Monday 11 May 2020




The youngsters nod and turn to go when, they hear a voice and stop, looking at a man standing in front of them.The man was none other than Vikrant Singh Rathore. All look at him confused, none could recognize him.

Vikrant: I can help you all…. (He walked towards them)…. I know where Ishana and Gauri are….

All look at him shocked.

Shivaay walked and held Vikrant’s collar, all were shocked by Shivaay’s move. OmRu and Anika immediately moved to Shivaay to free Vikrant,

Shivaay: Who the hell are you? And how do you know Ishana and Gauri?

After some struggle, OmRu managed to pull Shivaay back and Anika held him tightly,

Anika: Please Shivaay…. Now is not the time to get angry….
Karan: We need to hear whatever he has to say?

Ranveer walks to Vikrant and looking at him speaks,

Ranveer: Speak…. And only the information we need…. I’ll deal with you later….
Vikrant: We don’t have much time…. We have to reach there as soon as possible and free both of them…. Come with me and I’ll take you all there….
Arjun: How do we trust you? Who are you, tell us?

Vikrant think something and looks at all of them,

Vikrant: Vikrant…. I am Vikrant Singh Rathore…. And I know where Ishana and Gauri are…. Because…. (He stops from saying anything further)….
Shivaay: Because…. Complete your statement….
Vikrant: Because my wife has kidnapped them….

All were shocked listening this, none could believe what they had heard, Shivaay’s anger broke all limits and he held Vikrant’s collar,


Ranveer walked towards Shivaay and pulled him away from Vikrant,

Shivaay: Leave me Ranveer…. I won’t spare him….
Ranveer: SHIVAAY…. LEAVE HIM SHIVAAY…. (All looked at him shocked)…. Please…. Step back….
Yash: What are you saying Ranveer?
Ranveer: I know what I am saying…. I am a police officer and I know how to do my duty…. When I am here none will do anything that is against the law…. I know all of us are worried for Ishana and Gauri…. This case will be under me…. And I request you all to maintain your composure…. Please…. Right now Vikrant is the only one who can help us….

All of them nod understanding that Ranveer is right, he has dealt with many such cases and listening to him is the most they can do,

Vikram: But how can we trust this man?
Vikrant: I know you all won’t trust me…. But please if we waste time here…. It won’t be of any help…. We have to reach there as soon as possible….

None wanted to believe Vikrant but Ranveer somehow felt that Vikrant was saying the truth, Ranveer had seen many criminals in his work life and he could easily understand who was a criminal and who not, who was saying the truth and who was lying, he trusted his intuitions and something in Vikrant made Ranveer think that he was right,

Ranveer: Take us there…. But remember one thing…. (He looked at Vikrant)…. If this is a dirty game of yours…. I’ll be the one to shoot you then and there….

All looked at Ranveer shocked,

Vikrant: Sure…. ACP Ranveer Singh Randhawa…. You can shoot me…. But please let us go….
Omkara: Let us go…. Please….
Ahana: And we’ll also come with you all….
Aniruddh: No Bhabhi…. It can be dangerous….
Anika: No, we’ll come and that’s final….
Dadi: Okay…. You all go and we’ll stay here….
Rudra: We’ll go with Vikrant…. Elders please stay here…. We’ll keep you updated….

The youngsters leave from there. Vikrant, Ranveer and Shivaay were in one car, others followed their car.


Ishana slowly opened her eyes, her head was hurting and she could feel pain in her entire body, she tried to understand what was happening when her eyes feel on Gauri, who was lying unconscious on the chair in front of her, Gauri’s hands were tied to the chair’s arm rest, Ishana was shocked looking at Gauri’s condition, Ishana tried to get up when she realized that even she was tied to her chair, she couldn’t understand what was happening, she looked around the room, but couldn’t understand where she was,

Ishana (thinking): I was coming out from my room…. Then I was in the corridor…. And then someone came…. And then…. What happened then…. I don’t remember what happened after that….

Ishana was thinking when she saw that Gauri was also gaining consciousness, Gauri opened her eyes, and she could also feel the pain in her body,

Ishana: Gauri….

Gauri looked at Ishana and was shocked, she looked at Ishana’s condition and then at her condition,

Gauri: Ishana…. How did we come here? Where are we?
Ishana: I don’t know Gauri…. The last thing I remember is I was in the hotel’s corridor and now I am here….
Gauri: Even I don’t remember anything….

They both were talking when some people came in, IshRi were scared looking at them,

Person 1: Untie both of them and take them to madam….
Person 2: Yes Bhai….

The men untied them and held IshRi, IshRi couldn’t resist the men because of the pain in their body, they decided to stay quiet and understand what was happening, both nodded at each other giving each other assurance that they were together and would fight together. They both walked with the men and reached a larger room, more men were there. A lady and a girl came and stood in front of IshRi; they didn’t know the girl but were shocked seeing the lady.

IshRi: You….

The lady was none other than Kaveri and the girl was Sakshi.
IshRi remembered how they had seen the lady in the hotel when they collided with each other.

Kaveri: So you both remember me…. Good….
Ishana: What is happening and why have you brought us here?
Sakshi: Relax girls…. You’ll know everything….
Gauri: You don’t know our family will come and save us…. And also punish you….
Kaveri: Oh them…. I have already dealt with them once before…. A second time won’t be difficult….
Ishana: Before…. So you know our family….
Sakshi: Very well…. And you both are here so that we can teach them all a lesson….

Gauri (whispers to Ishana): I feel that lady is the one about whom Shekhar uncle told us that night…. And maybe they are the ones who are related to Om’s kidnapping and accident….
Ishana: I think you are right Gauri…. The way they are talking they know all of us very well…. And the lady definitely knows our elders from many years….
Gauri: But who is this girl….
Ishana: Don’t know…. Maybe she is related to the lady….

IshRi were talking to each other when Sakshi’s phone rang, she picked up the call,

Sakshi: What…. Are you sure…. (She disconnected the call)….
Kaveri: What has happened Sakshi…. You look tensed?
Sakshi: Mom…. The man who was keeping an eye on Vikrant called…. He said Vikrant…. (She couldn’t say anything further)….
Kaveri: So as expected he went against us…. I had always told you he would betray us…. But you never listened to me…. Now before they come here…. We have to do something….
Sakshi: What will we do?
Voice: You don’t have to do anything…. We’ll do whatever has to be done….

IshRi, Kaveri and Sakshi look towards the voice and are shocked to see Aniruddh and Omkara along with Vikrant and Ranveer.

Ishana: Aniruddh….
Gauri: Om….
Sakshi: Vikrant….

Ranveer walked ahead,

Ranveer: You don’t have to do anything…. We’ll do whatever has to be done…. You have already done enough….
Kaveri: And you think that you can save them…. I won’t let you walk out so easily….
Vikrant: Sakshi…. Please leave Ishana and Gauri…. Let them go….
Sakshi: Vikrant…. I never thought you would break my trust….
Vikrant: Sakshi…. Please understand…. What you are doing is wrong…. Please let Ishana and Gauri go…. Please trust me…. Sakshi, I always want you to be safe and happy…. Please don’t do anything more…. Let them go….
Kaveri: Shut up Vikrant…. You have broken my daughter’s trust…. You have betrayed us….
Ranveer: Enough of your lies Kaveri Pratap Singhania…. Vikrant didn’t do anything wrong…. Sakshi…. I know you won’t believe me…. But Vikrant didn’t betray you…. But…. (He points to Kaveri)…. She is the one who betrayed you….

Sakshi is shocked and couldn’t understand what was happening, what she had to do, she was in a fix of whom to believe,

Kaveri: What are you talking…. Why’ll I betray my daughter? And what do you know that you are saying this?
Vikrant: Ranveer knows everything…. I told him everything….



Ranveer, Vikrant and Shivaay were in the car, Shivaay was angry so didn’t speak anything and was driving but Ranveer decided to know everything from Vikrant,

Ranveer: Vikrant…. Will you tell me the complete matter…. Why has your wife kidnapped Ishana and Gauri?
Vikrant: I’ll tell you everything Ranveer…. All this is because Sakshi wants to take revenge from her brothers…. (Ranveer looked at him confused)…. Yes her brothers…. Her real brothers…. Aniruddh and Omkara…. (Ranveer and Shivaay looked at him shocked)….
Shivaay: Don’t you dare talk any nonsense…. Om is my brother…. Stop with your lies….
Ranveer: Please Shivaay…. Let us hear him out once….

Shivaay wanted to say something further but Ranveer asked him not to do so and listen to Vikrant,

Vikrant: I don’t know everything but from whatever Sakshi has told me I have known few things…. I don’t know if you will believe me…. But this is the truth…. Aniruddh and Omkara are real brothers and Sakshi is their younger sister…. Years ago their parents died in a car accident but before leaving this world…. They gave Omkara to Tej and Janhvi Singh Oberoi and Aniruddh to Shekhar and Sumitra Raichand…. Omkara and Aniruddh were only three years old and don’t remember anything…. Raichands went to London and Oberois were in Mumbai…. The truth about Omkara and Aniruddh was kept from everyone….

Shivaay was shocked but kept quiet; Ranveer was in thoughts but spoke sometime later,

Ranveer: Om and Aniruddh…. I always wondered how they could look so similar…. But then what about Sakshi…. Who took care of her…. She wasn’t with the Oberois or with the Raichands….
Vikrant: Even I was shocked as how could no one come for Sakshi…. But then Kaveri aunty told us that no one came to take care of Sakshi and they left her alone…. Sakshi was a new born…. After her parents died Kaveri aunty has been looking after Sakshi…. She only told Sakshi the truth about her and her brothers…. She always filled Sakshi with hatred for her own brothers…. But I always felt that Kaveri aunty was wrong and is hiding something from Sakshi…. I tried to stop them but Sakshi’s love always made me weak…. But after what happened today…. I had to do something…. I don’t want Sakshi’s life to get destroyed….

Ranveer was in thoughts, he took out his mobile and dialed Tej’s number, he asked him few things and Tej was shocked but answered everything. Ranveer didn’t tell Shivaay or Vikrant what Tej told him.

Ranveer: Don’t worry Vikrant…. We’ll sort everything…. I am sure there is more to this truth than we all know….


Ranveer: Sakshi…. Please trust me…. Neither Om nor Aniruddh…. Neither Oberois nor Raichands have betrayed you…. If someone has then she has…. (He pointed at Kaveri)….

Sakshi was shocked and didn’t know how to react.

AUTHOR’S NOTE: I know some of you might get confused to what has happened years ago, how Om was with Oberois and Aniruddh was with Raichands, and why none knew about Sakshi…. All your questions will get answered in the upcoming episodes when Tej, Janhvi, Shekhar and Sumitra will reveal the truth…. And also Kaveri will tell her side of the story…. Till then keep reading…. The story will unfold all the truths and you’re doubts will get cleared.
Also thank you so much to all those who read this ff regularly.


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5/11/2020 06:36:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments