but i don’t know i was just……
Dap : sanskaar, i understand. Don’t be sorry. Sometimes we are just tired. Tired of smiling, tired of pretending…. and it’s important to let out our emotions otherwise the consequences are dangerous. And who knows this better than you?
Sanskaar ( nodded ) : bade papa, i get it…. but what if the other person just don’t bother about our emotions… what’s the point of letting out then?
Dp knew he was hurt. It was about some girl.
Dp : who’s she?
Sanskaar ; who?
Dp : beta i know you are hurt because of some girl. You blurted out many things…. that’s why i don’t drink sanskaar because if you drink over your limits you heart comes on your tongue and blurts out every truth and emotions…. now tell me if you are comfortable.
Sanskaar was not sure if he was ready to share his life with dp yet. He stayed silent. Dp understood.
Dp : it’s okay beta. Take your time. Now go and freshen up.
Sanskaar smiled and went to his room. Dp felt so light after sharing his feelings. He always wanted to talk to sanskaar after that night but couldn’t find courage. But now he was glad he did and he would wait till his death also for sanskaar to forgive him. He smiled and proceeded towards his room.
Dadi : laado is everything okay?
Ragini : yes dadi ma….
All the gadodias were having breakfast along with dida. She was now a family member. Dadi wasn’t feeling good about ragini. Her swollen eyes and off mood were telling other story only. But she didn’t asked much in front of everyone.
Ragini was so tired in the morning itself. Anyhow she didn’t had anything to do so she went to her room after having breakfast. Shekhar and shomi went to their work. Shomi still works at the jewellery store. Dadi and Dida sat down to gossip.
Dida : ae marwaran… why do you keep asking questions to ragu?
Dadi : bangalan, didn’t you noticed she seemed sad today?
Dida : maye because she was missing delhi or she’s just bored…. didn’t she told how she used to work there but here she has nothing to do….
Dadi ; may be… but what should we do?? I don’t want her to go back….
Dida ; marwaran.. what you want is not important now… she has become mature and independent,/// let her decide what she wants….
Dadi looks on. She nods but deep down she doesn’t want ragini to leave.
Later Ragini went out to her music academy to meet her teachers. It was a bliss for her to see them again after so long and so were the teachers happy to see her and also blessed her as she had joined another academy in Delhi.
It was around 5;30 in the evening. The scene starts in a cafe. Adarsh and pari are siting opposite to each other with blank faces. They look at their either sides and sighs.
Pari : sanskaar … ragini… will you stop giving this silent treatment now??
Adarsh : seriously yaar… it’s been half an hour… common speak something…
Yes, PariSh have planned this meeting of ragsan to get them talking and solve their differences.
Sanskaar ; i don’t want to say anything.
He’s about to get up but adarsh holds his hand and makes him sit again.
Pari : if you want to talk alone then we’ll go but please at least say something….
Adarsh : guys common… your ego is not bigger than your love right?
RagSan look at each other and then at Adarsh.
ADARSH : O PLEASE… don’t look at me like this.. pari and uttara also knows..
RagSan sighs.
Pari : look i know what happened but you should talk it out… sanskaar you are going back in two days and after that you’ll move to Australia… how do you think it’ll work like this?/
Sanskaar ; bhabhi then tell her to talk.. i did nothing wrong..
Ragini : so want to say that i committed a mistake?
Sanskar : see, she’s agreeing.
Ragini ( bangs the table ) : i’m not agreeing idiot.. i’m asking you..
Sanskaar ( bangs the table harder ) : then yes, i’m saying you did a mistake…
Ragini : what mistake haan?? You are ignoring me.. you shouted on me and i’m the one who did mistake??
Sanskaar ( points at her ) : yes you did you did you did…….
PariSh are looking at them, shocked. And not only them, the people sitting on their surrounding tables are looking at them. But these idiots are least bothered. They were literally fighting like kids. PariSh thought that they did a good thing by not leaving them alone otherwise they would have been thrown out of the cafe.
Ragini : bhaiya your brother has gone mad…. take him to a psychiatrist.
Sanskaar ; oh if i’m mad than you are bigger mad than me.. because once upon a time you loved me….
Ragini : o hello… i love you now also but you don’t.. so don’t blame it on me..
Sanskaar ; now you’ll tell me if i love you or not… i love you more than you love me… and i have loved you longer and harder….
Like this they start comparing their love for each other. Shocked PariSh are now in awe of them but they were getting off track so to bring them both back they banged the table together.
Pari : sanskaar ragini calm down…….. now we know how much love you have for each other… and i’m glad you love each other this much…..
RagSan blushes but composes themselves and give each other a sarcastic smile.
Adarsh : but now you have to talk about why you are not talking? and we’ll listen to you both one by one because seeing your recent “discussion” it’s not a good idea to leave you two alone……. ragini you go first… what’s the problem? Why are you not talking to him?
Ragini : bhaiya i don’t have any problem…. he’s not talking to me. I called him last night but he shouted on me…
Pari : that’s it? You don’t have any problem?
Ragini ; of course not di… why would i have?
Adarsh : do you think you might have hurt him? Um…. unintentionally…
Ragini : no bhaiya…. why would i do that?? 🥺
She becomes emotional. Sanskaar feels bad.
Pari ; okay ragu.. it’s okay…..
She keeps her hand on her shoulder and caresses it,
Adarsh ; sanky now you say/ what’s the problem?
Sanskaar : problem?? ( he takes a deep breath ) Huh.. problem yeh hai bhaiya ki main isse itna pyaar karta hun aur yeh iske liye problem hai…. agar main ise protect karne ki sochta hun toh ise lagta hai ki main ise control kar raha hun…. problem yeh hai ki iski pareshani – pareshani par meri pareshani kuch nahi…. itne mahine sath rehne ke baad ise abb lagta hai ki yeh mujhpe bharosa nahi kar sakti…
ise lagta hai main isse baatein chupata hun par ise yeh samjh nahi aata ki main isi liye chupata hun taaki yeh hurt na ho par nahi… ise sirf apni hi padhi hai…. mere bare mein toh sochna nahi hai….. bus apni khushi apni purani family dikhi toh apne naye rishte bhul gayi..
arre aise mohabbat nahi chalti… pyaar do tarfa hota hai… isne ek dum se waqt badal diya, jazbaat badal diye… aise thodi chalega… problem hi problem hai abb… ise toh abb maine kuch kehna hi nahi hai.. jo karna hai kare yeh.. vaise bhi main hota kaun hun kuch kehna wala.
Abb MAHAAN devi swara jo aa gayi hain vapis. Arre devi ke roop mein supranakha hai voh.. par ise kya fark padhta hai…. abb main, pooja hum log toh koi mayne nahi rakhte iske liye… bus itni si hi problem hai bhaiya… aur problem yeh hai ki isko pata hi nahi ki problem hai kyaa….. huhhh…..
( problem? Huh.. bhai the problem is that i love her and this is a problem for her….. if i try to protect her she thinks i’m controlling her…. the problem is her problems are problems… but my problems are nothing.. even after being with me for so many months she still cant trust me…. she thinks i hide things from her, but what she doesn’t understand is that i hide them so that she doesn’t get hurt.. but she only thinks about herself… she never thinks about me…. she saw her happiness, her old family she forgot all the new relations…..
This is not how love works.. its a two way thing. She suddenly changed everything, the feelings emotions, everything… i have stopped saying anything to her… she can do whatever she wants… anyhow, who am i to say something. Now MAHAAN DEVI swara is back. She’s a witch disguised as a goddess… but who cares. Now i and pooja doesn’t matter to her. That’s the problem. And the main problem is that s he doesn’t knows what the problem is…)
< okay, maybe the English translation of the hindi dialogue didn’t came out well. If you can understand hindi, then you may feel the emotions of Snaksaar. Otherwise also its okay. >
< Supranakha was Ravana’s sister >
All looked at him with open mouth. How can he speak so much? Sanskaar takes a sigh of relief and gulps down a whole glass of water. Ragini feels hurt while PariSh looks on.
Ragini “: what do you mean by all this sansku?
Sanskaar : see… bhaiya bhabi look how innocent she is?? My innocent baby girl…
He says this sarcastically and pulls her cheeks. She pushes his hands.
Ragini ; sansku i know i asked you those questions… but i was just disturbed then…. swara had asked me some questions and told about you that’s why i asked. I had no intention to hurt you….
Sanskaar : okay…. i get it. but what happened later haan?? You got so busy with swara that you literally forgot about me? Pooja came to you, you didn’t talk properly with her… she waited for you whole night you didn’t showed up. You ignored me throughout the wedding what about that?
He blurted out. He was angry on her and everyone felt hurt in his voice.
Ragini : sansku i was just…………..
She recalls all the moments. She realizes. Everyone else sighed as she realized her mistake.
It was clearly written on her face.

Ragini ; but sansku……. i know i did all that. I ignored you, but it just happened i didn’t realized. I…. swara…. i mean…… that… umm…
She was not getting the right words. Everyone looked on.
Sanskaar : see… you never realized. You were so much drowned in your happiness that you forgot about my existence. You didn’t even looked at me.. and it hurted me right here…
He points at his heart. A drop of tear fell from her eyes. She sniffed. Sanskaar felt so bad. He melted. ( arre kya sakth launda banega re tu 🤦🤦🤦🤦 ) He took her palms in his.
Sanskaar ; ginu…. i know you had met her after so long but i was just scared for you. I didn’t wanted anything wrong to happen with you again.
Ragini : what do you mean sansku? I mean what it has to do with swara….
Sanskaar didn’t wanted to answer to this question. If he would have told about this earlier they wouldn’t be here today solving their misunderstandings, so there was no point of telling her now.
Sanskaar : answer to every question is not necessary ginu. And you have to understand this. People hide things, such things to keep you happy, to protect you. My point is that you should not ignore the people who have been with you. Are you getting my point?
Ragini (nods ) : yes sansku. And i’m very disappointed with myself. I’m so sorry to hurt you. I would do anything to make it upto you, i promise. But please tell me what happened? What is with swara?
Sanskaar ; ginu, as long as you stay alert and take care of yourself it’ll be fine. And i don’t think she will be a problem now.
Ragini : problem? Sansku just tell me… i know you don’t do anything without a reason… tumhe meri kasam, sansku….
She blurted before he could protest or explain more. parish gave a shrug to sanskaar. He sighed. He held her hands tightly and took a deep breath.
Sanskaar : ginu, i never wanted you to know this.. but now, i dont have any choice…
Ragini : you are just scaring me sansku…
Sanskaar ‘; you remember you were kidnapped and locked in the room… ( she nods ) swara did that to you and later she set up a drama in which she fell down from the stairs and blamed me for it.
Ragini was too shocked to handle this. She released her hands from his hold. Pari kept her hand on her shoulder. She trembles. She could never believe her sister could do anything like this.
Adarsh ; it’s true ragini. Swara confessed in front of all of us.
Ragini ; means… means you all knew?
They nod.
Ragini ; but why? Why would she do that?…. and …. and now, she’s being all good with me? Is this also some kind of drama??
Pari ; don’t know ragini… she was just frustrated at that time… she said she just wanted to have you by her side….
Adarsh : she has been weird only, for a few months.. mom said it’s just her mood swings… but after you are back i think she has also got back on her track…
Sanskaar : and during the dance at the party, she challenged me…. she told me that she needed you and will have you… she threatened me that last time it was her who fell from the stairs next time it could be anyone…..
Ragini looks on traumatized. She covers her mouth with her hands. She cries.
Ragini ; so this was the reason you wanted me to come here??
Sanskaar : well, it was one of the reasons. I didn’t want her to hurt anyone else. But also, i saw you very happy after meeting everyone. I know you wanted to talk to them.. and if them then your family as well…. so……
Ragini looks at him emotionally, teary eyed with all the love and guilt. How much she had hurted this pure soul who just wanted her happiness and safety. She just felt so bad. Sanskaar looks at her with it-is-at-it-is look. He shrugs.
Ragini ; i’m so sorry.,.. very sorry sansku… if i knew i would have never talked to her, never come here…
Sanskaar ; that’s why i didn’t told you ginu. I knew you were happy. The only thing which had hurt me was that you forgot me.. pooja… and everyone else who were there with you in these months.
Ragini nods accepting her mistake.
Ragini : i’m really sorry… i didn’t realized i was hurting you all. I’m so sorry….
She cries. Pari, who was sitting beside her side hugged her. After some time she calmed down. She wiped her tears.
Adarsh ; ragini…. making relations is very easy but to maintain them, it’s a real and difficult task. And i know you are someone who values relationships very much. Sometimes it happens that with the flow of time we forget who brought us out from difficult times and gave us the opportunity to get the freedom of going with the flow…. are you getting my point?
Ragini nods. Sanskaar looks on.
Pari ; ragu, you both have been with each other when you both were going through a traumatized phase. You have seen each other’s weakest points as well as strongest. You guys love each other. Don’t let anything come in between you. Not even your anger or ego…….. and sanskaar, instead of getting angry on her you could have talked to her.. maybe not then but after coming here…
Adarsh : ragini you could have also done that… be there for each other guys… these moments you wont come back…
They both nod.
Pari ; now we’ll leave you guys alone. Talk and discuss, don’t fight okay?
They bid them bye and goes from there. Silence slowly surrounds their surroundings. Sanskaar looks at the food and sips from his drink. Ragini waits for him to say something but he stays mum.
Ragini ; sansku, i’m really sorry. Please forgive me. I’m so sorry…
Sanskaar : it’s okay ginu. You remember na.. we had decided we’ll talk everything out.
Ragini : and that’s why i came after you but you were always busy…
She pouts. Sanskaar smiles sheepishly.
Sanskaar ; but i was actually busy. You left me on seen and messaged after so many minutes.
Ragini : at least i did. Open your whatsapp. You are the one who has left me on seen.
Sanskaar : what am i supposed to reply for “hmm” ??
(( Guys, what do you think, technology is a boon or a curse on relationships? ))
Like this, they again started fighting. PariSh who had come back to take the car keys which they forgot face palms themselves seeing them fighting again. RagSan looks at them, feeling all embarrassed.
Adarsh : seriously you are again fighting?
Ragini : no he started…
Sanskaar : haw mee?? You started ginu..
Pari : stop it. you both get up … NOW.
They both stand up like obedient kids. Adarsh pays the bill and they all come out of the cafe.
Pari : seriously i wonder how you guys have lived together without killing each other.
They are just too embarrassed and shy to say anything. They recall their moments in delhi.
Adarsh : and now blushing like we have announced their wedding….
Ragini widens her eyes. Sanskaar smiles. All blushy.
Pari ; not a bad idea adarsh…. we should tell everyone about them and get them married.
Adarsh : ji bilkul. You guys say?/ will you tell everyone yourself or should we do this also for you??
He laughs. RagSan look at each other. Ragini looks down blushing. Sanskaar holds her hand. They were at the backseat of the car. Ragini nods. Sanskaar smiles.
Adarsh shouts in happiness. Ragini is all red. She hides her face in sanskaar’s chest. Pari and adarsh teases them.
Pari : god… look at them… till an hour ago they were not talking to each other and now…….. oh god…………….
RagSan smiles, ear to ear. They look at each other lovingly. PariSh adores them. They dropped Ragini at her home and moved towards theirs.
Ragini happily hopped inside the Baadi. Dida, dadi and dadaji who were sitting in the verandah smiled seeing her. She hugged them and moved towards her room, dancing without talking to them.
Dadi : finally she smiled.
Dida : i told you na she is okay.
After some time, Ragini called Sanskaar. After few rings he picked up but there was noise in the background. She held the phone away from her ear.
Ragini : sansku, where are you? Why is there so much of noise?
Sanskaar : what is it Ragini? I’m outside.
Ragini : Ragini? Sansku is everything okay?
Sanskaar : yes. Everything is fine. I wanted to buy a few things for Pooja. You say.
She felt something odd about him. Was he still angry, she thought.
Ragini /: tell me where you are, I’ll come…
Sanskaar : hmm.. okay. Meet me in the Duck Park in half an hour.
Ragini : okay. I’ll be there…
I thought everything is fine now but why do I feel he’s still hurt? I said sorry naa… but even if he’s upset this time i won’t unsee it. sansku i’m coming.
She takes her bag and moves out of the house. Dadi stops her.
Dadi : Laado, where are you going? Its almost 7:30
Ragini : don’t worry Dadi ma… i’ll be back in an hour. And I’ll call you.
Dadi : but..
Dada : parvati, let her go. Laado you go and take care.
Ragini smiles and leaves the baadi while dadi looks on. Dada consoles her that she’ll be fine.
Duck Park!
Ragini had reached the park 15 minutes before. She was being so impatient. She sat on the bench and recalled her moments of Sanskaar’s birthday in Delhi, where they enjoyed in a park. She smiled at the thought of it. she starts humming the same song.
Ragini : hmm.. kuch toh hone laga……
Her wait finally comes to an end when she sees Sanskaar coming towards her with a few shopping bags. He looked exhausted. She smiled and hugged him tightly as he reached near her.
Ragini : Sanskaar….
He didn’t hugged her back. She moved away and he sat down on the bench keeping the bags near him. He sighed as he wiped off the sweat from his forehead. She too sat beside him and placed a cupcake in front of his eyes. He looked surprised.
Sanskaar : thank you. I needed this.

( my small edit 🤭🤭🤭 )
His eyes grew bigger as he took the first bite. It was damn tasty. Chocolate cupcake. She smiled seeing him enjoy it.

Ragini : do you remember something from this?
Sanskaar : what?
Ragini : your birthday sansku… you remember when you came on bike and we danced in the Lodhi garden..
Sanskaar ( licking his lips ) : oh that. Of course i remember.
She gave him a tissue as he finished the cake.
Ragini : where did you go ?
Sanskaar : oh that. Pooja wanted a few things from here so went to buy them.
He was still not looking at her. She took a deep breath and kneeled down before him. He moved back, shocked.
Sanksaar : what are you doing, ginu? Get up please.
Ragini : relax, sansku and I’m not going to get up. Wait and listen to me first.
Sanskaar gives up and sighs. He saw a few people were looking at them. Obviously they would, they were in an inappropriate position in public. He shifted a little. Ragini held his hand and started speaking.
Ragini : sansku, are you still mad at me?
Sanskaar : arre what are you doing? Get up. Look people are looking at us only.
Ragini : and when did you started caring about “people” ?
Sanskaar : Ragini….
Ragini : Sanskaar, I have committed a mistake, no a sin to make you sad,
And i’m realizing that i’m very, very bad, so..
Please forgive me to lessen the grief,
Your forgiveness will lead to a relief.

A lump forms in Sanskaar throat as he recalls these were the same words which he said to Ragini when they returned from the hospital. He looked at her, her eyes were filled with tears and guilt.
“Kuch yun mili nazar unse ke,
Baaki sab nazar andaaz ho gaye…”

Ragini : i know, i have hurt you a lot. And you have every right to be angry on me. Kaam hi aisa kiya hai na maine… and no need to forgive me this easily but don’t give yourself the pain, the punishment of my mistakes.
Sanskaar eyes turns watery as he felt her pain. He knew the words were coming directly from her heart. But he too knew that this time the wound was deep.
Ragini : I knew you just wanted to protect me but i behaved so immaturely. You’ve always thought about me but i failed to understand you. I failed miserably, sanskaar.
She sobs profusely. Honestly, sanskaar was not able to see this. No matter what, she was his love and no one wants to see their love so broken. He tried to make her sit beside him but she was adamant.
Ragini : sanskaar, let me just talk. I don’t know when i’ll get the chance again. You’ll leave for Australia and will be back after two years. I can’t wait till then. I think God has selected an apt punishment for me for hurting you so much. He’s sending you away from me for so long. He wants me to bear the punishment and Sanskaar, I’ll happily accept all the punishments and I’ll win your heart again. These two years alone will make me realise how you must have felt.
She pushes his hand behind as he tries to hold her and holds his knees and continues.
“This time i was wrong, I hurted you so much. And not only you, I hurted Arnav Bhai and Khushi during their special day. I hurted Pooja, who took care of me, who loved me so much. I hurted Abhay who helped me always.. i got so blind that i couldn’t see your pain. I couldn’t see what you all are going through. You guys tried to talk to me but I didn’t gave any heed.”
Sanskaar caressed her palms as she sobbed.
“I don’t know why Swara did that and what does she want but I…. I just didn’t wanted to lose everything all over again. When i saw everyone, when Pari bhabhi told me the truth…. something .. something just happened to me…
Sanskaar, i know you are hurt and i want … no i wish you would show that to me. React, say something, shout on me, hit me but please talk to me na…. i know i don’t deserve your forgiveness this soon but still…”.
She gets choked. Sanskaar wiped his tears and made her sit on the bench. He makes her drink the water and wipes her tears. He just hugged her tightly and caressed her back so as to calm her down.

Sanskaar : Ragini, listen to me….
She doesn’t looks at him and continues crying. People were giving him weird looks. Had he known this was going to happen, he would have never called her in the park. He took a deep breath and separated her from himself.
Sanskaar : shss… Ragini listen to me.
But she was just blabbering which was making sanskaar more angry. He tightly closed his eyes so that he doesn’t do anything wrong. Ragini opened her he only to see his red face. She immediately cupped his face which made him open his eyes.
Ragini : i’m sorry na sansku. Please forgive me. Talk to me na… i promise i’ll not repeat my mistakes ever again. Please Sanskaar!
She pinches her neck as her eyebrows twitched.
Sanskaar : how can i be angry on you, ginu? Please stop crying.
They both wipe their tears and start walking. She held his one hand as he carried the bags with the other one. They didn’t wanted more eyes on them.

Sanskaar : ginu, we both are at fault here. You are not alone. You forgot in the name of family love and i forgot in anger. Bhai was right, we should not forget each other in any circumstances. You realized it late but i’m glad at least you realized.
Ragini nods as she keeps her head on his shoulder. Sanskaar stopped and looked towards her.
Sanskaar : it’s not easy for me to forget everything but i want this to end here. All the problems and misunderstandings.
Ragini, jhagda tabhi hota hai, jab dard hota hai. Aur dard vahan hota hai jahan pyar hota hai.
She nods with teary eyes.
“I forgive you Ragini, but I won’t forget.”
She looks on dazed. She was about to say something but he stopped her.
“ let me complete it Ragini. You also know how much it pains when your loved one hurts you. And who’ll understand this better than you. I have hurted you so many times. We forgive because we love each other but we never forget. Likewise, i have forgiven you because i know it was not intentional but i’ll not forget this.”
Ragini looks down and nods. Of course he was right at his place. She sniffs. Her nose has turned red. Sanskaar smiles and cups her face with one hand.
“ i don’t want to forget this because if ever we fight again in the future, which is obvious seeing our past record… i don’t want to repeat the same mistakes again. Anyways you won’t let me live in peace so i’m ready to compromise.”
Ragini looks at him wide eyed. She registers whatever he said and starts hitting him.
Ragini : you dumbo. I was so scared. Tumne toh meri jaan nikal di sanskaarrr…. rukoo…
She shouted as he started running from there. She ran after him.
Ragini : i don’t let you live in peace haan? You want to compromise? Wait, i’ll tell you how you’ll compromise.
She picks up the football which came rolling towards her and threw it at Sanskaar. It straight away dashed his head. The people, the children stood their shocked as she performed this stunt. She huffed as sanskaar halted in his place holding his head.
Sanskaar : what the hell Ragini?
Ragini : sansku, you scared the hell out of me. You had already forgiven me still did this show. You and your mom both are same. Dramebaaz.
Sanskaar : don’t forget you, bandariya that i have just forgiven you. I can take my forgiveness back in a second. And what were you saying about me and my mom? Dramebaaz? Have you looked at you and your little chuhiya sister? One is bandariya and other one is chuhiya ( rat ) and both are after my peace of mind…. .. huhh…
He said as he brushed his hair. Ragini’s mouth formed a huge “o”. 😲😲😲
The children, who came to take their ball starts laughing hearing this. Snaskaar too smiles and hi fives with them. Ragini glares at him.
“chuhiya… . Bandariya…” screeched the children.
They pick up their ball and runs from there as Ragini comes towards them raising her hand.
Sanskaar : why are you scaring the children by raising your hand? Get that chuhiya they’ll run away from here, vaise hi….
He clicks his tongue as he moves his head one ways. ( voh karte hain na aise… huh wala expression, i hope you understand… 🙆🙆) ragini keps glaring at him.
They shoot glares at each other until they burst out laughing.
Ragini : Sansku, jo b hi ho… I love the name you have given to Swara…
Both : chuhiyaaa
And they both again burst out laughing.
Ragini : I’m sorry, Sanskaar. And Thank you for forgiving me. I promise I’ll never repeat this again.
Sanskaar nods and kisses her forehead. That one kiss was enough to express what he was feeling.
With tears in their eyes and smiles on their lips, they hugged each other as the cool breeze passed through them.
“I love you, Sanskaar”
“I love you more, Ragini”
A man was keeping an eye on the couple from the beginning. He left from there, calling someone. The episode ends with them hugging!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Select your emojis, fatafat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ufffffffffffff……. it’s 7500+ words approx., only the story part. Man! I don’t know how but i want 101+ votes on this. Common, you all have been waiting for this for so long. 101 votes for your RagSan ( and 101 because it’s a shagun )
I am not asking for something that’s impossible, right? ………………………………………………….. and if i get that, there are more surprises coming for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know so many of you wanted that Sanskaar should not forgive Ragini easily but I feel that it would have created more distance between them and that would give Swara a chance. And Sanskaar has already explained why he forgave her… hope you guys will understand!!
I see a few of you love memes, so there are two lines in this chapter which i have picked up from memes …. so let’s see if any of you can find that out!! It would be so interesting!!!!!
Then about last chapter, you guys found out a few positive things about the Chapter, but you all forgot the main positive thing….. common yaar, SANSKAAR’S business is growing… his company will become an international company now….
I know for most of you it might not be a big deal, ulta it’ll be not positive because he’ll be away from Ragini… but being a business student that was the most positive thing for me…. 😁😁
And for this chapter, I don’t think there would be any difficulty finding the positive thing ….. But I still have one question for you ……
” Do you find any hints for the plot of upcoming track?”
🤪🤪 I want answers!!!!!!!!!!!
Mounika543 I took the last few pictures from your RagSan album! It was really helpful so Thank You!!! 🤗❤️❤️
Guys, if you like this or any of my RagSan story then please recommend them to your friends as well! 🙊
And don’t forget to vote and comment! I will be waiting and remember the target!!!!
Lots of Love to all of you!!!
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