Hello My Dear Readers
Thanks alot 

So let us witness one more twist in today’s episode.
Twinkle, kunj and Leela have returned home.
Kunj is very tired
It is late night
He peeps in twinkle’s room
He finds her fast asleep
He goes in sleeps too on sofa in living area.
Twinkle gets disturbed in her sleep
The moments she has spend with yuvi
Flash before her eyes
Twinkle starts sweating
She wakes up
Drinks water
Goes n sits near window
Twinkle -I miss u so so so much yuvi
It is 5 months since I have seen u
I so want to see u
Why have u blocked me??

Twinkle restlessly walks towards living area she wants to talk to Kunj
She notices He is in deep sleep
She feels it is not right to disturb him
She is about to return to her room
She sees Kunj ‘s cell phone kept on table
Twinkle’s pov- I can atleast see yuvi
No but it is not right
Kunj will get angry
No but I immediately want to see yuvi
There is tussle going on in her mind
Finally she takes his cell phone
Opens whatsapp
Goes through contacts doesn’t find his no
Twinkle’s pov-STRANGE !!!!Kunj has not kept yuvi’s no saved.chalo no problem I will save his no and see. I will get a glimpse of him through his dp.
Twinkle saves yuvi’s no
N his account appears
Twinkle is spellbound to see his dp
He is standing on a beach
Mahi is in his arms
A typical romantic pose
Tears flow down her eyes
His about reads
“Having the best of my time with love of my life my mahi daringly 


Phone slips from twinkle’s hand
She quickly unlocks door n leaves from house
Kunj wakes up because of noise
He is perplexed to see twinkle running out of house
He notices his fallen phone
N sees the dp
He is beyond shocked
He runs behind twinkle
She has taken lift
Kunj quickly runs down through stairs as fast as possible
Before he could reach
He sees twinkle sitting in a car n leaving
Kunj is taken aback
He panics
By now Leela comes .
Kunj-Aunty Twinkle has taken ur car somewhere she was angry and upset
I will go behind her
Leela-Kunj wait wait
I will give u Raminder’s car keys
She rushes back home gets keys
Twinkle is driving very rashly
All her and yuvi’s moments flash before her eyes
And then his and mahi’s heart breaking photo
Kunj starts driving at full speed
He cannot find her car
He stops her some bus stop
N asks about car
Some people guide him
He drives very very fast
Twinkle is driving on a slope
Tears keep flowing down her eyes
Tears flow down kunj’s eyes
He takes the blame of everything
He feels he should have not slept
Finally Kunj sees her car.
He gains more speed
He calls out her name but
She doesn’t listen
He is worried
Her car is heading towards a huge valley
In very nick of time Kunj brings his car in front of hers N blocks her way
Twinkle’s car gets a huge bump
And her head collides with steering wheel
Blood spreads everywhere
She falls unconscious
Kunj gets out of his car
Breaks open her car with his arm
Hence injuring his own arm
He lifts her in his arms
She is bleeding alot
All her blood turns his white shirt red
Scene shifts
He brings her to hospital
And calls out to Drs
Dr Injana comes rushing
They take twinkle in a room n ask Kunj to wait outside
Dr Injana assures him everything would be fine.
Kunj is extremely worried
Leela comes to hospital
Kunj is very emotional he hugs her n cries
They both are waiting outside
Dr Injana comes-Relax nothing serious. Just some minor injuries. I have dressed it.she will gain consciousness in 1 hr or so.
Kunj thank God u came there at absolutely right time.
U saved her.
Kunj (guilty)-I guess I shouldn’t have insisted u to discharge her
Dr Injana (calmly)-Kunj don’t regret past thank God that everything is fine now.
Kunj looks at twinkle through glass door
Leela keeps her hand over his shoulder to pacify him
Kunj-Aunty I am going to Amritsar right now.I tried alot but I think I cannot do anything in this matter. I will talk to yuvi.
I will get him here to twinkle anyhow.
I will ask bebe or mom to force him.
Only yuvi can get twinkle out of this
I am Sorry Aunty I have failed miserably 

Leela-beta u cannot force anyone to love someone Yuvi has no feelings for twinkle.beta pls Don’t lose hope this way
Kunj-I am sorry Aunty. I believe yuvi should know all this n also be here.Aunty I cannot see twinkle this way.I cannot see her in so much pain going through so much I cannot see her so hurt and harming herself.
Leela tries to explain him but just cannot
Kunj walks out of hospital
With tears falling continuously from his eyes.
“Ishq ka Dard meeta hota hain,
Kabhie Kabhie Jiske liye humari Ankhein num hoti hain
Woh kisi aur ke gum mein Dubte rehte hain ishq Ishq toh kismaat se hota hain
Aur Ishq har Kisiki kismaat mein nahi hota hain.
Kyuki ishq-e-kismaat ishq-e-kismaat ishq-e-kismaat “
Leela is making twinkle drink soup
Twinkle cannot meet her eyes
She is feeling ashamed
Twinkle (mustering courage )- I am so sorry maa
Leela (In anger)-sorry for what u toh just tried to end ur life why say sorry for that.u did not harm me to say Sorry. Because u feel u don’t matter to me.
Twinkle u know what u can never see people who genuinely love and care for you.
Have u ever realized how much Kunj has done for u
N in return what are u doing
For that yuvi u have forgotten us actually dumped us.
Thanks alot for reading
So readers kindly let me know how was the twist?
What do u all think
Will twinkle realize kunj’s love for her
What will Kunj do with yuvi???
Take care everyone
Stay safe.

The post Ishq-E-Kismat Episode 24 – A New FF Tashan-e-Ishq appeared first on Telly Updates.
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