So Guys here the 2nd chapter ,
( here both Aryan and Vansh went to London for their respective works . )
At the hotel in London ,
Angre ran towards the room of Vansh and entered without knocking .
Vansh ; what is this angre , don’t you have manners ?
Angre ; this is not the time to talk about manners boss
Vansh ; what’s the matter Angre
Angre ; did you go to Instergram ?
Vansh ; no I didn’t have time
Angre ; damn! that means you still don not know about the upcoming tusnami
Vansh ; tusnami ! tell me cearly Angre , what’s the matter ?
Angre ; this the matter,
( Angre showed his phone to Vansh and there he saw a letter that say he is a MPD ( multiple personality disorder ) patient and because of that he is dangerous for the society so he must go to the mental hospital as soon as possible )
vansh throw away everything in his room and again and again he memorize those insulting words .
Vansh ; who the hell can do such thing , ” MPD ” my foot , Angre find who is that person who doesn’t like to live during next 72 hours
Angre ; but boss …..
Vansh ; not but Angre find that person at any cost
Angre ; ok boss
Vansh pov ,
What is this new twist in my life. I mean in world only one person know that I am a MPD patient and that is my lady love . yes I know that I said I never fall in love but for her it was my passion . It’s impossible to know she is alive as she died in front of me . Then who is this new one ? Is she a live . No that’s impossible Vansh
. Let’s see who is this new enemy …..( he was touching a photo , obviously yes it was his lady love’s pic )
( Pari , vansh lady love . she was an orphan . Loves Vansh immensely . Died from an mysterious accident)
Flash Back
vansh is pointing a gun towards a girl ,
girl ; pl….ease vansh lis…ten to me once…
vansh ; no Pari no I hate you I hate you I don’t want to see you anymore
Pari ; please Vansh give me 5 minutes to tell you what happened . I love you Vansh please p..ple..please.. va..van…vansh…. ( she was crying badly )
Vansh ; no more lies get lost from my life and remember I hate you
( suddenly came two or three sounds of gun shot and the girl was sinking in her own blood river and a man laughs in a evil manner)
Flash back end
At Riddima ‘s place
Sejal ; Riddu why you get angry once you hear the name of Vansh
Riddu ; I don’t know but when my ears hear his name I get angry immensely and get a feeling like to do a murder and you know this not the first time I get that feelings .
Sejal ; what ! yesterday you act as you doesn’t know him .
Riddu ; all those were a lie . I know him before you tell me . I just
Sejal ; what the rubbish are you talking !
Riddu ; leave it babe .Let me enjoy the present moment
Sejal; ok ok you and your crazy talks. aree remember at least today come to the concert early otherwise you will not able to see your pice charming
Riddu ; sure babe bye see you to night
Riddu’s pov,
yes Mr . Vansh Raisinghania even I don’t know why I get angry hearing your name . but when I hear your name my heart become heavy and it filled with hatred . I wish I could not see you ever in my life. Did you enjoy today Mr, vansh?. Don’t worry in your wildest nightmares you will see me surely.
At 6. 45 p.m.
Riddu ran hurrily towards Sejal who was standing in front of the hall .
( Riddu ‘s dress for the concert )
Sejal ; Riddu Riddu you are late 15 minutes . The concert had started at 6.00 p.m. now go home
Riddu ; areee cool down babe. be happy I came at 6.45 without at 7.00. abd why are you saying go back home .
Sejal; we can’t enter the hall now . The securities will not permit us
Riddu smirk and said ” areee don’t worry we will not go back and we will see the show and that’s the final ”
Sejal ; how ?
Riddu ; follow me
Riddu went to a window and stepped into the window frame and shouted , ”sejal you also stepped like this”
Sejal ; are you crazy Riddu ? what will people say
Riddu ; I don’t care them and their rubbish talks…. aree seju where is my prince charming I can not see him….. I took much risky to see him and he went away . not fair . poor me. now how will I say I lo……… ( sejal tries many times to stop riddu ‘s talks but she didn’t stop. then suddenly riddu fell out the window frame .. but before she touch the floor a strong arm catch her .)
Riddu shut her eyes when she fell down and until a man voice talks to her she did’t open her eyes
Man ‘; ouch aree sweaty your nails hurt me and do you want to spent whole night in my arms?
Riddu suddenly opened her eyes and saw who was hoiding her . yes he is none other then super star Aryan Raisinghania
Riddu; oh sorry actually ( her words did not come from her mouth she looks at aryan as dumb girl
Aryan ; oh don’t tell sorry anyway I am Aryan and you miss
Riddu’; Riddima Agrawal
Aryan ; nice to meet you Riddima
Riddu smiled at him and ran out of that area with Sejal. She can’t believe what happened a minute ago . she pinched her skin to know did she see a dream.
Aryan’s pov
Such a crazy girl . She risks her life to see me and I must say that she is gift from god as she has an attractive smile with puppy eyes and rosy juice lips. She doesn’t know that I heard everything that she told about me . I don’t know why my heart beat increase when I think about her . oh stop it Aryan.Anyway, I am waiting for you sweaty to meet you agin………..
Sejal; aree my tigeress what happened now don’t you tell your so called feelings
Riddu ; what feelings , I am a crazy fan of him and there’s nothing like that. I always tease you ok
Riddu’s pov
Oh my godness, am I dreaming…. No riddu you was in his arms… OH shit such a foolish girl I am. I didn’t take a selfie with him . He is damn hot and handsome .. he look at me like he want to eat me.. Riddu stop it . He is a super star , and there’s so much who are beautiful than you … Anyway our first meet is best as I was in his arms …. ohh god… I wish I could see that damn hottie again…..
At RA mansion
Deep called Riddu and,
Deep ; beta you have to come to India as soon as possible
Riddu ; why dad is there anything important
Deep; nothing like that beta but I want you to come India for a vaccation
Riddu ; for how long dad
Deep ; for 2 months
Riddu ; ok dad I will book tickets
Deep ; no need of that I book them and the flight at 6.a.m. tomorrow
Riddu ; tomorrow?
Deep; yes any problem
Riddu ; no dad see you
Riddu ( thinking ) why dad is so impatient , is there anything that I don’t know. by the way I am coming to you my loving India ………….
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