Sunday 21 February 2021

Love Beyond Limits (A RIANSH LOVE SAGA) Chapter#5


Chapter 5: The Coffee Fight!!!

Almost a week has passed away since the return of Riddhima in the lives of RaiSinghanias. Everyone was busy in their own respective lives. Apart from the work assigned by Riddhima, Kabir and Aryan were hell bent on decoding the mysterious relation of RaiSinghanias and Riddhima. Vansh almost daily visits Hospital to keep a check on her sister and sometimes a heated argument occurs between him and Riddhima. Sia, Kabir and Aryan daily witness their fights but never able to listen their words because of Riddhima’s cabin being sound proof. At home, Ishani and Vansh were individually trying to convince Sia to Leave her job at Riddhima’s hospital. Sia was very disturbed by all this fuss. This time Ishani came to hospital to talk with riddhima but to her badluck Riddhima was not at the hospital. She was totally unaware of the unfateful encounter she was going to have. You can imagine whats going to happen when two most stubborn people collide with each other…Aryan and Ishani…

Lifeline Hospital,

Ishani entered the hospital and asking the receptionist she moved in a haste towards Riddhima’s cabin. She was about to move towards right in the corridor when from the opposite side, Aryan holding a coffee cup collided with her. And Splashhhhh!!! Her dress was totally spoiled with the coffee stains.
A(shocked but in a chill mood): Wooowww! Not bad Aryan! What a masterpiece of art I have made!!( he called the coffee stain as an art piece) Ohh!! Hello miss? Aaaaa…… Your name???
I: What the hell? Are you blind?
A: Hello Miss What the hell!! Leave mine, but you are definitely not blind. So, I think You should have walked properly.
I: Oh 
hello! Whoever you are! Just get out of my way! Had I not been in hurry, I will have made you pay for this.
A: But, I am not in hurry at all, so, You are definitely going to pay for this.
I: Pay for what?
A: Pay for my morning cup of coffee. Actually, the thing is A handsome and smart boy in his best mood and health came to the cafeteria, made a delicious cup of cold coffee for himself and was walking with absolutely normal speed. All of a sudden, An arrogant girl came from nowhere and Bumped into him, Spoiling his mood and his cup of coffee. Well, A gentleman should forgive her and let her go But I am not one of them. Miss What the hell!!! You are going to make a cup of coffee for me and also going to PAY FOR IT!!

(He was just having morning fun with her but looking at her attitude he was not at all going to leave her untill he soaks out all her attitude. Well obviously! He is as much stubborn as she is)

I: Ishani RaiSinghania has no time for useless people like you. You better stay away.
A: RaiSinghania!!! (In his mind) She can help me decode the mystery of Riddhima. Lets play along Aryan. (To ishani) So, you are a RaiSinghania. I am not surprised. Now, I know where this attitude comes from. Stubborn Singhanias!! Well now you come with me to the cafeteria.

Without listening her, He grabed her by her arm and took her to cafeteria pulling her with him forcefully.

I(angrily: Oh you just leave me alone. How dare you touch me! Idiot! (Frustrated) Here!! Take this money and with a cup of coffee also buy some brains for yourself! Useless!
(She left saying this)
A: Arrogant!

Meanwhile, In the Ward, Sia was checking on the patients and Kabir also came their. (In one week, Sia and Kabir have developed a friendly relation with each other yet formal)
K: Dr. Sia!!
S: Yes Sir!!
K: Can i ask you something? Well its a lil bit personal.
S: yeah sure.
K: I have been observing You from the past few days. You seem out of world to me. Is there anything in which I can help?
S: No Sir! Its nothing like that. Just…
She hesitated to speak more.
K: First of all, Call me Kabir! I am completely ok with it and secondly, You can share Your dilemma with me. I assure you that It will be between you and me and I will give you the best solution for this.
S: Kabir! Actually I don’t know that you are the right person to talk with but I feel there is something going on between My bhai! Vansh Bhai and Riddhima Ma’am. Everyone in my family wants me to leave this job. I don’t know the reason but witnessing the arguments between them, I am sure there is something serious. But I don’t want to leave this job. Its a golden opportunity for me.
K: (thinking to himself) So, I and Aryan were right. There is definitely some past connection between Vansh and Riddhima. Whats the damn past!!!.
S: Kabir!!! Where are you lost?
K: Actually Sia, I have been also witnessing all this. Don’t worry we will solve this out. And yeah for the job matter, You should tell your problem to Riddhima. She will solve it easily. She is like a sister to me and Aryan. Whenever we stuck somewhere, she solves the matter in seconds. Just Don’t take stress. You are a very dedicated doctor. This worry doesn’t suits you. only a cute smile on your beautiful face is what I love…..
He realized what he just said,
K: Aa, I mean you should keep smiling. Its releases the tension on nerves.
He immediately moved out to lessen his embarrassment.
S: What did he just say??? Oh leave it. I think I should talk to Riddhima Ma’am.
She also left the cabin and went towards Riddhima’s cabin. Riddhima has by now arrived in the hospital.
Sia and Riddhima had a conversation which is inaudible right now.
Meanwhile, Aryan was in cafeteria sipping his coffee. After drinking it, he was going back towards his cabin when Again Splashhhhhhh!!!!
His clothes were ruined and coffee was dripping from his face. He opened his eyes and found Ishani Laughing at him.
I: My masterpiece is better than yours… wow!
A: You!!!!!
I: Tit for Tat!!! Never ever try to underestimate Ishani RaiSinghania.
A: I think u need to know who should not underestimate whom!!
Saying so, He brought another cup of coffee and Threw the coffee over Ishani’s face.
I: How dare you! U idiot!!
Aryan was laughing now.
A: Just…just look at yourself Miss ISHANI RAISINGHANIA!!! It seems like You were over filled with coffee then someone squeezed you like wet cloth and Now it is dripping out of your hair strands…
I: Let me teach you a lesson. She went towards the coffee machine and without looking threw it in Aryan’s direction. And again a Splashhhh!!!
But now the situation was lil bit different.
I(Shocked): Sia!! You!!!
Sia who came to take a break in cafeteria was now drenched in coffee too. She was standing there shocked. She glared at Ishani.
S:Whats happening here Ishani? What are you doing here??What have you done Ishani Di!!!
I: So so sorry Sia!!! I was going to throw coffee on this idiot!!
Aryan who was now filling another cup of coffee to enjoy the scene between Sia and Ishani, spoke,
A: Hey! Whom are you calling an idiot?
I: There is no other idiot in this room except you.
A: Oh really! Lets see then, He threw coffee again at ishani and Ishani bent down but once again Splashhhh!
This time Kabir became the victim of the coffee fight.
Ishani Bursts into laughter.
K: Whats all this Aryan?
I: I’ll tell. This Aryan threw coffee at me. In Return, I also threw coffee at him.
S(cutting her): And you both made us victim of your fights. Right??? Are You mad Ishani???
K: Sia! Why are you scolding her. i am damn sure it would be Aryan’s fault. He is always mischievous like this.
S: Ishani is not less either Kabir! Ishani say sorry to Aryan.
I: What!! Never..
A: Yeah say sorry to me. (Showing attitude)
K: Shut up Aryan! You say sorry to her.
S: No ishani will say sorry. I know she is at fault.
K: No. I know Aryan. He is at fault.
S: Kabir dont take her side. You know nothing about her.
K: And you know nothing about Aryan.
A: Oh hello. Why are You both fighting. Lets end this matter here. Ishani!! Say sorry to me.
I: You say sorry to me..
The four of them were shouting on each other and fighting so much loudly that there voices reached to Riddhima’s cabin.
R: What is this noise? Where is it coming from?? I need to check this.
She went towards the cafeteria listening to noise.
Meanwhile, Vansh entered the hospital. He went to Reception.
V: Where is Riddhima?
Rec: Ma’am has just now went towrds the cafeteria. Its on the 1st floor.
Vansh also went towards the cafeteria.
In cafeteria:
A: You better keep your voice down. I am not deaf.
I: But you are mad!! And i talk like this with mad people.
A: Are’nt you mad?
I:Not at all!
A: A mad person never wants himself to be called as MAD!!! So, you are mad. Not me.
K: sia! You are supporting the wrong one. Just keep quiet.
S: why I keep quiet?YOU are supporting the wrong one.
K: Sia! I am your boss. You have to listen to me.
S: Its my break time. You can’t be my boss when I am not Working.
Riddhima and Vansh entered the cafeteria at the same time. They came from opposite sides and bumped into each other. Ishq mein marjawan plays.
Vansh’s hands were on Riddhima’s waist and Riddhima’s hands were on Vansh’s chest. Riddhima stepped back but her hair strand got entangled in the button of Vansh’s coat. She was angrily trying to remove it when Vansh holds her hands. Riddhima looked in his eyes which were totally expressionless.
V: Relax..I’ll do it!
She didn’t say anything and pulled her hands back. They were staring in each others eyes while Vansh was removing her strand from his button. He removed the strand but They were so engrossed in each others eyes that they forgot what they had come for. They were staring each other but then the noise diverted their attention towards the four of them.
Riddhima and Vansh( shocked and in unison): Enough!!!!!
The four of them stopped right there and said,
Ishani and Sia: Bhai!!!!
Aryan and Kabir: Ma’am!!!!
Riddhima and Vansh: Whats happening here???

Aryan: A Coffee fight is going on here. Wanna join??
Ishani: Shut up Aryan!! Bhai!! This Aryan has spoiled my whole dress by throwing coffee at me deliberately.
Vansh pulled Ishani back and came in front to face Aryan.
Vansh(In anger): How dare You???
Aryan: Just tell your deeds too..Miss Arrogant!!
Kabir: Aryan Threw Coffee at Ishani and In their Fight, they both threw coffee accidentally on me and Sia. So i was asking Aryan to apologize To Ishani.
V: Yes! He is right. Aryan! You better apologize to my sister.
Listening to this, Riddhima pulled Aryan back and came in front to face Vansh.
R: Wai..Wait what??? Why will Aryan apologize? Ishani has also threw coffee at him so She should be the one to apologize.
V: Ms. Riddhima Shah! You better keep your mouth shut. You know nothing about the matter but always come to fight like a pro!
R: You are also not an encyclopedia here who knows everything about everyone. Don’t try to boss around my Brothers!!
V: Brothers!!!! (He felt a bit relieved to know that she considers Kabir and Aryan as her brothers and not boyfriends. A small smile crept on his face but it was for only a few seconds) Oh really!! All of a sudden they become your brothers. Being a sister, you should have taught them some manners to be a gentleman.
R: (Sarcastically)Like You are a thorough gentleman here huh?.. Then Teach some manners to your sister too. She badly needs it.

Sia (To kabir): Oh God! They came to stop our fight but now They also started fighting like kids.
K: but Riddhima Ma’am is right! Your sister got no manners here.
S: Your brother is no less Kabir!! (Thinking to herslef) Seconds ago, he was taking her side.
A: Mr. Vansh! Riddhima Ma’am is absolutely right. Your sister is so stupid.
I: You are useless!!
A: Your are Arrogant!!
I: You are stubborn
A: You are no less.
R: Mr. RaiSinghania Your brain cells have gone on a holiday. You badly need a refreshment.
Saying so she brought a cup of coffee and Splashhhhhh on Vansh’s Face!!!
V: Interesting Very interesting! A second ago you were talking about manners right?? You also need a refill for your dead brain cells.
He also brought another cup and Splashhhh on Riddhima’s face.
V: Don’t tell me What i should do and What not. I came here to talk with you but You know nothing except arguing and showing your attitude.
R: Mr. RaiSinghania! This is not a zoo that daily a new member of your family come and create a mess here. This is a hospital and it demands peace. But you and your family know nothing about peace. You are talking about my attitude. What about you? If your ego remains like this, then I don’t know about coffee but One day You will surely drown in the pool of your EGO!!!

Meanwhile, at hospital entrance, Angrey and Sejal came to meet Sia.
S: Angrey! You know what I was missing Sia so much in Kolkata. So, I wanted to surprise her here.
A(to himself): She brought me here forcefully. I don’t know how she will react by meeting Riddhima.
S: Where are you lost Angrey? (To receptionist) I want to meet Dr. Sia.
Rec: Just pointed towards Cafeteria.
Angre and Sejal went to cafeteria. They entered there and they got shocked.. The cafeteria was now looking like a pool of coffee. As if, kids of primary were fighting. There were coffee stains everywhere and to there surprise Vansh, Riddhima, Aryan, Ishani, Sia And Kabir, Everyone was drenched in coffee and fighting like Tom and jerry. Sejal didn’t notice Riddhima as she was facing Riddhima’s back.
Looking at the scene, Angrey and Sejal burst into laughter. Their laughter caught everyone’s attention.
Sejal: (laughing) Look at all of you!! Whats going here??
Angrey: Vansh! Look at you? Hahhahahah
After their laughter, everyone realized that they are fully wet with coffee. They looked at each other from head to toe. Kabir and Sia also started laughing. Same is with Ishani and Aryan.
A: You look Crazy! Miss arrogant!
I: (sarcastically) Very funny!
Vansh and Riddhima looked at each other and then avoiding their gaze looked in other direction. A smile crept on their face unintentionally and unnoticed by others.
Angre: Thank God its cold coffee. Otherwise, you all by now have been admitted to the burnt ward.
Vansh and Riddhima (murmurs in unison): I am already burning bearing his/her stubborn and attitude
Suddenly, Sejal realized someone’s presence.
Sejal: Riddhima!!!!

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