Next day,
Kunal and Mauli reaches the hospital.
In the cabin of chief neurosurgeon( Mr. Rajveer Arora)
Mauli and Kunal is sitting in the cabin opposite to Rajveer
Mauli shows him the report.
Mauli: What do you think Sir?
Rajveer: What do you think Mauli?
Mauli: Its a mild clot and the patient could be by a simple surgery.
Rajveer: Exactly.
Kunal : Will I get completely recovered after the surgery?
Rajveer: You will be perfectly fine just like you were kunal. You will have some more tests to be done. We will do it now.
Kunal and Mauli nods.
Rajveer calls the assistant and asks him to do some tests.
Rajveer: Kunal you leave with him..
Mauli and Kunal gets up to leave for the test.
Rajveer: Mauli , you be here. I need to discuss something.
Mauli nods .
Mauli: Kunal.. You will be fine dude. Go…
Kunal nods and leaves
Mauli sits back.
Rajveer: You know its not a simple surgery Mauli.
Mauli nods.
Mauli: I don’t wanna get kunal stressed. He is already stressed.
Rajveer: I recommend to do the surgery as soon as possible.
Mauli : Okay then … we will do it tomorrow.
Rajveer: You know the chances of recovery are just 20% and this surgery is a complicated one . Right?
Mauli: Yes.. and time is the thing which matters. His condition will get worse second by second. We will do the surgery tomorrow.
Rajveer: I must say you are really strong.
Mauli: I am just pretending to be strong , I am breaking down inside.
Rajveer: We will do it.
Mauli: Thanks a lot Sir.
Mauli and Rajveer talk about the surgery…
Just then Kunal comes.
Mauli: All good ?
Kunal: Perfect.
Mauli smiles.
kunal: Sir, when will be the surgery be?
Rajveer : We will do it tomorrow .
Kunal gets worried.
Mauli: You are feeling scared?
Kunal: No I am not scared.
Mauli: You are.
Kunal: Mauli, I am brave enough to deal with it.
Mauli nods.
Rajveer: Mauli, the accommodation is arranged.
You guyz take rest.
Mauli and kunal leaves.
In the hospital room,
Kunal : Mauli…
Mauli: What happened?
Kunal: I love you.
Mauli: I love you too but why this now.
Kunal: What if I cannot say this anymore?
Mauli: Why are you saying like that kunal?
kunal: I know its not a simple surgery as you guys say.
Mauli: It is Kunal. Why are you thinking about it now? Sleep na…
Kunal: Mauli , I want to say something.
Mauli: What?
Kunal: I really love you. I never know how I fall in love with you but it just happened. When Nandini left me I was broken ,you fixed all those broken pieces of mine . If anything happens to me , Promise me you will never be broken like I was. You will move on…
Tears flow from Mauli’s eye but she controls herself.
Mauli: Why are you saying all this now kunal? Nothing is gonna happen to you . You and your stupid thoughts. Just sleep now. I need to meet Rajveer sir.. I will just come now.
Kunal nods.
Mauli comes out to the veranda and cries.
Radhika calls her.
In phone,
Radhika: Mauli… (Mamma cries)
Mauli: I cannot handle this alone Mamma. You too come here. I can’t pretend to be strong anymore.
Radhika: Mauli … Be strong … Only you can handle this. I will be there as soon as the road opens…Its now closed due to the landslide.
Mauli: Mamma, I will have to be strong otherwise kunal will break down.
Radhika: I trust you Mauli… I will be there as soon as possible.
They end the call.
Mauli wipes her tears and goes back to the room,
Mauli: You haven’t slept yet?
Kunal:No yar, Dont know why..
Mauli : Its because I am not near you.
Mauli goes and sleeps near Kunal.
They sleep hugging
Next day,
Mauli and Kunal wakes up hearing someone knocking their door.
Mauli goes and opens the door.
Hospital staff :Mam , Your surgery slot is 3. We have to get him ready.
Mauli nods.
Staff: Please come with us.
Kunal kisses Mauli’s forehead.
Kunal: I love you and this might be the last kiss.
Mauli: Kunal… told you not to talk so.
Kunal leaves with the staff.
Mauli cries in the room after kunal left.
Mauli wipes her tears and goes to the operation theatre.
Rajveer and other doctors and staffs were already there.
Mauli: Everything ready?
Rajveer: All ready but you are the one missing.Why dont you handle it. You are the best surgeon here and you have already done these kind of surgeries successfully before.
Mauli: I cannot handle it sir.
Rajveer: You have to be there.
Mauli : I cannot.. I dont wanna see kunal getting………
Rajveer: Fine then.
Mauli: I want him back perfectly sir. I trust you in this Sir.
Rajveer nods
Rajveer: You know the side effects that can be caused due to the surgery..
Mauli: I know… but this is the best thing we can do.
Mauli leaves to meet kunal
Kunal: Mauli , where were you?
Mauli: I went to see Dr. Rajveer.
Mauli hugs Kunal
Mauli: I love you…I will not let anything happen to you.
Kunal: I love you too… and I know you will not let anything happen to me. But mauli why don’t you operate me?
Mauli: I dont have such guts. Now, shall we leave for the surgery.
Kunal nods.
Mauli brings Kunal to the operation theatre but her heart beats so hard.
Kunal thinks I need to stay strong.
Mauli hugs Kunal again.
Mauli: Nothing will happen to you.
Mauli was about to leave. Kunal holds her hand.
Mauli reluctantly make kunal leave her hand and goes aside crying.
Surgery begins…
Mauli stands beside the operation area.
Mauli prays to save kunal..
Mauli thinks about her parents death and about the time she spend with kunal….
Mauli cries.
Rajveer: We have to make it fast. He is sinking…
Mauli gets worried seeing kunal
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