Thursday 18 June 2020

TWINJ: Ek Tukda Pyaar – Episode 16

Hey, you all! Thank you for the immense support and response, I am truly grateful to all of you. I’m extremely sorry for the late update; There has been a lot happening around all of us, and I hope everyone is doing well. This is the longest update till date, though. Happy Reading!

PREVIOUSLY, Twinkle is disturbed with Kunj’s closed-off personality


“I still don’t know why you’d to accompany me.”

Kunj loosened his grip on the steering wheel and switched the gear, as he rounded the corner, driving into the busier streets. The on-road traffic had drastically escalated as the end of the weekend neared, and he sighed, as he constantly shifted gears and pressed on the pedals to alter the speed.

Usha: There’s no harm in providing you company. Besides, if all of you are away, I might, as well, accompany Leela ji.

Kunj: Is that why you’re coming along? Or, you’re worried, I might just drive away somewhere else?

Usha (chuckling): That might be a reason, too.

Kunj shook his head and chuckled, while fighting the brewing tension within himself. Twinkle’s words had continued whirling in his mind, throughout the past two weeks and he hadn’t known how to filter through those thoughts. He hadn’t talked about his past – about her or his father – in so long and he was uncertain, if that’d become an unacceptable fragment of his life.

Growing up, he’d never truly realised, how unfathomable life could be. It was only after he lost her and then his father, that the realisation had struck him. It was only during that phase of his life, when he’d understood, he was required to prioritize others in a relationship. And he was sure, the belief had cocooned him with infinite strength. And he’d never truly felt the need to shatter the cocoon that embodied him, into pieces. In all these years, he’d prioritized others and no one had ever complained; no one had ever forced him to think and look within himself for answers. But Twinkle was forcing him to, and he wasn’t sure, if he wanted to appreciate that.

Usha: How did you manage to leave earlier today? I thought, you told me, you’ll only be able to visit them on the weekdays?

Kunj (sighing): Yes, I did. But I’d thought, it’d take time to deal with that company regarding the case, but it was seemingly easy and quick. The lawyer you appointed is really good.

Usha: Saanjh, you mean? (pausing briefly while Kunj nodded his head) Yes, Twinkle was telling me; She is really good at her work, despite being a fresher.

Kunj (in a thoughtful tone): Have you told Twinkle about this mess?

He’d asked this question a few times before, too, but his mother had rejected the idea of it. However, he was still doubtful and hoped, his mother had a slip of tongue, if it was otherwise.

Usha (biting her tongue): I told you, I haven’t. You asked me not to.

Kunj nodded his head and focussed on the road ahead. He didn’t wish to hide his life from Twinkle, but after so many years of concealing himself from others, he couldn’t confide in someone as easily as she had. She’d laid herself out in the open for him to grow acquainted to, and he hadn’t been able to disclose even fragments of himself. He didn’t know, if he was misleading her on a path too unknown, too dark. He just hoped, he wasn’t. Because he didn’t know if he’d tenacity for any more guilt. It felt, as if an extra ounce of guilt would now fracture his soul and he’d be inept to assemble himself, again.


Twinkle stared at her daughter’s happy face and smiled. Aarohi appeared to have had forgotten about the discussion the two of them had had with her, before, and had appeared to be at ease with either of them. She was grateful, Aarohi hadn’t gotten stuck on that issue, but Twinkle had recently begun wondering, if she should broach the topic again. It’d been close to a month since they’d had the discussion, after all.

Twinkle: Kunj Uncle wanted to take you on a long-drive. So, you go change and come. I’ve something to talk to Papa about, in the meanwhile.

Aarohi (beaming): Kunj Uncle is coming today?

Twinkle laughed and brushed the wisps of hair that had fallen on her face. Aarohi jumped out of her embrace and ran inside the house, pulling her luggage in hurry. Twinkle smiled at her retreating form, and turned around toward Yuvraj.

Yuvraj (smiling sadly): She forgets about everything when she hears of Kunj. I don’t think she’d need me after your marriage.

Twinkle: Don’t be silly, Yuvraj. She loves you so much, she refused to listen to us the other day. (pausing shortly) And I’ll always try and ensure, nothing affects the relationship between the two of you. I’d never want to separate you from your daughter, Yuvraj.

Yuvraj (shaking his head): I know; I don’t need to worry as long as you’re there. So, how is everything else?

Twinkle: Everything is fine. You tell me. Saanjh was saying, she’s helping you out with something in office, again?

Yuvraj (realisation dawning on his features): Yes, we’d been thinking of funding to this particular organisation for the education and living lifestyle of the kids with poor financial background, so she’s getting the paperwork done.

Twinkle (nodding thoughtfully): Sounds good. Just have a background check about things, before you go ahead.

Yuvraj: Yes, Saanjh is doing that, too. She’s actually really good at her work for her age. And I think, she can be a good friend, too. I see her switching to a friendly demeanour, as soon as our official discussion ends.

Twinkle: I don’t really know for myself, but I do see in the office and she gets along with people really well. She got along well with Kunj, too, while she was working on one of his cases in the past two weeks. I think, the case has almost ended, now, but they were getting along well.

Yuvraj: She was telling me about something that dealt with the Sarna’s, but I thought, you were handling the case. Did you not take up that case?

Twinkle (smiling softly): You do know I don’t take up cases that involve personal relations.

Yuvraj (taken aback): Well, I also did think, that was a hard-and-fast rule just for me, so you could avoid me better. (pausing for a long minute) How’s everything between you and Kunj?

Twinkle (sighing and folding her arms across her chest): I don’t know. It’s good and bad. I don’t think, I know him enough. And he doesn’t want to open-up, either. So, I don’t really know what to do.

Yuvraj: Give him some time, perhaps. May be, he needs time to open-up.

Twinkle: We’ve known each other for almost two months, now, Yuvraj. That’s a plenty of time in itself.

Yuvraj (shaking his head): May be, for you. But for him, it mightn’t be enough. He, probably, just needs more time. And things between you two isn’t so easy, either. So, just give him some time, may be, and just hold onto him until he opens up. It’ll all be good at the end.

Twinkle nodded and smiled at him. There were times, when she wished Yuvraj would’ve only been one of her good friends. He knew her so well, sometimes it surprised her own self. He could point-out such minute intricacies that were shelved in the crevices of her mind, which she wasn’t acquainted to. But she could never look beyond a friend within him.

When Kunj’s car pulled into the driveway, Twinkle jumped out of her reverie and looked at the car. Yuvraj’s attention turned to the revving engine that had begun dying and smiled, hesitantly.

Yuvraj: I should be leaving now.

Twinkle: Just stay here for five minutes, and then you can leave. Don’t act rude.

Usha (exiting the car): Hello, Beta! How are you?

Twinkle (smiling): I wasn’t expecting all of you, Aunty. I thought, only Kunj was coming?

Usha (walking toward her): Arey, nahi Beta. It’s only me. I thought, I could come and talk to Leela ji, while all of you are away.

Twinkle: I’d have been here only, Aunty. But I’m glad you came. (pausing for a second) Aunty, this is Yuvraj – Aarohi’s father. And Yuvraj, this is Usha Aunty…

Yuvraj (interrupting): Kunj’s mother. Hello, Aunty!

Usha (her lips curving in a small smile): Namaste, Beta! (looking at Twinkle) I’ll allow the three of you to talk; I’ll be inside.

Twinkle nodded her head and smiled at her, before turning toward Kunj. He walked toward her, a small smile lingering on his lips and she smiled at him.

Kunj: Hello, Mr. Luthra!

Yuvraj: Hello! That’d be Yuvraj.

Kunj nodded his head and smiled at him, softly. Twinkle sensed the fleeting tension that surrounded the three of them and cleared her throat. Their previous meeting had been ugly on several dimensions, and she didn’t want to re-establish a remembrance of that day.

Twinkle: So, I’ll see you the next weekend, again?

Yuvraj (slapping his forehead): Sorry, I completely forgot. I will have to go to Delhi next Friday, so I won’t be coming the next weekend. I’ll drop-by, in the week after that.

Twinkle: Anything urgent?

Yuvraj: Nothing. Mom just wanted to attend some relative’s function, so I’ll have to accompany her.

Twinkle (chuckling): Poor you! Stop behaving like that all the time. It’s as much as your family as it is hers. But anyway, I’ll let Aarohi know. (looking down at her wristwatch) You should be leaving now, you’ll be very late, otherwise.

Yuvraj: Yes, I’ll be leaving. I’ve to meet your junior before I return home.

Twinkle (scrunching her face) You guys are working today also?

Yuvraj (settling inside the car and rolling down the windows): That’s more like you, Not me. She just said, we should meet because I was around.

Twinkle: Oh. Alright, then. Take care and drive safely. Bye!

Yuvraj nodded and revved the engine, driving outside of the premises. Twinkle stared at the retreating form of the car, before turning toward Kunj and smiling at him.

Twinkle: Sorry about that. It was just…

Kunj (shaking his head): Don’t worry. It’s fine. (pausing briefly) Is Aarohi ready?

Twinkle: She must be. It’s been a while. I’ll get her and then, the two of you can leave.

Kunj (in a scrupulous voice): Two? Where are you going?

Twinkle (shrugging her shoulders): I’m not going anywhere. I’m staying at home.

Kunj (in disbelief): Don’t amuse me further. You knew, I meant the three of us.

Twinkle: No, I didn’t. How will I know? You told me, you wanted to take Aarohi for a long-drive. You didn’t mention me.

Kunj: Fine, the three of us are going.

Twinkle: I should change and come, then.

Kunj: I don’t think this outfit looks bad; you can let it be.

Twinkle (shaking her head): I should go check on Aarohi, then.

Twinkle walked toward the door, when Kunj called her from behind and stifled a small laugh, pursing his lips.

Kunj: Do you think I can come inside, too?

Twinkle (shaking her head): Now, don’t try and amuse me.

Kunj laughed and followed her inside, closely. The inside of the home had grown quiet, and Twinkle was surprised. The silence that engulfed the insides of the house was very occasional. It wasn’t often that the house was this quiet in Aarohi’s presence, until she’d scolded her daughter.

Twinkle walked further inside and looked at her mother. The house was eerily silent, and a tension brewed and floated in the humid air of the house.

Aarohi (in an accusatory tone): Are you the one who wanted to snatch my father away from me?

Leela: Aarohi, don’t…

Twinkle (interrupting in a stern voice): Aarohi, what is this way of talking to elders?

Aarohi: Maa, are they the ones who are snatching you away from me. Snatching Papa from me?

Twinkle: What is this kind of language and tone you’re using, Aarohi? Apologise to everyone.

Aarohi: Are you getting married to Kunj Uncle, Maa?

Twinkle: First, say sorry to Nani and Aunty.

Aarohi held her silence and looked at her mother, in an accusatory glance. Twinkle glared at her daughter and walked closer to her.

Twinkle (in a strict voice): I said, say sorry, Aarohi.

Aarohi gulped and looked back at her mother, ignoring the brewing fear within her.

Aarohi: Is that why we met their entire family, Maa?

Twinkle (losing her patience; in a loud voice): I said, Say Sorry!

Aarohi (shaking her head): I won’t. They’re snatching away Papa from me. Why should I be sorry? They should be sorry.

Twinkle (continuing in the loud voice): I want you in your room.

Aarohi (in a croaked voice): Maa…

Twinkle: I said something, Aarohi. Don’t make me lose my patience.

Aarohi (in a timid voice): They should be the ones leaving, Maa…

Twinkle (in a furious voice): I said, In your room, Aarohi. NOW!

Kunj (interrupting): Twinkle, the long…

Twinkle (cutting him short): No one’s going anywhere. Aarohi, go back to your room, NOW. Don’t force me to do something that you’ll cry about later.

Aarohi (tears rolling down her cheeks): Why should I listen to you, Maa? You didn’t even tell me Kunj Uncle…

Twinkle (in a raging voice): Either apologise to Nani and Usha Aunty, or go back to your room, Aarohi.

Aarohi: I wouldn’t…

Twinkle (in a shrieking voice): If you can’t listen to me, then I don’t have to listen to you.

Leela (interrupting): Twinkle, don’t say something you’ll regret later.

Twinkle (ignoring her mother; continuing in the same tone): I will not listen to you, Aarohi. If you can’t do what I say, I don’t have to listen to you. I will move on and get married, and you will accept that. I wouldn’t want a word about it, then.

Aarohi (brushing back her tears): I’m going to call Papa and ask him to take me back.

Twinkle (shouting): Go back to your room, now. I don’t want a word. I want you in your room in the next one minute.

Aarohi ran away from the living room, brushing away the tears that rolled down her cheeks. Twinkle stared at her daughter’s retreating figure, attempting to control the fury that developed within herself. She didn’t know what her daughter had heard, but regardless of that, she couldn’t accept the behaviour she brought forth. Her daughter should’ve been sorry and should’ve had apologised, but instead, she’d chosen to argue with her.

Usha: Twinkle, I’m sorry, I just…

Kunj: Kya hai yaar, Maa! I told you not to talk about the marriage.

Leela (from behind): Kunj, it wasn’t just Usha ji alone. I was also talking about it.

Twinkle (turning around toward them): Don’t, Maa. It wasn’t either of your fault. Aarohi shouldn’t have behaved the way she did.

Kunj (in an adamant tone): Neither should you have.

Twinkle (furiously): She was misbehaving.

Leela (stepping toward Twinkle): Kunj is right. You shouldn’t have had scolded her like that. She’s still a child.

Twinkle: Hogi, Maa, bacchi. But she’s grown-up enough to know that she can’t misbehave and talk like that with elders. This isn’t what you or I have taught her. (pausing and looking at her mother, sternly) And she’s grown-up enough to even understand that I and Yuvraj won’t decide on something that’d be bad for her.

Leela: Don’t be stubborn. Go, talk to her. She’s still a kid, and she needs time to accept this. It isn’t easy for her.

Twinkle (shaking her head): No, Maa. I wouldn’t talk to her. Ask her to first come and apologise to you and Aunty, only then will I talk to her.

Leela: Don’t act like a kid, Twinkle. She did what felt correct to her. She’s scared of losing Yuvraj after you get married.

Twinkle: And I did what felt correct to me.

Twinkle looked at her mother for a long minute before turning around and walking out to the patio. She could feel the fury within her bubbling and she needed fresh air for it to evaporate into the thin air.

Leela (from behind): Twinkle…

Kunj: Rehne do, Aunty.

Twinkle heard the words faint behind her as she stepped outside, and stood amidst the fresh air. The trees swung to the rhythm of the winds and she stood there, fury boiling within her. She’d never wanted this discussion to unravel this way. She knew, it wasn’t easy for her daughter to accept this relation. But that, in no way, approved her of misbehaving. It was something, Twinkle couldn’t bear, and her daughter knew it too well.


Kunj knocked on the door and looked inside, the soft sound of sniffing hitting his ears. He’d decided to talk to Aarohi on his own, after Twinkle had refused. He’d understood Twinkle’s perspective, but this wasn’t an issue to be handled with rage. She should’ve had been more patient and tried explaining to Aarohi, rather than bursting out her anger at her.

Kunj (softly): Partner, are you here?

Kunj heard her sniffing grow louder for a second, before she lowered down.

Kunj: Are you under the bed?

He walked inside and bent down, to look under the bed. He saw her sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall – her legs tangled and twisted, while she pulled out tissues from the box next to her – and he stood up, straight. Kunj realised, she hadn’t sniffed at his question and smiled, inwardly.

Kunj: Is that how you’re going to talk to me, Partner?

She sniffed loudly again and Kunj chuckled, softly. He rounded the corner of the bed and looked around.

Kunj: Are we playing hide-and-seek, Partner?

She sniffed again, and Kunj smiled. He didn’t know how Twinkle lost her temper at her daughter. But it was probably because she was her mother. May be, if he’d been her father – or had that authority over her – even he wouldn’t have had tolerated the behaviour.

Kunj: Or, are we playing, peek-a-boo?

He knew Aarohi couldn’t sniff at that question and waited for her to reply, staring at the photograph on the accent wall. Twinkle snuggled Aarohi in the photograph, while Yuvraj stood on the side, looking at them with a look of admiration.

Aarohi (after a long minute): Either.

Kunj (walking toward her): Then, Peek-a-boo!

Aarohi looked up at him with moist eyes and a frown lingered on her lips. He walked toward her, quickly, and patted her head.

Kunj (kneeling down before her): Hey, Hey! Don’t cry. It’s okay. We’ll punish your mother.

Aarohi (shaking her head): I won’t do anything with you.

Kunj (furrowing his brows): You found yourself a new partner?

Aarohi (shaking her head): No. But I won’t be your partner. You’ve lied to me.

Kunj (in an amused tone): Arey? When did I lie to you?

Aarohi: You said, you were my partner. But you were trying to be my father.

Kunj (in mock annoyance): Hey! I never wanted to be your father. Don’t accuse me of things I don’t want to be. Being a father is, anyway, a very boring job.

Aarohi (brushing away the tears): Then, Why are you marrying Maa?

Kunj: I’ll tell you that, later. But before that, you tell me; Don’t you want to go for the long-drive I’d planned for us to go on?

Aarohi: Will Maa be coming?

Kunj: Do you want her to?

Aarohi (shaking her head): No. Maa scolded me for no reason, I don’t want to talk to her now.

Kunj: We won’t take her with us, if you don’t want. But always remember, parents never scold you for no reason.

Aarohi: You, also think, I was wrong out there?

Kunj: May be. But because I didn’t scold you, and neither am I your parent, I wouldn’t say, what’s wrong or right. But if your mother has scolded you, there must’ve been something wrong that you did. (pausing and holding out a tissue to her) Do you want to go to a park?

Aarohi shook her head and wiped the tears away from her face. Kunj looked at her and laughed, softly. Her nose had reddened from all the crying and vigorous brushing. He jabbed a finger at her nose and smiled.

Kunj: You’ve a red nose. (pausing shortly) Do you want to have ice-cream?

Aarohi nodded and stood up, walking past Kunj. Kunj looked up at her amused and arched his brows in question.

Aarohi (in subtle anger): I’ll go, wash my face. I don’t want to go out having a red nose.

Kunj (laughing): Or else, I can paint it white.

Aarohi shook her head and strode inside the washroom, hurriedly. Kunj laughed at her, again, and shook his head.

Kunj (in a loud voice): I’ll be waiting downstairs.

He walked outside the room, and walked into the living room, where his mother and Leela Aunty sat in tension, adjacent to each other. He looked at them and smiled at them, calmly.

Leela: Is she fine, now?

Kunj (nodding her head): I’m taking her out for the long-drive I’d promised and for ice-cream, too. (pausing shortly, then in a hesitant voice) Aunty, can you give me Yuvraj’s number?

She looked at him, questioningly, but scrolled through her list of contacts and texted him the contact. Kunj swiped through his phone when the pinging sound echoed in the emptiness of the living room, and sighed. He hadn’t wanted to get involved in this situation, but now, as the present had unravelled in an uglier manner, he couldn’t pull himself out of the situation.

Kunj (looking up): You stay here till I return. It’ll be slightly late by the time we return home.

His mother nodded and he looked toward the sound of the approaching footsteps. Aarohi had neatened her hair and washed her face. The redness and puffiness from her face had almost disappeared, but a light shade of crimson remained, that covered her features. When she stood beside him, he laced his fingers with hers and walked out of the house. It’d, perhaps, be a long evening. An evening he hadn’t foreseen, at all.


Alright, that’d be all for this episode. It was extremely long, and Twinkle’s behaviour was, probably, kind of unexpected, but I’ve always tried portraying both Twinkle and Yuvraj very short-tempered and hot-headed, so I hope you all can relate. But I do understand, sometimes, as parents, you do tend to be harsh and strict; however, it isn’t the correct way to deal with, always. Thank you!

The post TWINJ: Ek Tukda Pyaar – Episode 16 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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