Hello My Dear Readers,
Thanks a lot for reading also for your comments
So get set for high voltage drama epi
The epi starts with twinkle and rinki walking happily in garden
They are busy chit chatting
Suddenly a handsome hunk(sidhart shukla) comes and blocks their way
Boy(moist eyes)-Rinki pls pls pls just talk to me for 5 mins pls
Rinki gets nervous she looks at confused twinkle
Rinki-sid pls pls go away
I cannot talk
Sid sits on his knees-Rinki i love u love u lots pls pls just give me one chance I will talk to uncle i will convince him.
I know u love me u will never be able to stay happy with nick
Pls donot punish urself as well as me pls
He is literally folding hands
Twinkle is extremely shocked
Rinki too is unable to react
Just tears keep flowing from her eyes.
Sid- I cannot stay without u rinki I love u
Rinki-sid pls pls get up pls i beg of u pls donot do all this pls I am helpless.pls sid
Rinki walks away
Twinkle is standing there
She sees sid is extremely hurt
Sid gets up and starts walking
Twinkle runs behind rinki
Rinki-pls twinkle lets return back pls.
Scene shifts
Twinkle is making rinki have water in her room
She is sobbing
Twinkle pats her back.
Rinki-pls donot tell anyone about it.
Twinkle looks deep in her eyes
Holds her hands
Twinkle-Do u love him????
Rinki(sobbing)- A lot but cannot do anything Dad wants me to marry nick I cannot hurt dad.
Twinkle-Did u try telling him about sid.
Rinki- Twinkle Dad is very very particular about status and all.Sid works as a chef in a small canadian cafe and nick is son of jewellery merchant.
Twinkle dad will never agree
Sid wanted to meet him
But i know he will only face humiliation and i will not be able to bear it.
Twinkle-Rinki my dear u cannot marry a person whom u donot love.It is a matter of ur entire life.Sir wants to see u happy.how will u be happy with nick????
Rinki-Every love story doesnot have to be complete.mere aur sid ke kismaat mein yeh ishq nahi tha.
Twinkle-rinki trust me I have seen a lot of love in his eyes for you
The same kind i see in kunj’s eyes
Initially i too was blind to notice that
Pls u donot do that
Because trust me he will keep u like a queen
Not everyone is as lucky as u and me to find someone who loves us this way.
Pls rinki yeh ishq tum dunno ki kismaat mein hain.
Rinki-pls pls twinkle pls let this go.
My decision is final I am marrying nick.
Twinkle feels helpless.
Scene shifts
Twinkle is discussing everything with kunj.
Twinkle-kunj we need to do something
I cannot see this all
Kunj sid loves her alot
I have seen in his eyes
The same love that i see in your eyes for me.
Kunj smiles at twinkle’s remark
Twinkle-kunj i insist we should help them
Kunj-twinkle this could be risky.mr raheja can get very angry
Twinkle holds his hands-we need to unite two lovers pls
Kunj gets thinking
I have a plan
He murmurs something
N twinkle’s face glows
She kisses kunj’s hand in excitement-you are so brilliant thank u thank u thank u
Kunj assures her he is always with her- i guess this plan should work because mr raheja loves rinki a lot so i guess
Twinkle- it will work my genius hubby
Scene shifts.
Preparation for sangeet ceremony are in full swing
Rinki has dressed up
But sid’s image keeps coming before her eyes
Twinkle’s words echo her ears.
Tears keep flowing from her eyes
Twinkle comes there.
She pacifies rinki
Twinkle-R u sure about ur decision.
She deletes her and sid’s photos from her cell.
Twinkle feels bad
Kunj gestures her something from outside
Twinkle nods
She bends down n does something to rinki’s sandals.
The function begins
All guest arrives
Nick arrives with his stylish family.
Rinki is brought
She greets her in-laws
Nick seems displeased
Rinki smiles at him
Nick- yaar your choice is so pathetic look at ur this lenga so heavy U could have kept it sober.
Tears drop from rinki’s eyes
Twinj have overheard their convo
Twinkle-seriously her choice is pathethic that is why she choose to get married to an idiot like him.
Kunj smiles seeing twinkle fume with anger
Twinkle gives him angry look too-I wish i could just smash his face n u mr kunj stop smiling otherwise i will break ur teeth
Kunj brusts into laughter.
Scene shifts
All dance performances take place
Rinki and nick are sitting together
But his eyes are glued at other woman.
He whispers in rinki’s ears- i hope u have prepared well for our dance .pls be graceful.
Be aware of my image
Rinki nods in pressure.
Next the couple to be
Are invited
Nick pretends to be very romantic
Gives hand to rinki
And gently takes her on stage.
Twinkle-I guess he has taken coaching of this nautanki from yuvi.DISGUSTING.
They start dancing
All seem to enjoy
Suddenly rinki losses her balance
She trips n falls
All laugh
Nick fumes with anger
Mr Raheja rushes to help rinki
Nick-Idiot Fatso.cannot do any step properly.
Good for nothing
Mr Raheja-calm down nick she has got hurt.
Nick- what Am i to do with that?
Twinkle-Sir u seriously should call off this marriage look at the way he is behaving with rinki.
He is tormentizing her since so many days
Lose weight
Wear sober clothes
Put on light mehendi design
Mr Raheja gestures twinkle to be quiet
But she being twinkle continues
Twinkle-Sir he ill treats rinki.trust me rinki will never be happy with him
As it is rinki…
Rinki(interrupts)-shut up twinkle pls shut up.
It is all my fault I lost balance why are u dragging nick in all this And pls mind your business
Kunj sees that tears well up in twinkle’s eyes.
Kunj-She cares for you Rinki.u donot have guts to admit that you love somebody else.twinkle is just trying to help u out.
Mr Raheja(Red with anger)-mr and mrs sarna enough of ur drama Leave my house immediately.Enough of your lectures .Rinki is my daughter i know the best for her
Twinkle-no no no sir u are not understanding I have seen how he pressurizes rinki for everything and rinki loves sid she is marrying this jerk just for ur happiness
Mr raheja goes near twinkle he pushes her-Get out
Kunj holds his hands firmly-Dare you touch her dare u
Security guards come
Rinki feels helpless
She sees twinkle weeping
Guards are about to push them
Kunj stops them-Dare anyone touch us.we are going.n yes Rinki i have never seen a person as coward as u Twinkle is doing all this for u n look at you .I guess u deserve all this.good bye.
He holds twinkle’s hand
And takes her
Twinkle keeps looking at rinki with moist eyes.
Manohar is fuming with anger-cannot u both understand that we were just suppose to organise a wedding n not create such a huge scene
Twinkle professional and personal lives can never be mixed I so well knew u will ruin our business
Kunj (interrupts)-Dad pls donot say all this
Manohar-stop taking ur wife’s side in everything i will never forgive her for this
Mr raheja is our main stakeholder
Who will finance us twinkle
Ur dad?????
Kunj gets very angry-Enough dad enough.money money.business.there is something called emotions and feelings .
He grabs twinkle’s hand n starts walking away.
Thanks for reading
Take care
Stay safe
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