Thursday 18 June 2020

Ishq-E-Kismat Episode 51 – A New FF Tashan-e-Ishq

Hello My Dear Readers,

Thank u so much for all ur lovely wishes and wonderful comments.

Seriously means a lot

Thank u.🌹🌹🌹

So now we will witness some more high-voltage drama

Kindly fasten ur seat belts

I hope u all will like it

Kunj is walking in dark
He pats on someone’s back
The person turns his back
He is yuvi.
Yuvi-Yes Kunj,what happened u called me here?
Kunj-see yuvraj after all that has happened actually I never wanted to see ur face but I have emotional attachment with u.
Yuvraj u are my brother.
Yuvi(emotionally)-ofcourse i am ,u know it very well throughout my childhood if i ever been close to anyone apart from mom It is you.
Kunj-Yuvraj,see I am trying to explain u with love Donot want any more drama
.How will u feel if I take away mahi n go.
I mean she is so good n beautiful.she is ….she has good body
I want to marry her…..

Yuvi fuming with anger holds his collar-Have u gone insane??mahi is my love.

Kunj-Exactly the love that u feel for mahi that made u hold my collar once twinkle felt for u.
I have seen her cry,literally die for u.
Yuvraj u have given her enough pain
Now pls pls stop it.
She doesnot want to cause u any harm.
She is your and mahi’s well wisher
Pls let us live……

Yuvi-Kunj I had no problem with her It is all about what her dad has done to my mom I have seen my family get ruined because of them.

Kunj-If revenge is solution
U feel twinkle’s parents ruined ur life
So u ruined her life
Then shouldnot i ruin ur life????

Yuvi gives him puzzled look

Kunj-U know what yuvraj u are genuinely blessed after whatever u have done still god is merciful to u.U are getting married.settling with love of ur life.Even twinkle didnot cause any problem.even she wanted she could land u in any sort of legal trouble,emotional trouble
So why are u trying to spoil twinkle’s life?
U wanted to take revenge u have taken
She was broken.
Plus u know what u say u want to punish her for what her dad has done.
Yuvraj she too had a childhood just like u and me always far from her dad.
She too was without a father infact till today she yearns for dad’s love.
Leela ma like anita bua has worked hard day and night all alone to upbring twinkle
N twinkle has to bear punishment for her dad’s fair is that???
Look yuvraj all i would say is
Pls If i have ever mattered to u
Pls i beg u stay away from us

Kunj walks away
Yuvi is left in deep thoughts and speechless.

Twinkle happily talking to leela on video call giving her the good news
Leela is super excited
And congratulates n blesses twinkle
Just then usha knocks at door

Twinkle-mummy ji y are u knocking?pls come.come i will talk to u latter.bye tc.

Usha(unable to meet her eyes)-twinkle u could have spoken to ur mom first.

Twinkle-no mummyji first u pls sit we will talk.

Usha has nothing to say

Usha(moist eyes)-Thank u beta for the goodnews god bless u always

Twinkle emotionally touches her feet n gives her warm hug.

Tears flow down usha’s eyes

Twinkle lovingly wipes it

Usha(lump in throat)-beta i am so love for kunj had made me blind.

Twinkle-mummy ji pls donot say sorry.if i was in ur place i would react much more than this….

Usha-beta can i request u for a favour

Twinkle-yes pls.

Usha-pls donot go back to canada.pls stay with us.I am scared to say this to manohar .i want u kunj both to stay here.i want to pamper u my lil one as well.pls if u can convince them.

Twinkle-Absolutely mummy ji I will and even if they donot get convinced let them go i will stay back.I need and chotu also needs ur pampering

Usha hugs her tightly.

Kunj is at door he looks on smiling

Kunj-Not fair not at all fair chotu and his mumma are choosing dadi over papa.

Twinkle (teasingly)-ofcourse dadi,badi dadi ,nani all are here.Who wants that boring papa we need pampering.Tasty tasty food lots of rest.

Kunj laughs

He gives hug to usha-Donot worry maa we are going nowhere.

Usha apologises to him too

Scene shifts

Yuvi is sitting in gallery of his house
It is all dark around him
Kunj’s words are echoing
He remembers how he was getting close and intimate with twinkle against her wishes but she didnot object as she was in deep love with him.
He remembers how she would keep calling him whole day after they broke up
He recollects how she had waited outside in t
Rain one whole night in front of his house
She was literally folding hands and begging him to sort out To not leave her
He remembers pushing her

While he is lost in his thoughts
Mahi comes there
Mahi-Donot wry yuvi.we will do something.we will not let this twinkle be me

Mahi goes on and on

Yuvi doesnot respond

Mahi-Trust me yuvi.donot be so upset i will make her cry like hell

Yuvi(yells)-Enough mahi.pls leave me alone pls for sometime.

Mahi is shocked

Yuvi(yells)-Go away……

Mahi has tears in her eyes she leaves

She collides with Anita

Anita is shocked to see her cry.

Anita and mahi are in room

Anita offers mahi water.

Anita-beta y are u crying.u are such a strong girl.not from ones who cry.we have to make twinkle cry.Today yuvi has scolded u because of her.He is upset because of her.All this drama is happening because of her

Mahi wipes her tears
Fuming with anger-mom I will ruin twinkle,i will finish her.because of her yuvi is upset on our marriage day.I willlll…..

Anita hugs her-I am with u beta……🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉

Usha is shown to be making twinkle drink juice
Her phone beeps.
Twinkle reads some msg she is puzzled.

Scene shifts

It is early morning
Twinkle has got ready.
She seems to be going somewhere.
Kunj wakes up-good morning swty heart
Twinkle gives him a sweet peck on cheeks
He too kisses her forehead.
Kunj touches her stomach-good morning r u

Twinkle laughs-still a embryo papa

Kunj-kithe chal diii moorni banke twinkle???


Kunj-Wait for 15-20 mins I will freshen up and join u

Twinkle-Aree no only ladies mummy ji ,chachi bebe n i

Kunj-so what about baby.if he is boy.

Twinkle-kunj kuch bhi.Freshen up and have breakfast Pls let me go.

Kunj hugs her n smiles…..

Scene shifts.

In temple all ladies are praying

Twinkle too prays and thanks god

She looks around when she sees all are engrossed in praying she stealthly leaves from there

She walks upto a lady
Lady turns her face
She is mahi
Mahi(moist eyes folded hands)-Thanks A lot Twinkle after all that happened u still came to meet me thank u

Twinkle just nods

Mahi-Twinkle tdy I am getting married,but I cannot start this new journey of my life till i confess something.
U were my best friend
My childhood bestie
I met yuvi 2 years prior to our college
We fell in love
Yuvi wanted to take a revenge from u
So for him for my love I put our friendship at stake


Mahi narrates her everything about leela,anita and ramakant

Tears fall from twinkle’s eyes

Mahi pats her back

Mahi-See twinkle I know u r shocked as aunty might have never told u anything about this but pls let bygones be bygones.
I always wanted u to be part of my marriage
Destiny got u here too
But i donot think anyone from sarna family would come after all that has happened

Twinkle is lost in what she just came to know

Mahi shakes her-twinkle I am really sorry.

Twinkle-It is ok mahi I have moved on in my life no grudges.


Twinkle-yup.all the best stay happily married.

Mahi-Twinkle if u have really forgiven me pls pls pls come to my house today evening 6pm
I will be getting ready for marriage
Pls meet me once before marriage pls

Twinkle-I will try cannot promise

Mahi(tear-eyed)-pls pls

Twinkle leaves all shocked

Mahi smirks

While all are returning home
Bebe notices twinkle is very silent
Bebe-bete are u fine
Twinkle-yes bebe just little tired.

Twinkle walks in room
Kunj-ohhhe mela swty heart and chotu are back god se bahut saari talks karke???
Twinkle just smiles

Kunj-what happened???are u fine

Twinkle-yes kunj just a bit tired

Kunj-Aree yaar u shouldnot have gone to temple today wait i will get juice for u

Twinkle holds his hand

She hugs him tight

She gets strenght from him

Kunj(puzzled)-Twinkle is everything fine.

Twinkle(with lump in throat)-yes pakka.

Scene shifts.

Kunj has made juice
He is in kitchen
Bebe comes
Bebe-Donot wry putar I know twinkle seems little off.Maybe mood swing relax

Kunj nods

Precap-Twinkle walks in a dark house
She calls out mahi…….
Yuvi has come all sweating to kunj
Yuvi-kunj pls pls come with me fast,twinkle’s life is in danger.

Thanks for reading
Take care
Stay Safe💐💐💐💐

The post Ishq-E-Kismat Episode 51 – A New FF Tashan-e-Ishq appeared first on Telly Updates.

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