Saturday, 25 April 2020

TWINJ Unknown to Destiny chapter ~ 2


Taneja house…

Twinkle reached her home safely. And saw soyansh sitting on sofa angrily.

Soyansh : so tell me the reason why you got late by half-hour.

Tw : aac… actually my bag got exchange with my friend and….

Soyansh : enough… you are taking leave tomorrow my friend couldn’t come today so he’s coming tomorrow with his son.

Twinkle shocked. Tears flowing from her eyes..

Tw : but I can’t we aren’t allowed to take leave unnecessarily. Please.

Soyansh : I didn’t asked you any explanation just do what I said.

Tw : please….

Soyansh : twinkle just shut up okay. Don’t test my patience don’t you dare to step out of this house or else I’ll break your legs… saying this he angrily walked out of there.

Twinkle kneeled down on floor.

Tw : babaji what I’ll do please show me a path to come out from this hell. I wish maa and papa would be here then this wouldn’t have done…. crying…

Next morning…

At club… kunj and uv was sleeping in their respective rooms. UV was standing near Window bare chest girl who was sleeping on bed woke up wrapped sheets around her and walked towards uv backhuged him. Uv came back to his senses and turned around. Looked other side girl put her hand on his chest and about to kiss him but uv stopped her.

Uv : I think you should go.

Girl : what… last night also you didn’t enjoyed. Is there any problem… seductively.

Uv freed himself and handled her bundles of note.

Uv : here’s your money.

Girl looked boggled.

Uv : I know your financial problems. The bartender told me yesterday about you. Take it I’m not that bad that I’ll take someone innocence I know this much money would not solve your miseries but if you want any help I’ll there for you.

Girl looked at uv teary eyes… how someone can so much humble she smiled.

Girl : thank you sir… and went from there

In another room…

Kunj was sleeping on his stomach with a girl sleeping on his bare back. Kunj stirred and opened his eyes smirked and got up from bed which broke that girl sleep. Kunj wears his pant. Picked up his shirt and about to wear it but girl again pushed him on bed and hovered over him.

Girl : what happened baby… smirked at him.

Ku : ahan baby… gritted his teeths.. .. Kunj jerked her.

Girl : aahhh…. what the hell.

Ku : just take your clothes and get the hell out of here.

Girl : but why I thought we would be…

Ku : oh just cut off girl I know what type of girl you are a gold digger. You all girls are same. I just hate you girls.

Girl : if you hate girls that much than why you spend night with me.

Ku : you are no one to me that I would give you any explanation.

Girl : moron…. muttered angrily.

Ku : yes I’m… proudly.

Sarna mansion…

Usha and manohar came down for breakfast. Just then they heard someone saying.

You people will never improve still woke up late.

Usha manohar turned and surprised to see bebe. Manohar elder sister….

Usha / manohar : bebe you…

Bebe : yes me. Why did expect someone else.

Manohar : no bebe it’s just what a surprise… both took bebe blessings.

Usha : how’s you bebe and when did you came you were coming today right.

Bebe : yes but I thought to give surprise to you all. So I took taxi yesterday night and came here.

Usha : yes you did right bebe now let’s have breakfast.

Bebe : but where is kunj and uv.

Usha and manohar looked at each other…. bebe understood.

Bebe : okay come

Taneja house…

Twinkle was pacing to and fro in her room.

Tw : babaji what I’ll do. He has locked me in room and I have to reach airport also.I can’t lose this job. Just then her room door opened and soyansh entered.

Soyansh : what the hell is this I told you already you are not going anywhere today then why you wear your uniform…. angrily.

Tw : please… please I beg you let me go I promise I’ll marry with whomever you wanted. I have to reach airport within two hours.

Soyansh : twinkle now no more I’m telling you. My friend has come. Just get ready and come down…. saying this soyansh went from there but twinkle also came behind him. Meanwhile soyansh friend also saw them and shocked to see twinkle in airhostess uniform.

Tw : papa please…

Soyansh turned and shocked to see twinkle with him.

Soyansh : twinkle I told you to get ready.

Oman : twinkle… soyansh you didn’t told me is twinkle a airhostess…. asked confusingly.

Soyansh : uhh actually….

Tw : yes uncle…. soyansh glared her twinkle looked down.

Oman : wow great.

Tw : actually uncle I have to go. If you don’t mind can we…

Oman : it’s okay dear you go we’ll talk about this alliance later.

Soyansh : but Oman there is no…

Oman : oh come on soyansh she is an airhostess and her work is more important than this work I understand. And it’s not like we’re running away. We both are here only. And you already promised me that twinkle will marry with my son only. Right twinkle.

Twinkle was flabbergasted whether to say yes or no because she don’t wanted to marry now.

Oman : I’ll take it as a yes.

Twinkle went from there with tears in her eyes. Soyansh closed his fist tightly.

Sarna mansion…

Usha manohar and bebe was having breakfast meanwhile manohar phone rings.

Bebe : a thousand times i told you don’t use your phone while having your food but no no one listen to me.

Manohar : bebe… bebe calm down. Your uv is calling me now tell me should I cut or…

Bebe : no no take it…

Usha chuckled…

Manohar : hello… uv

Uv : hello papa… me and kunj already reached airport but couldn’t find bebe… don’t know where she is…

Manohar : hehe… my son bebe is here with us right now you just come home right now.

Uv : whhaatt…. bebe’s there but when how…

Manohar : son you’ll ask all questions on phone only or you’ll come home or not…

Uv : okay we are coming.

Kunj just looking at uv…. kunj was also shocked that bebe reached sarna mansion….

Uv : come on kunj let’s go… don’t know when bebe reached there.

Ku : hmm.

Bebe : why you told him that I came. I was thinking to surprise them but you ruined it… huh.

Manohar : what to do bebe I couldn’t control and your grand sons were more eager to meet you than us.

Bebe : haww it means you didn’t miss me monu…

Manohar : no bebe it’s not like that…

Usha : yes bebe you are right he’s just jealous of his own sons… giggles.

Bebe : monu…

Manohar smacked his head…

Manohar : you ladies are impossible.

Just then Kunj and yuvi came there… and shouted excitedly….

They both hugged her tightly.

UV / Kunj : missed you missed you soooo much bebe.

Bebe : my gabroos… pinching their cheeks.

Ku : when you came bebe how.

Uv : we were waiting for you at airport since so long.

Ku : you know how tensed I was when I didn’t saw you at airport.

Uv : me too.

Bebe : quite… just quite. Put a break. Let me speak too.

Ku : okay okay.

Uv : yeah. Sorry now say.

Bebe : I thought to surprise you all specially you both so I decided to came yesterday night only but this monu… huhu…

Uv : not fair bebe you came yesterday night and didn’t even told us… pouted.

Ku : yeah. If you would have told us than I wouldn’t gone to…. stopped seeing everyone faces.

Uv : now leave everything. Bebe now you’ll not go anywhere okay.

All were laughing and having gala time…

At night …

Twinkle was in plane thinking about her life.

Tw : babaji now I’m tired of my life. Please let me free from this pain I can’t take this pain anymore.

Other side…

Kunj was sitting in his room rubbing his temples. He got tremors in his hands he got up and opened his wardrobe. Took out a syringe and pricked in his arms.

Uv was in his room with a photo frame in his hands tears were flowing from his eyes.

Uv : don’t know you were destined for me or not. You didn’t even love me it’s okay i don’t have any grudges for you in my heart. Now I’m just waiting for someone who’ll love me like I always dreamed of…. wiped his tears…

Screen splits into three…
Kunj twinkle and uv saying….
Don’t know what life hold for me….


Hii everyone….how are you all. Hope you all like today’s chapter. Please comment and tell how’s it.

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