Thursday 18 June 2020

Ishq Mein Marjawan ff #nextgeneration ep 35 (last episode)

Subway Station

A man is walking, he looks at everyone. He checks his phone, it has Lakshya’s photo.


Rehan is checking cars with police. There is a airport close by. Rehan is busy with walkie-talkie, he is running from one place to another. Ruhi is sitting in a car there, Rehan passes it but didn’t see her, but Ruhi notices him.

Shopping Mall

Vani is walking in the mall. She is looking everywhere to find any trouble. She didn’t get help from the CBI as she thought she would. She has gone alone to do what she can. A few people looks at her wondering and then at her photo.


Ruhi’s car is about to be checked by Rehan. Suddenly Rehan gets a notification on his phone, he stops to check it. Another policeman checks the car. Rehan sees on his phone that Ruhi’s tracker is showing she has reached the safe house. The policeman allows Ruhi’s car to pass. The car passes Rehan. Rehan seems satisfied looking at his phone while Ruhi thinks looking at him, I know you don’t want my help but trust me you need it today. You are gonna keep your eyes at the road while I’m gonna keep my eyes inside the plane.

Subway Station

Lakshya is in a washroom, he is washing his hands. He senses someone passing behind him. He turns to see but there is no one. He again turns and washes his hand but this time he stays cautious. He slowly looks at the mirror in front of him and notices a man ( the man earlier looking for him with his pic ) pointing a gun at him. Lakshya moves as soon as the man fires. The mirror gets broken. Lakshya pushes the man and gets out of the washroom. The man follows in a moment later. A few people in the station get scared and scream. Lakshya is on run and the man is following him. The man stops and fires in the ceiling. A lot of people screams and run. Lakshya stops hearing the fire and turns. The man points the gun at him and shoots. Someone jumps over Lakshya and makes him fall on ground, the bullet get missed. A few police come and takes the gun from the man’s hand and arrest him. Lakshya sits up. The person that pushed him looks at him, it’s Akash. Lakshya gets surprised seeing him.

Lakshya- What are you doing here?

Akash- Saving your life. Can’t you see?

Akash talks while standing up and helping Lakshya to stand.

Lakshya- How did you know that man was going to attack me?

Akash- I only knew you were going to get attacked, apparently my informers give me much accurate information. The question is what are you doing here. We didn’t find any information on having an attack here.

Lakshya- I got a tip that there will be an attack here also. I reached here so I could stop it before happening.

Akash- Well there was an attack going to happen but that’s on you. One thing I don’t understand, why would someone try to kill you like this?

Lakshya- Are you telling me that the tip I got was actually a trap?

Akash- Whoever Tara has send all the information, out all of us, those guys wants to kill you. You must be having something they don’t want to get revealed.

Lakshya- That nonsense. I don’t have anything.

Akash- Maybe you have something that you don’t even know. Which places you were going to check from those blue prints we found? Maybe one of those places are the exact place that about to get attacked and the bad guys thought you have found out their plans.

Lakshya- Well there is a few.

Akash- Then we have to check all of them.

Lakshya- I do have some information of some suspects too.

Akash- Great. Send me the pics and addresses. If we search together then we will find quicker.

Lakshya- I will send a team with you. I’m gonna check on the guy who tried to kill me, maybe I will get something from him. Also I’ll check that informer.

Akash- My informers will take care of him. You call me if you get anything.

Both of them run from that place in hurry, a few police follows them.


Rehan is giving orders to officers around him when he gets a call. He checks his phone and sees it’s from Akash. Rehan tells the other officers to go and then receives the call.
Rehan- Hey, I got confirmed she reached the safe house.
Akash- (inside the mall where Vani was, he is with some police officers in civil dress. The officers go in different direction, Akash moves around the big hall, looks at everywhere while talking) Have she? How unusual of her. Are you sure?

Rehan- Yeah, I have got notification from the tracker. ( He sounds confident at first but became a bit confused at finish of the sentence)

Akash- Well I actually called you for another reason. ( He changes the topic as he got serious on the mission ) There have been an attack on Lakshya, the attacker or friends of him gave him the wrong tip about an attack at a metro station. Lakshya is fine but there might be a possibility that when Tara sent or sold all the information to criminals she might have sent all of our informations too. All of us might fall in trouble if we got closer to any of them or their real plan.

Rehan- Ok, but everything seems fine here.

Akash- Then maybe you are looking for them at the wrong place. We think which ever place Lakshya was supposed to check today, at least one of them is accurate that’s why the attack happened. We have got hold of the attacker and we didn’t get much except for a deadline.

Rehan- So you think all the attacks would happen at exact time?

Akash- That’s how it seems. And the worst part is we have only one hour. I have checked half of places Lakshya and his team was supposed to check, Lakshya is taking care of other half right now. I talked with him a few moments ago, he still got nothing, have got still two places to check. Same thing with me too. This the last place to check. You are at the airport, right? That place holds the biggest danger of all. Keep your eyes open.

Rehan- Well, I’m on the road beside the airport, I have been checking all the cars from morning, still nothing.

Akash- (he was walking till now, but suddenly stops) Rehan, there is only one hour left for the attack to happen. Don’t you think if they plan to attack there they would be already……….

Rehan- (his eyes becomes bigger in shock as he completes Akash’s unfinished sentence) already inside the airport. Shit.

Rehan starts running, there is a car before him, he jumps over it and keeps running. He enters the airport and stops. People are going around him with luggage. Some are standing in a line for boarding pass, some are sitting in chairs and waiting. There are announcements happening on mike. Rehan is standing in among all of this, everything is moving roundly around him as he looks at everything. Akash says hello a few times but notices the call has been cut. He then looks around him and moves. Someone is holding a picture him. Rehan looks around him and says to himself- think Rehan, think. He closes his eyes and remembers the blueprint of the airport. He remembers seeing some special route marking on there to safely get inside the take off area. He opens his eyes. He says to himself- They must be planing to hijack a plane and if there is only one hour to go then they must be already inside the plane. That means whichever plane will be taking off in one hour from now, must be those are the plane have the highest chance to get hijacked. He comes running to a digital board, there are the names and details of the flights which are going to take off and which are not. The first one and the only one in between one hour is the flight Mumbai to London. Rehan punches on his hand out of excitement and says got it. He rushes to one of his officers who are inside of the airport and asks him to bring the passengers list and the crew list of the flight. The person goes to bring them and comes back after a while. Rehan asks him to get a background check of everyone fasts and he starts to look over the names. While he turns over a page, there was the name of Rhea Singh but before he could see that name there is an announcement happened saying the flight will take off in a few minutes. Rehan hears it and then looks at the officer in front of him and says
Rehan- There’s no time, I’m going in for searching suspects. You inform the others.
Rehan hurriedly goes inside the plane holding the papers in hand and starts looking at people sitting in the chair. He is about pass a compartment and about to go in another but stops seeing an air hostess. The girl was standing facing her back at Rehan but that made no problem for Rehan to notice his picture on her hands. He remembers Akash saying if any of them come close to the attackers they might do harm to them in order to continue their plans. He steps back slowly and when he is about to leave he notices the door is locked. He sits down on an empty sit and connects to his team over phone.
Rehan- I have a suspect on the plane, she is an air hostess. I need backup. Do something and stop the plane.
He suddenly stops as one air hostess passes him. As he hasn’t seen the face of that air hostess so he isn’t sure which one it was. He takes a magazine in front of him and covers his face and secretly notices all of them.
Shopping Mall
Akash comes to a corner where there is no people around. He founds a corridor and goes inside. He calls one of the Police officers who came with him.
Akash- Have the bomb squad reached?
-No, they are on the way. They left from the last place 10 minutes ago.
Akash- OK, fine. Did you find anything suspicious on the footage.
-The 11th and 14th corridors ain’t working. I’m sending some people to check out those places.
Akash- Well I’m already in the 11th, I’ll check this one.
-Still, I am sending someone. If you see something, notify us then wait for us. Don’t do anything.
Akash- Sure.
He cuts the call. Then there comes another call in his phone, he sees the number is from one of his informers. He receives it. But before he could say something he senses someone behind and turns. A goon looking person was about to hit him with a rod but Akash holds it, his phone falls from his hand. The person forces the rod on him, Akash also uses all his force. He gives a big push resulting the goon to fall. But the goon stands up fast and comes again to attack him. Akash starts fighting with him. He dodges the attack of the rod. Suddenly another man comes and starts fighting with him. Akash fights with both of them. Two officers is coming towards the corridor. Akash keeps fight with the two goon. The officers reach the corridor, it’s empty. They starts looking for Akash, even calls him by his name. Akash is in a room close by. Four people are holding him tightly, one is choking his neck with his hand from behind, as a result Akash is not able to answer the officers call. One of the officers says to the other- “maybe he went somewhere else. Let’s head back.” They start heading back. Akash tries his best to make noises but the goons are keeping him still with all their might. Those officers were leaving but one of them suddenly notices Akash’s phone on the ground. He picks it up. There was an ongoing call so he places it on his ear. He hears a panic sound on the other side.
-Chavanni, hello? Why are you not talking? What’s happening there? What was the noise? Hello?
The officer cuts the call and takes out his gun. He signals his friend to stay silent. The other officer understands the situation and also brings out his gun. Both of them first check the room beside them. Its was empty. Then they moves towards the room Akash is being kept. They barges in the room pointing the guns. But now it’s empty too. One of them calls someone.
-Sir, I think we have found one of our attacking place. Mr. Akash is missing. We have found his phone.

Rehan gets a bit surprised when the plane took off. But he prepares himself for the trouble coming ahead. He checks his watch. Only half an hour left to the deadline. He is still hiding his face behind the magazine. A middle age man from a few row ahead stands up and heads other way.  When he came close to Rehan he tripped over something and is about to fall but balances himself holding Rehan’s sit. To help him Rehan also forwards his hand to hold him. Thus the magazine falls down. The man stands up and says thank you to Rehan. He heads for the toilet.

He looks at his reflection on the mirror once he is inside. He brings out some equipment from his pocket. He starts talking with someone.

-Code red. I repeat. Code red. That Rehan boy, CBI officer is here on plane. I repeat.

Suddenly his equipments get snatched from him. He gets shocked and looks up, Rehan is standing there.

-How did you get in here?

Rehan- Did you really think you could fool me like that? And now don’t get your hopes up thinking you have contacted someone about me, cause sorry to break it to you that didn’t happen. How? I don’t think you have the brain to understand that.

The man was hardly paying any attention to what he was saying. His eyes was only looking for any scope to get out of there. But there was none. He picks a thing and tries to hit him but he dodges. Rehan sighs and says

Rehan- And here we go.

In a span of moments the man is lying on ground, unconscious. Rehan started to tie him up and then searches him. As expected he had a gun but he didn’t get any chance to draw it or better sayed Rehan didn’t give any chance to him to draw it. Rehan comes out and sits at his place as if nothing happened. But something missed his eyes. Someone did notice him. It was the air hostess. She smiles and thinks, “fine then. I do have a trump card up my sleeves. It seems our plan have to prepone.” She passes Rehan’s sit casually and goes to the next compartment. There in the corner sit of last row is sitting Ruhi.

Shopping Mall

Some goons are looking for Akash. He has managed to escape from their clutches. He is trying for a way to contact the commanding officer of the team but he is out of option right now. He enters in a darkroom in order to avoid the goons. He tries to understand where the goons are headed to look for him, he suddenly realises he isn’t alone in this room. He slowly turns and goes a little forward to see who it is. First he doesn’t see anything, slowly he notices someone is sitting in a chair in the middle of the room. But the person isn’t moving. He goes a little closer. His eyes gets bigger in shock. He sees it’s Vani who is sitting in chair, her hands are tied and there is a bomb on her. Even her mouth is tied. Now Vani also notices Akash. She starts moving and tries to say something. Akash hurriedly comes and removes the cloth over her mouth. Vani takes a big breath first.Then she starts talking.

Vani- What are you doing here?

Akash- I’m here because.. What are you doing here in the first place? And this bomb?

Vani- I wanted to stop the attack. I took the blueprint of this mall from bro’s file and did some research. Bro thought there isn’t much chances for an attack to happen here but I thought maybe because of that this place holds the biggest chance to have an ambush. I just wanted to check if there was any suspicious thing going on here, if there was then I would have inform him.

Akash- That’s why they thought Lakshya have guessed their plan. But they didn’t realise it wasn’t Laksh but you.

Vani- Someone hit me in the head from back and when I regain consciousness they had already tied me with this bomb. Akash you have to go from here and have to make sure nobody stays in 1km radius. Ok?

Akash- I’m not going anywhere. I have to free you from this first. The officers with me already knows I’m missing and probably in trouble. They are alert. And the bomb squad is coming too.

Vani- Akash there isn’t much time. They said it will be untraceable for the bomb detector. There were some unique design for bombs in the information they got and they even modified it. And there is only 20 minutes left.

Akash starts to say something but the sound of fire alarm starts. Both of them hears it.

Vani- There is a fire. You have to get out.

Akash- Vani relax, this isn’t actual fire alarm. We knew we don’t have much time. So we had planed this before. If situation gets like this in order to make people go away fast, we will use the fire alarm. This means the police officers are all aware of the situation and they are searching for me and the troublemaker. And everyone is leaving from here. No one will get hurt.

Vani- Then you have to get out of here too. Otherwise you will get hurt.

Akash- Vani (says a bit strongly), I’m not going anywhere.


Rehan checks his watch, only 20 minutes left to the deadline. Things is going out of his hand second by second. He starts looking at the passangers list and the crew list again. Suddenly there is a chaos inside of the plane. As if suddenly everyone got scared seeing something. And someone shut them up. Rehan moves to see what’s the problem but stops seeing the air hostess. She is holding Ruhi on gunpoint. There is a smile on the girl’s face.

-You thought you can deceive our eyes that easily. But now if you move a bit, your precious wife is going to lose her life.

Another man is also holding a gun, behind Rehan. Everyone around them is scared to death, nobody is making a sound. Rehan looks at Ruhi in the eye and signals.

Shopping Mall

Vani looks at Akash, she is not able to understand why is he getting angry.
Akash- I’m not going anywhere. What do you think I’m? If you say anything I’ll do it? Am I a doll? Aarohi di asked me to take care of Ruhi, your brother came and said I have to marry you. Ruhi said I did wrong by hiding truth and that’s why she won’t listen to me anymore, Tara said she wants to kill me. And you said you think this marriage is a mistake and you want a divorce. Has anyone ever thought about me? Has anyone ever asked me what do I want, what do I feel?
Vani- (speaks in a low voice, looking straight in his eyes) What?
Akash- Then listen. (he holds Vani’s head and places his forehead on her forehead. Both of them closes their eyes) I love you. (tear drops from Vani’s eyes, she smiles) And I am not going anywhere leaving you here.
Ishq Mein Marjawan plays. Akash and Vani slowly moves and look at each other. Rehan and Ruhi are looking at each other, the girl is pointing a gun on Ruhi’s head. Someone holds on Akash’s collar and pulls him, Akash keeps looking at Vani, straped with bomb. Rehan draws his gun and points towards the girl.

Main Dekhu Tujhe

Din Mein sau Martaba

The goons have found Akash. They starts beating him. Vani screams and asks them not to do so, tears falls down from her eyes. Akash kept looking at her. Rehan shoots, the bullet hits at the girls hand, between both the girls head. Ruhi doesn’t even blink. A smile is in her face.

Yeh Agar Ishq  Hai,

Toh Hai Beintehaan

Vani keeps screaming, a goon is about to hit Akash in face which is gonna block his view to Vani. But before he do so he holds his hand and pushes it downwards. Vani looks at amaze, Akash gives the goon a knock over blow. And starts fighting with another. Gun falls from the girls hand. Ruhi pushes her and she falls. Rehan turns to the man. He has already pointed his gun towards Rehan. He is about to shoot but Ruhi pushes him. The bullet hits a sit. Everyone screams.

Tu Agar Maang Le,

Jaan De Du Abhi

Tu Agar Bol De,

Khud Ko Kar Do Fanaa

Akash keeps fighting the goon, one by one. His eyes doesn’t move from Vani for a second. There is a smile in his face. A goon is about to hit him from behind. Vani screams- AKASH lookout. She closes her eyes. When she opens them slowly, she sees Akash have hold that goon without turning. Rehan jumps over that person and tries to take away that gun from him. The girl has stand up. Ruhi starts fighting with her.

Aa Tujh Mein Khatam Kar Du

Yeh Saansein Meri

Iss Ishq Mein Marjawan

Tu Jo Kahe Woh Kar Jawaan

A few officers barges in the room and starts helping out Akash. They capture all the goons. Akash rushes towards Vani. He holds her hand.

Akash- Everything will be fine. I’m here. I’ll make you get out of this.

Vani- But…

Akash puts his finger on Vani’s lips. One of the officers calls the bomb squad to come to the room.

Akash- I’m not gonna leave you here. Understand?

Vani nods her head. She smiles. Akash smiles too. He wipes her tears.

Ruhi and Rehan fights in the plane. They corner the man and the girl. And make them unconscious. They stand side by side and looks at the unconscious bodies. Rehan sighs and says

Rehan- So, your brother’s guess was right. You are hard to handle. You showed up here by putting dirt on my trackers eye.

Ruhi- I had to. Are you angry?

Rehan- I should be. But when I saw you here with this girl I figured this was bound to happen. No point in getting angry.

Ruhi smiles looking at him. Rehan smiles too. But then stops.

Rehan- But seriously, next time somthing like this happens you should inform me that you know the exact plane which is going to hijack instead running away and board on that plane. I mean I had hard time figuring this plane would be the unlucky one.

Ruhi smiles- I will keep that in mind.

Ruhi and Rehan looks at each other. Two people of bomb squad are trying to defuse the bomb. Vani is holding Akash’s hand strongly. They are looking at each other, Vani’s eye has fear, Akash’s eye trying to give her strength.

Yeh Raaz Hai Dil Ka Mere,

Karu Kya Bayaan

Mehfooz Hai Ab Ye Mujh Mein,

Sun Le Zara

Bekhauff Sa Ab Tu Rehna Yahaan

Ban Ke Rahu Saaya Tera

One of the bomb squad men says, the bomb is defused. Vani and Akash are happy to the fullest. Akash hurriedly frees her and they hug. Ruhi and Rehan were looking at each other, smling. But someone from in front of them says- You forgot about me. They look up. It’s the man Rehan had tied up earlier. Ruhi and Rehan look at each other. The man has one knife, soaked in blood. Both of them run toward the man and start fighting together.

Iss Ishq Mein Marjawan

Tu Jo Kahe Woh Kar Jawaan

Ho.. Iss Ishq Mein Marjawan

Tu Jo Kahe Woh Kar Jawaan

Akash and Vani is hugging. The officer in charge comes running to the room.

-The Mumbai to London flight has been hijacked.

Akash- What?

Vani looks at him.

Akash- Shit. Ruhi must be inside there. I should have been more careful.

Vani- I don’t understand. Why would Ruhi be there?

Akash- The same reason you were here. Plus I had seen something in her room, I didn’t give much notice then, but now that I think about it, that thing was none other than a ticket of that flight.

Vani- What will happen now?

Akash- I’m sure Rehan is inside too. Last time I talked with him he had went inside the airport. He must have figured out which one is going to hijack.

The officer- You are right. We got the news from the pilot a few minutes ago. Now we are not able to contact anymore. But someone is actually fighting up there with the hijackers. And we have confirmation from the team at airport that officer Rehan Rajdeep Singh board the plane last minute and also asked for back up saying he has sighted suspect. But before the backup team could reach the flight had taken off, it was too late.

Akash and Vani looks at each other.

Akash- Let’s hope both of them manages up there.


Ruhi and Rehan makes that man stop after a lot of struggle. They tie him up again.

Rehan- Why is this knife soaked in blood? What did you do?

The man laughs.

-What do you think I’m, stupid? That I’ll come before you with a bare knife and put the whole mission in downfall. There are other people on the ground, they would continue our job.

Rehan shakes him by holding his collar.

Rehan- What did you do?

-You can’t do anything. It’s too late now. No one is here to save you.

Rehan pushes him aside. Ruhi ties his mouth too.

Rehan- It’s pointless to talk to this guy. There is only 5 minutes left to their deadline. They wanted to start their hijack plan at that time but had to prepone because of us. But something still might happen after 5 minutes. That’s what he was talking about, other member of their gang in the ground. I hope the others able to avoid all those attacks.

Suddenly the whole plane starts shaking. The lights flickers. Ruhi and Rehan and some other air host and hostess were not sitting on a sit, they were almost falling, but somehow manages to balance by holding whichever things are close to them. After a few seconds, things get stable.

Ruhi- What was that?

Rehan- Maybe that was the thing the man was talking about.

Ruhi- But you said there is still 5 minutes left to the deadline.

One of the air hostesses huriedly goes towards the phone and calls the pilots, but none response. She looks scared. Rehan and Ruhi looks at each other, then at the man and the blood soaked knife. Then they races towards the cockpit. A few air hosts and hostesses followed them. The cockpit door was wide open. Rehan enters and finds the dead body of the pilots on the ground. Everyone gathers behind him. Someone screams seeing the scene. The plane is on autopilot. A few red lights are blinking here and there. Rehan steps forward and looks at front, he notices a missile. He hurriedly sits in one chair and takes control of the plane and dodges the missile. Everyone behind fall on the ground because of the sudden movements of the plane. Rehan asks them to go and sit down on sit and put on seat belt. Ruhi sits down the sit beside Rehan and straps the seat belt.The missile is coming back, Rehan flies the plane and dodges it everytime. There is only a few seconds left of the deadline. Suddenly another missile comes and it hits the first one. There is a big blast. Rehan and Ruhi looks puzzled and looks at each other. Suddenly Rehan hears Lakshya’s voice on Radio.

Rehan- Lakshya is that you?

Lakshya- Rehan are you flying the plane? What’s the staus about the hijackers?

Reahan- The hijackers are all arrested. They can’t do anything now. And all the passangers are fine. But the pilots died. What’s deal with those missiles?

Lakshya- They had taken control of a secret armory. They planed to shoot missiles at different places of our country but they had a distress call from your plane and that’s why they fired at you five minutes earlier of their deadline. Our team has managed to kill them all in a crossfire and we had shooted the last missile in order to destroy the earlier one. But another one have seemed to hit your plane first. What’s the status of the plane?

Rehan- Not good. We have lost one engine and low on fuel. We have to land fast. There is a high chance that this whole plane might blow up at any minute. I’m headed for the closest airport.

Lakshya- Ok, I’m gonna prepare the airport with ambulance and fire brigade.

A officer comes and says to Lakshya

-Sir, we just got news that there have been a missed attack of bomb blast at the city mall. They had put the bomb on your sister but Mr. Akash had reached on time.

Lakshya- What? I’m headed to meet them. Dispose these bodies and inform the airport.

Shopping Mall

Akash and Vani comes outside of the mall. They are holding hands. Behind them the police are taking away the goons and the bomb squad are safely taking away the bomb. Akash and Vani looks behind for a second then they look at each other. They have been through a lot today. Suddenly a car comes in front of them. Lakshya is sitting there.
Lakshya- Get in.
Akash and Vani look at each other and then they get inside the car.
Lakshya- Are you guys OK?
Vani- yeah we are fine. But we heard a plane has been hijacked and there is possibility that Ruhi and Rehan are inside.
Lakshya- That’s true. But all the hijackers are caught. They can’t do anything now.
Akash- The plane have landed?
Lakshya- No, but it will be in a few minutes. Rehan is flying it. But the plane is in a bad shape. They lost one engine.
Vani- How?
Lakshya- Well there was another place on their target, a secret armory. My team had reached on the neck of time and we had a crossfire. We stopped the attack before it start but they had launched two missiles targeting the plane realizing their plans had failed. We are headed for the airport now.
Everyone is tensed.


Their cars reached the airport. Three of them gets out and runs. The plane have landed, passengers are taken away. The police takes away the hijackers. They looks for Rehan and Ruhi. Suddenly the whole plane blows up. Everyone is stunned. Vani holds Akash strongly. A few fire brigade vans go toward the plane. Three of them are not sure what to do. A voice comes from behind.
Rehan- Don’t worry.
Ruhi- No one was inside.
They turns and sees them standing. Their faces are no difference then the others. It’s no surprise that they have been through a lot. Ruhi goes and hugs Akash. Rehan hand shakes with Lakshya and Vani. He then handshakes with Akash but Akash pulls him and they hugs. Ruhi and Vani hugs too.
Lakshya- Great job everyone. It seems we have stopped all the attacks before they intended to start it. We stopped it before their own deadline.
Rehan- Well my team called and said right now there is a operation going on and they are capturing everyone in this whole planning, every gang, every terrorist. It’s over.
Rehan and Ruhi smiles and hugs. Akash and Vani does so. Everyone else looks at them. Akash and Vani smiles at them. Ruhi and Rehan smiles too. Vani looks at Lakshya.
Lakshya- Ok, I’m noticing this for a few minutes and want to ask you this. Are you happy?
Vani- only if you are happy.
Lakshya- I’m happy if you are.
Akash- OK that means you are both happy. Cut it now.
Lakshya comes close to Akash and puts a hand on his shoulder.
Lakshya- You know the rule. Keep my sister happy.
Akash- And I get to call you Laksh.
Lakshya smiles. He handshakes with Akash – deal. Akash smiles too. They hugs.
Akash- deal.
Lakshya and Vani hugs.
Akash- Man I don’t really handle the love of you two. “I’m happy if you are happy”. Look how my sister here. Have you ever seen her saying such a line.
Ruhi laughs and hugs him.
Ruhi- I’m so happy for you.
Akash- Wish I could say the same to you.
Ruhi- What do you mean?
Akash turns to Rehan- It seems you managed to keep your promise properly.
Rehan smiles- I tried my best.
Akash- Well I’m sorry but I will still say I don’t accept your marriage.
Ruhi- Why do you say that? (she looks sad, looks at Rehan)
Akash- Well it’s simple, isn’t it? Because I haven’t seen it.
Ruhi and Rehan looks at each other. They seems puzzled.
Akash- I would like to see you two get married, again, this time in a grand manner.
Everyone smiles.

Richand Mansion

The whole place is decorated beautifully. Ruhi and Rehan is getting married. There is a lot of guests. Akash, Vani and Lakshya are standing. One by one the marriage rituals are happening. Ishq mein marjawan romantic version plays. Flashback shows Ruhi and Rehan’s first meeting, their fights, their romantic moments, their trip, their time at the plane, when they danced at party’s). Flashback ends. Everyone is happy. Everyone is throwing Flowers at them. Akash throws flowers at Vani. Vani throws at him too. They looks at each other. Flashback shows their first meeting, how they were running away from goons, how Vani proposed him, they went to a date, their marriage, how Akash confessed. Flashback ends. The marriage is complete. Rehan and Ruhi comes down and hugs Akash, Vani and Lakshya. They wishes them. Rehan looks at Ruhi.
Rehan- Akash asked me to take care of you so that you never fall in any trouble. But recent incidents taught me that you have a tendency of running into trouble. So I have found a way to solve this.
Ruhi- And what is it?
Rehan- how would you like to join the CBI? It’s a marriage gift from me.
Ruhi gets surprised and looks at Akash.
Akash- you will be amazing.
Ruhi smiles and hugs Rehan. Rehan looks at Vani.
Rehan- And Vani, you called our office?
Vani- yeah but didn’t get what I wanted.
Rehan- Well things doesn’t go that fast but if you want we can take things slow. You can still join, take training and get on the field.
Vani- What do you think, bro? Should I join the same line as you and start compete?
Lakshya- No matter how hard you try you will never win against me.
Vani- We will see about that.
Everyone laughs.
Rehan- I will take that as a yes. (he turns to Akash) And how about you Akash? In past few days you have shown some great potential in this line of work. We will be glad to have someone like you.
Akash- Thanks but no thanks. I want to stay away from trouble and violence for sometimes. Cause I know for a fact they will be never out of my life.
Lakshya- Well I also think best job suited for you will be in police or CBI. But I have another job offer for you. I just received a call from the office. The project you and Ruhi were working on, it’s a big success. Our company have recovered all the loss they were facing. No offense Ruhi, but it’s all thanks to you Akash. How would you like to join our company as a CEO?
Akash- I will think about it.
Lakshya- I will wait for your answer.
Lakshya, Vani and Rehan goes to attend the guests. Ruhi is about to go too but Akash stops her.
Akash- Ruhi.
Ruhi- Hmm.
Akash brings out a file- I have got you a wedding gift. But I am not sure if one should give such a thing as a gift.
Ruhi looks on. Someone is walking through a corridor.
Akash- You know when Aarohi di found me I used to be a pickpocket but I changed after I met her.
The person who is walking has a file in his hand.
Akash- This is the very last thing I ever steal and I took a very high risk to steel it, a risk to get caught by Tara. Maybe by showing you this file a new saga will start but I don’t want to hide anything from you anymore.
The man comes to a room. There is a dark figure, his face can’t be seen.
-What is the news, Shera?
Ruhi- What is it? You are scaring me now.
Shera hands over the file to the mistry man.
Shera- Sir, a few days ago, a few missed attack happened on Mumbai. There have been a tried bomb attack on the city mall, the Mumbai to London flight had been tried to hijack and a secret armory were tried to take over. The criminals had fixed a timing for their attacks but they were all caught or eliminated and their attacks was stopped just before the deadline. My research says mainly five people are responsible for it.
Akash- This file contains the police records of Deep and Aarohi di’s death.
Ruhi- What about it?
The mistry man turns over the pages of the files. First there is a pic of Lakshya and information. In the next page there is Vani.
Akash- They never found their body.
Ruhi- What are you trying to say?
The next to page has Rehan and Akash’s photo.
Ruhi- Are you trying to say my parents have been alive all this time and they never came for me?
Akash- I don’t know Ruhi. Anything is possible for Deep Raj Singh.
The last page has the photo of Ruhi. The man stands up. He comes to a bed. There lies Aarohi, she is in life support, unconscious. The person is none other than Deep.
Deep- Finally after all this year, I found you (looking at the pic of Ruhi)
Somewhere in a jail, someone is chained up. Tara’s whistle tune plays. It’s Tara. She smirks.
Tara- They game of death will restart.
Deep- The mastermind have returned. Now there will be fun.
Ishq Mein Marjawan plays. Deep, Aarohi and Tara’s face is shown.


The End

Ok so that’s the end of the story. I started writting this story almost one year ago, right after the show had ended, 30 June 2019. Ever since I started writting this ff I have planning on this speech from the first day, and also planned to say this exact line.

After I completed writting it last night I read the whole story from start. And I found out that I have made a lot of mistakes in grammar and spelling. So first I would like to aplogize to the readers for whatever trouble they had to face for it. I tried my best to solve this problem day by day. I started writting this ff in the first place cause the show Immj had ended in such a way that there was too much question left unanswered, too much loopholes. The more you think about it the more your head start spinning. So, I tried my best through this story to fill in those loopholes, to answer those questions. How much I have able to do it the reader can tell the best. But I know there have been a lot loopholes of the serial I still couldn’t cover. Like what happened to Tara’s father. When I read my whole story I noticed that there are some loopholes in my story too. But more or less when I read the whole story I can’t help but feel proud that I wrote such a long story, even finished it in one year, this was my very first story I ever completed.

And the love and response I got from the readers I will cherish it forever. First I used to update very fast, but later I used to taking too much time. Like this last part, I took more than two months to complete. I really appreciate the reader’s patience.

I would like to mention sally145 for your support. Thanks for mentioning about wattpad to me, now I have a whole new world before me for my stories. There used to be a time when I used to wait for your comments after updating the chapter. I would like to thank Afrida, though you started commenting on my updates from the middle but eversince you did, each of your comments used to made my day. They used to inspire me so much. There have been a lot of other readers who supported me in this journey and I’m thankfull to all of them. Each comment, like, dislike inspired me, thank you everyone. And also the silent readers, I would like to thank them too.

Ok my speech is getting really long now. Before I finish, last but not the least, the second season of Ishq Mein Marjawan is coming now. To be honest, first I was not expecting much because how the last season ended. But after watching the latest promo two days ago, I’m actually excited for it now. Well that was it. I tried my best to make the finale grand. I hope you all like it.

The post Ishq Mein Marjawan ff #nextgeneration ep 35 (last episode) appeared first on Telly Updates.

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