Saturday, 1 May 2021

Mehndi Hai Rachne Wali 1st May 2021 Written Episode Update : Nikhil arrested.


Mehndi Hai Rachne Wali 1st May 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Harish calls Raghav and says there is a big mess, Raghav shocked.

Pallavi sees Nikhil being chased by Police and caught…

Farhad says to Raghav, Pallavi will do anything to save Nikhil and I think she will succeed..

Sometime back…

Raghav playing chess and explaining his move to Farhad. Nikhil informs Harish he is out, Harish gives suitcase to Nikhil and says deliver it to this address, Nikhil says usually I get you consignment, Harish says its urgent, Nikhil says you look worried, Harish says all good, take care. Nikhil waiting for pickup, Harish keeping an eye on him. Farhad calls inspector and gives tip.

Pallavi walks to Nikhil, Harish informs Raghav about Pallavi. Nikhil asks Pallavi what is she doing here, Pallavi says some work to delivery but what are you doing here, Nikhil says field visit you go, Pallavi says I will wait with you, Pallavi gets call from Sharda and says Pallavi wants to meet me and has brought some gift too, Pallavi says I will come there you don’t meet him.

Pallavi reaches hospital and sees Raghav at the entrance, Pallavi asks what are you doing here, Raghav says I am going to talk to your parents about our wedding, Pallavi pushes his gift away, Sharda walks to them, Pallavi says you won’t go inside, Doctor walks to them and says Pallavi he was here to donate medicine’s to you and you are asking him to leave, doctor takes medicines and leave, Sharda says Pallavi don’t talk to him go inside, Raghav leaves smiling at Pallavi.

Pallavi sees Nikhil being chased by police, Pallavi rushes towards Nikhil in confusion, Police push Nikhil inside police car and leave, Nikhil shouts didi save me, Pallavi runs behind car but falls down, Nikhil is taken away.

Raghav pays Harish and says go hometown for somedays. Raghav asks Farhad to call police and ask them not to torture Nikhil just keep a pressure.

Pallavi is told Nikhil was smuggling illegal diamonds, Pallavi says there must be confusion, he works for digital marketing, Inspector says he ran seeing us and find a lawyer for bail.
Sharda taking care of Vijay, Vijay says I want to write my will call Nikhil, I want to tell him he isnt kid anymore.

Pallavi gets lawyer with help of Krishna, Pallavi meets Nikhil, Pallavi says don’t worry I know it’s a confusion, Nikhil says those are mine, I went to deliver them I am sorry, I wanted to help for money, and we were in need of money, I am sorry please help me, I am scared and will never do this again, don’t tell Aai Baba, Lawyer takes Harish number from Nikhil, Lawyer asks for details and finds Nikhil has none, Nikhil keeps pleading to help him, Pallavi leaves.

Raghav waiting for phone call restlessly, Farhad walks to Raghav and says Pallavi will do anything to save Nikhil, and will succeed too, Raghav says she won’t she will have to accept my offer.

Pallavi confused says what will I do now, how will I save him, and what when Baba learns about this, Krishna says calm down Nikhil didn’t know the risk and you are not the only one who is always at fault, Lawyer says they have no proofs and Nikhil is culprit and leaves. Pallavi says I won’t Nikhil face this, we have to find Harish.
Sharda says Nikhil isnt picking call, Pallavi tells her Nikhil is arrested for diamond smuggling, don’t worry I spoke about bail, Milind asks what us happening, and where is he, Pallavi tells Milind, he asks Sharda to go hospital and takes Pallavi along with him to find Lawyer, Pallavi finds none, Pallavi gets call from Krishna, Krishna tells Raghav has two men one is Farhad and other is Harish, Pallavi sees Raghav behind her.

Pre cap:
Raghav says Pallavi this isn’t marriage but a torturous journey and my hatred.
Pallavi says Raghav I will break your pride with your money.

Update Credit to: Tanaya

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