Monday, 26 July 2021

Friendship goals ? ~Riansh #ss (Part 13)


Hiiiiiiiii,world’s most boring person is back….Ok I mean I’m back✌. Previous part was really fun like till now I’m not over it…reason I also don’t know🤣🤣🤣. Meri bakwas chalti rahegi so don’t mind😝

So let’s start:

(Kaha the ham last mein??)

Vansh’s POV,

I was getting bored by sitting in a room so I called riddhu. We were talking on some random stuffs of buisness and all but suddenly riddhu said,

R: vansh mujhe bhi shaadi karni hai (vansh I also want to marry)

V(shocked): what are you saying??? Marry??

R: tame sāmbhaḷī śakatā nathī? (Aren’t you able to hear?)

V: tara ma magaj che ke nathi (you’ve brain or not)

R: topic badalva ni koshish na kar (don’t try to change topic)

V: are tu dimag na kha ane tane lagan kem karvanu che (you don’t eat my brain and why you want to get married)

R: actually I saw a post on Instagram where a bride was eating many yummy dishes..I also want to eat

V: are you serious?? You want to get married for food and who will be your groom look at yourself, a baby panda😂😂😂

R: who want groom? I just want that food…you know free ka khana khane mai jo maza hai vo order karne wale mai nhi hai

V: tu Mahan Che madam.

R: thank you thank you but don’t tell this to kabir.

V: kabirr🤔

K: haa bhai bol (yes say)

V: what she was saying I don’t remember

R(shocked): what the hell kabir is here??? When and why and how….kuttro phela kem nathi bhokyio

(A/N: don’t mind because from morning my mind is filled with gujarati words😂)

V: riddhu mind your words little girl.

K: vansh teach some manners to can She talk like this to her father

R: from when you become my father?

K: from the day I met you😏

R: then who is my mother??

V: yes kabir tell her who is her mother?

K: you….(riddhu interrupted)

R: hawww vansh you are my mother🤣🤣..When you both get married??

V: kabir the kabutar shut up, don’t you know she is the queen of theories making

R: yes kabir, you have to hide all the things from me as your wife don’t like it🤣🤣

K: are Yaar, why the hell I took this topic😣

V: go to hell you both I’m not going to talk with you both…murkha(stupid)

R: bye bye mumma. I’m going to hell🤣🤣🤣

Like seriously dude, she is calling me mumma from then and I’m really pissed. Again message came from her only, Damn someone please kill me….dear god, their are 8 billion people in world then why you made these two only my bestfriends….kuch ache log bhi we dete as a friend to me🤦‍♀️….not again yaar, can’t this girl let me live peacefully😐…let’s see what way she is finding to irritate me.


R: mumma, are you there?

V: shall I call your arohi mom and tell her by what name you are calling Me?

R: yes you can proceed…..mumma🤣

V: okay then.

Message ends

Huh!!! Now this is enough I should call arohi aunt.


Arohi(A): yes vansh, how are you?

V: aunty I will cry now because your devil daughter is irritating Me

A: what she did, tell me I’ll punish her

V(acting like he is crying): she is calling me….ME mumma. Aunty punish her she is doing messages like MUMMA YOU THERE? MUMMA HOW ARE YOU?

V: aunty please do something of her.

A: don’t worry vansh. I’ll keep her in her room for one day and now you stop crying. You are my good boy and if she says you anything again then tell me.

V: thank you aunty. I love you

A: love you too beta.

Calls ends

Yesss!!!! Riddhu be ready.

Vansh’s POV ends


Arohi(shouting): Aryan call riddhu down nowwww.

Aryan: yes mom (thinking) what riddhu did again that mom is this much angry. Riddhu all the best today your Aryan bhai will not able to save you.

Soon Aryan with riddhima comes to hall and riddhu gulped the saliva after seeing arohi’s face.

R(thinking): what happened now? Did that stupid spitted out that I was talking about marriage if it is true then he is going to be dead soon. (To arohi) what happened momma?

Arohi: before starting any conversation I’ve some rules and I want that to be followed
Rule 1: Aryan and deep you both will not say anything in between
Rule 2: riddhu you will not say anything in cute way because it will distract me.
Rule 3: riddhu have to give my all questions answer
Rule 4: all rules should be followed.
I hope you get that.

Trio: yes mom/momma/arohi

Arohi: good. So riddhima, what you did…and I want truth

R: I don’t know anything atleast tell me what happened?

Arohi: what you did with vansh? Because of you he was crying, why you are always behind my son.

R: what I did, I just called him mumma. What’s wrong in that?

Listening to this Aryan and deep giggled seeing this riddhima also giggled and seeing this arohi shouted, “Riddhimaaaaaaaa”

To be continued…..
(If you want it to be continued😂)

Okay I think I’ve added some Gujarati so if it’s wrong so sorry for that. And do tell me how was this one and one more thing should I end this or change the whole plot? Because I get really bored sometimes while writing funny and I write what I usually do with my friends in this FF and you can imagine how boring person I’m😂😂.

And yes I forgot to tell you all that I’m on wattpad too and my I’d- JYOTI_2204. I had posted 5 parts of FRIENDSHIP GOALS there also..if you want you can check it😂.
Shreya are you on wattpad or instagram?

Bhot bakwas kar liya aaj ke liye so bye bye🙃

The post Friendship goals ? ~Riansh #ss (Part 13) appeared first on Telly Updates.

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