Thursday 18 June 2020

Ishq Mein Marjawan FF # Ishq Nahi Aasan (Chapter 40)

Hey guys here comes the next episode. It’s long and I have added few photos too. Please do give your valuable opinions and suggestions in the comment section. 

Episode 40:-

Samika and Dev’s bitter past!

Six years ago , Shimla.

Samika and Dev meets in a park. Dev – “ Samika, Can I ask you something? “. Samika- “ Ok”. Dev – “ Is there any big problem? I really feel there is an enemy who is behind these attacks you faced “. Samika stays silent. Dev – “ Samika, tell me if you trust me. I won’t compel you “. Samika – “ It’s not like that , I trust you. But .. We don’t want you to fall into any trouble that’s it”. Dev – “ Trouble ? Iam always with you , let it be good or bad time”. Samika – “ I know. Actually, Papa and Samrat Bhaiya thinks that the person is the same who is behind the murder of Maheshwar Kaka’s family”. Dev – “ Who is he ?” Samika- “ Maheshwar Kaka and his family was very close to us. They were our neighbors but we were more like a family. His only daughter, Manya and I were like sisters. It all started with sudden death of Manya , which was a planned murder. We were all in shock. After 2 months, Maheshwar Kaka and Sharadha Kaki was murdered by someone . Culprits were haven’t caught yet “.  Dev – “ But you were neighbors, right? You don’t the culprit, haven’t you seen them?” Samika- “ No, Manya became missing for 1day. Police searched for her but she couldn’t be traced. After that we got to see that Manya was hanging on the ceiling of the College classroom. It was really mysterious death. Kaka was devastated and disturbed after that incident . Kaka and Kaki isolated themselves in their big Mansion. The night , when were murdered we weren’t in the town. We went to visit Dadi as she wasn’t well. We came back late that night and we went home as everyone was tired. Next day, Morning . We got to know that they were murdered “. Dev – “ I don’t see anything that connects your family towards that incident. Then why are they targeting you?” Samika- “ Papa, asked for detailed inquiry because first team concluded Manya’s case as suicide and Kaka and Kaki’s murder as a murder that happened during a robbery. No one was satisfied with that “. Dev – “ So they are having enemity because your Papa appealed for further investigation. Did you have any evidence regarding the case?” Samika- “ No, if we had it . We would have submitted to officials and culprits could have found by now “. Dev – “ Yeah that’s true. I just asked because you were targeted many time that’s it. I thought , what if they think you know something about them? That’s it. Don’t worry, Iam there with you “. Samika- “ I know and feel secured when you are with me “. Both of look each other. Samika says – “ Its getting late , I need to go home”. Dev – “ Ok fine . Let’s leave”.

They walk . They takes an auto as Dev told that his car is at workshop. They get into auto . They tells the location. Auto driver starts the auto. But Auto driver takes another direction. Dev – “ You took wrong , direction. Please turn back”. Auto Driver – “ Don’t worry, I will take you the right place.  Turning back is not right”. Both of them gets worried. Samika – “ Dev!” Dev – “ Please , either you take us back to the place from where we got in or else stop here”. He doesn’t stop . Dev keeps his hand over the auto driver to stop him. Samika gets worried. Dev tries strangulate him. Finally he stops . They get down immediately and they get surrounded by some goons. Both of them gets worried. Dev hit one of them and holds Samika’s hand . They both run to escape. They reach near an industrial area. There is no people around. They gets tensed. They find goons haven’t reached them yet. They stand behind a tree to hide. Samika gets call from her father. She was about to pick it up but goons reach . In a hurry to escape, Samika’s phone slips from here hand because of Dev. They run and finally they get a place to hide. They stand together and they have a eyelock .

Dev thinks to check out whether the goons are gone or not . He ask her not go anywhere else. She  was reluctant to let him go alone but agrees upon his say. She stands there waiting for him. But even after sometime he doesn’t come back . She gets worried and thinks to check him. As she comes out , someone spots her.

She runs and accidentally she gets into a godown , and she hide in cold storage room. She thinks to go out as now there is no noise of goons are heard. But before she could get out , someone locks her inside. She gets struck inside. She tries to get out. She bangs the door but no one opens it. Temperature starts to lower down. She tries to keep her warm . It’s night . But after sometime, she couldn’t take it more. She start to shiver in cold. 3 hours pass , she fall unconscious.

In the morning, she finds herself near Dev in a small hut. Dev was sleeping near her. He has hugged her tightly. She gets shocked. She gets up. Dev gets up too. Dev find her tensed. Dev tries to explain- “ Samika, are you okay now?” Samika- “ What happened? How did I came here? How did we? ” Dev gets worried and say – “ Samika, It’s nothing like that as you think. I didn’t crossed the line between us. I swear . I had to fight those goons and one of them hit me on my head . I became unconscious. When I became conscious, I came back to the place where I asked you stay. But you weren’t there, then I searched for you. I couldn’t see you anywhere. Then I saw your earring near that godown. I opened the shutter and I just checked that cold storage room. It was locked from outside. Then I found you lying there unconscious. For a moment, I felt like I lost you forever. Then took in my arms. That goons where also behind us and I took her. This hut was empty. I rubbed your hand and leg . But you were still cold. So I just kept my arms around you to keep you warm”. Samika looks him with tears. Dev – “ I swear , I didn’t… “ . Samika stops him by placing her hand on his mouth. They look each other. Samika- “ You need not explain, I trust you. I believe you. You are not like anyone else who will take advantage of a girl at such situations”. Dev gets surprised seeing her trust. Dev – “How can you trust me blindly?” Samika- “ Because I love you”.

(Ishq Mein Marjawan song played)

After that , they went back to home . Menaka Raichand is also present . Dev and Samika explains everyone, what happened last night. Everyone gets worried. After that , no one tried to attack her.

Days passed away,

Everything starts to be normal.

One day , Samika goes to Dev’s house to give a sweet box which her mother asked her to give. Since , Dev asked her mother to prepare it for him. Samika goes inside. The door was open. She see a servant. She enquirers about Dev and his mother. She gets to know that Menaka Raichand went outside. Dev is busy with some work in his office room. He will come down soon. Servant tells her to wait as Dev has told that he doesn’t need any disturbances. Samika waits. After a while, she thinks to go to his room. Samika thinks to surprise him. So she walk without making much sound.

She goes near the room and see that the door isn’t locked. She gently pushes it little and she gets shocked to see a girl with Dev. They are standing close to each other romantically. Samika gets shocked.

Trisha and Dev



Dev – “ Trisha, that Samika is making me crazy. She isn’t saying where she kept those evidence. I tried to ask her many times indirectly “. Trisha – “ Dev, it’s not done. Afterall she is your wife , how can you talk about her like this?”

Samika is hearing everything but they doesn’t see her . She hides and hear their talks. 

Dev – “ Please don’t say that . You know na , that marriage was just a part of my game “. Samika gets shocked .

Trisha- “ Really! That’s reason why you always get close to her ! “. Dev- “ You always get jealous. Iam doing this all just for you. You are my only love . Samika is just my way to get those evidence in that Maheshwar and his family’s murder. Once I get them. Everything will be over . We will trap that Poor Kashyap family in this case. I will prove that the young lady who that post man saw was Samika . When the truth is it’s you “.

Samika thinks – “ Dev! How could you ? “. She starts to cry. But she controls by closing her mouth.

Trisha- “ That’s the only thing , that can help them if we frame them into this case. It’s all because of that watchman of Maheshwar Sharma. He gave all evidence and documents to Samika”.

Samika remembers the watchman giving her a package and he ask her to keep it safely until he comes back. He told her that it’s just his family memories in it. He asked her not to see what is inside it .

Dev – “ Yes. He died but he didn’t uttered a word about this. It was good that we got to know that he last met Samika. … “.

Dev sees the door being open a little. Dev comes near the door. Samika is in a shock. He shuts the door . She comes back to reality hearing that sound. She is completely devastated after knowing Dev’s real face.

She tries to leave quietly. She leaves the house. No one see her going . Samika cries while walking. She remembers the moments she spent with him. Everything comes into her mind. She feels cheated. She remembers Dev telling his truth.

Samika – “ Why ? Why did you ? How could you be so mean? “. Samika cries and says – “ My family thinks that you are a good person. But you turned to be a devil in disguise. I will not let your evil intentions win”. Samika walks. A car stops near her . Samika doesn’t notice it and walks away. Someone holds her hand . Samika turns and see that it’s none other Dev. Samika gets scared.

Dev – “ What happened? Why are looking as if you are scared? Did anyone… “ . Samika tried to pretend as if everything is fine. She gives a fake smile. Samika – “ Nothing .. Mm.. Mm … Iam fine. I didn’t expected you that’s it”. Dev – “ Did you cry? Why? You came home and went without meeting “. Samika- “ Your house help told me that you are busy and you don’t want any kind of disturbance. So I thought to wait , but Riya called me . Thus I .. “. Dev- “ Samika, I told him but it wasn’t for you. You are always welcome anywhere and anytime to my house. How can you be a disturbance for me ?” Samika smiles and thinks – “ You are acting well , Dev”. Dev- “ Actually, Mom wanted tell you something serious. Mom just came back home now. Come let’s go”. Samika – “ I will come tomorrow, Riya is waiting for me , she came to explain me topics which I missed …” .

Dev – “ See , it won’t take much time. Just 15 minutes. Then I will drop you back to your home . Or there is anything else “. Samika thinks- “ If I refuse , he may understand that there is a problem. It would be better I pretend as if I don’t know anything “.  Samika agrees.

While going back, he enquirers about her arrival at that time. Samika tells him that her made his favorite sweet and she came to give that. Dev smiles . Samika tells him that she kept it on the dining table. Dev behaves normally . Samika is finding tough to act normal after knowing his cheat. They reach his home. Both of them get down.

As soon as , Samika enters the house with Dev. A house help closes the door. Samika see this and gets tensed. Samika( worriedly) – “ Why is he closing the door?”  Just them Menaka Raichand comes there and say – “ So that no one unwanted come inside. You don’t worry “. Dev smirks . Samika see that their expressions is changing. Samika gets worried. Menaka Raichand- “ What happened? Are your throat getting dry? John bring a glass of water “. Dev – “ Samika, why your face turned pale as if you are seeing death infront of you?” Samika looks Dev with tension. John brings water and gives it to Samika. Menaka Raichand ( with a smile )- “ Have it “. Samika takes the glass with a shivering hands. She drinks it . Dev goes near to her and says (with low tone ) – “ What happened? You are hands are shivering like as if you are caught for some crime “. Samika gets worried more.

Samika – “ I need to leave, Papa has told me to back soon”. Samika turns to leave but Trisha comes infront her.


Samika steps back in shock . Dev stands behind Samika. Trisha- “ Oho ! Don’t worry,  Iam not a ghost “. Samika starts to shiver. Dev keeps his hand on her shoulder. Dev – “ You are caught! “. Samika turns her head towards Dev who is standing close to her with an evil smile.

Trisha- “ I must say Dev, your ‘so called’ wife is really a stupid . She thought that we will not that she got to know about our plan “. Menaka Raichand ( teasingly ) – “ You are true, my daughter in law is really innocent to think like that “. Samika- “ I want to go “. Samika tries go but as she reaches the the door Dev keeps a hand over on the door. Samika gets shocked. Samika tries to move back but he keeps other hand over the other side. Dev gives a serious look to Samika. Tears start to roll down from her eyes. Dev – “ When you have known partial truth , why don’t you take the pleasure to know full truth”.

Trisha and Menaka smirks .

Scene freezes on Samika’s helpless face.

Precap :- Dev holds Samika and threatens her by saying that – “ You can’t escape this web of mine . Less you resist , less pain”. Samika- “ How could you ?” Dev – “ I can do anything. Don’t make me do things which Iam not interested to do. Tell me where are those things “. Samika- “ Do whatever you can , I won’t tell you what you want to hear from me “. Trisha gets angry seeing her courage. Dev and Samika look each other.

Thats all for this episode. You will get to know to more about their past in next episode. Still then stay tune.

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