Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Ishq-E-Kismat Episode 31 – A New FF Tashan-e-Ishq ~ Canada Diaries

Hello My Dear Readers,

Thank you much for reading and also expressing your opinions.
☺☺Truly means alot.
Flight lands
Sarnas take two small cabs
In one only kunj and twinkle are made to sit
By Ram chachu
N rest go in another
As the cab passes through huge roads situated amid lush greenery
Twinkle cannot take her eyes off
She is continuously looking outside window
Tall glass buildings
Mangificient domes
All are captivating twinkle’s attention
She gently holds kunj’s hand
Twinkle-I feel i have entered some another world.Everything is so serene so beautiful.
Kunj smiles at twinkle-beauty lies in eyes of beholder.
Twinkle-kunj pls pls pls promise me,u would take me around all these wonderful places
Kunj-ofcourse For sure
Twinkle cutely thanks him.
Ram And Gautami are standing near a small cottage
Twinkle(eyes wide open)-Are we seriously going to stay in this amazing place??Is this our house
Gautami-Yes dear twinkle.This is our family’s guest house but now that u and kunj are married we donot want to disturb u
So u both will stay here seperately
And we all will stay in the main house.
Just on opposite side
Ram-See we will not come here uninformed but u guys can walk in hour house anytime because now chachi and i have got bored of romance
Kunj-chachu donot u think u are teasing us a way lot.
Ram-ofcourse that is my passion
All laugh
Gautami(lovingly)-So dear kunj and twinkle welcome to your little paradise
Ram-come on hold hands and enter.
Kunj hesitates
But twinkle holds his hand
And smiles at him
They walk in.
It is a beautiful small house
On the wall is a photo frame
It is collage of twinj’s photos  also has photos of their college days.
Kunj(confused)-From where did u get this
Ram(laughing)-From ur cell phone but yaar there were so many photos in which that yuvi was also along with the two of u spoiling the pic i just cropped him off hahahahaaa
Hearing yuvi’s name
Twinkle’s face turns pale
Her eyes get moist
Kunj observes
He gently holds her hand
Kunj-Kya chachu aap bhi All this was not required seriously.
Twinkle(gaining her composure)-Thats really sweet of u chachu and chachi Thank you so very much.It is very pretty
Ram-Look at her kunj U are so kadhoos
Twinkle is a sweetheart
Learn something from her
Scene shifts
Kunj is setting up some stuff in living area
He notices twinkle looking at collage sadly
He goes there
He takes it off
Twinkle is confused
He goes to keep it somewhere
Twinkle goes behind him
Twinkle-What are doing??
Kunj- I am sorry for this.Donot wry i have taken it off .
Twinkle-Aree pls put it back
Chachu and chachi got it made with love
They will feel bad
Kunj- i cannot keep anything that makes u feel bad
Twinkle-Trust me kunj It is beautiful and it has some most beautiful and positive moments of our college life.I request pls put it back
Kunj agrees
Kunj-I will just clean the house little
Twinkle-I will also help
Twinj start dusting
In Another house
Gautami n Ram are having tea
Ram-Gautami we should have got the house little cleaned Kids will find it difficult
Gautami-I did it deliberately
Let them clean it together
It will be fun
Ram-Staying with me u have got so smart
Twinkle sneezes because of dust
Kunj-Hey u pls go and sit in another room pls i will manage pls
Twinkle doesnot want to leave
She keeps sneezing
Kunj forcefully takes her away n makes her sit on bed
He goes back to cleaning
Twinkle looks at him lovingly
Together they set bedsheet.
Twinkle who is very tired by now
Falls on bed
She pulls kunj also
He falls near her
They share intense eye-lock
Scene shifts
Kunj is preparing his bag for work
Twinkle looks on
She seems upset
Kunj-What happened?R u missing leela ma?should i call her up?
Twinkle-no no actually from tom u will go to work i was wondering what will i do??
Twinkle-u know when i joined the course I had such huge dreams and aspirations I too wanted to work take mom’s company to new heights but because of me all got ruined Actually I am a big fool
Kunj-no you are not.Donot ever say that
U want to work?Is it ur wish?
Twinkle nods
Kunj-Then come with me tommorow I will talk to dad
Twinkle gets extremely glad
She hugs kunj tightly
Twinkle-Thank u thank u thank u u are the best
Kunj smiles seeing her smiling
Scene shifts
Kunj walks inside office with twinkle
He knocks at manohar’s door
Manohar-Twinkle You here??
Kunj-Dad she too wishes to work with us
Manohar is apprehensive
Manohar’s pov-If twinkle will be around kunj will lose his focus.what to do today’s kids donot know to keep personal and professional life seperate
Kunj-Dad she is very talented hardworking has good grasping power.I will guide her through
Manohar’s pov-If i say no n bebe comes to knw she will not spare me
Manohar-Ofcourse she can.It is her office too.
Twinkle gladly thanks him seeks his blessings and promises not to disappoint
Twinkle is sitting before computer
Kunj stands behind her
He dictates her something
Twinkle gets stuckup
Kunj goes close to her
N holds her hand
N help her scroll through
Kunj is giving presentation
Twinkle attentively observes
She feels so carried away by his style of presenting
She starts clapping
All clients and manohar look at her in surprise.
Take care everyone
Pls Stay Safe💐💐💐💐💐

The post Ishq-E-Kismat Episode 31 – A New FF Tashan-e-Ishq ~ Canada Diaries appeared first on Telly Updates.

5/06/2020 11:53:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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