Tuesday 10 March 2020

Zindaan – The Golden cage Chapter 18 (Stramgely connected – Part1)

Thank you to Shona, Saniya, LCharish, Riya for your comments on last chapter. It means a lot you are liking it. 

“What’s wrong? What happen to you?” Shivay asked confusedly after looking her on her knees. She can’t able to reply as tears made way through her eyes. Kshitij turned behind. “Don’t come to any conclusion before. He might be mistaken her as Maya” Kshitij said to Anika. “No, She is Maya only. I can make any mistake but can’t forget her” Shivay said while Anika looks on “I have to go”

Anika picked up her bag and wipes her tears. “Miss Malhotra, we are going to confront her. Do you want to come?” He asks. “When she can’t understand me, someone, to tell truth, then why would I confront her,” She said while moving outside. “You are going to confront whom?” Shivay asked while they both walked out leaving him confused behind. “I will arrange an arrest warrant. We ignore the fact that, where Drishya had gone, murders follow. Do you think of it as a co-incident? ” Vishal said to him. “Arrange search and seizure warrant for Drishya’s cabin of Lifeline hospital,” Kshitij said to him while they both get in the car.

Suddenly his phone started ringing, he picked it up. “Where are you? You did promise me to come today, Papa” He heard a sweet voice from the other side. “Doll, Today I am a little busy”,   He replied. “You are lying. I know that you are roaming here and there. You are moving from the past ten minutes” She said while complaining while he looks here and there. “Don’t get amazed, I installed location tracking app in your phone ” She chuckled. “I see you are going to become a better detective than me. But now I have some work. I will come late….Okay” He said cutting the call. “Your daughter is adorable. At least because of her, you get some peace while solving these cases” Vishal said while driving the Car.

“Wherever Drishya had gone, murders get happened” Vishal’s voice echoed in his ears. “You are right that the presence of Drishya in murder scenes is not coincident.” He said. “See, I told you before” Vishal replied. “Drishya is like a location tracker of murders for us,  planned by the culprit,” Kshitij said while Vishal stops the car with a jerk. “What!” He said. “Did you ever think Why didn’t the culprit hide bodies after murdered. There are thousands of unrecognised murders happen in this country? Why he has a need to show us? How are we getting to know about murders this much easier? ” Kshitij said. “You mean he intentionally leaves bodies there for getting discovered,” Vishal asked shockingly.

“Yes, He involved Drishya because he knows that she has the ability to catch clues easily. He is so desperate for making his murders disclose.” Kshitij said. “What a lunatic! He wants to get caught by own” Vishal said rolling his eyes. “No, He is challenging our department. According to him, he is serving justice by killing abusive parents and making children free from hell. He wants to show our department that he was punishing them  which we are not able to.” Kshitij said. “Are you saying that Drishya’s involvement, in this case, is intentionally planned by Culprit? Then why did she lie about her identity” Vishal asked amazes on the fact how the case which is looking simple from outside is complicated like hell when we delve deeper. “She can only tell that,” Kshitij said.

Anika is shocked and whatnot, she feels betrayed. She felt someone smashed her heart in pieces, a pain which she can’t describe in words. Sudden rage starts growing inside her thinking about her sister. Her sister told her that they both are connected by heart not blood, then why she is not able to understand her pain. Her trust on her is always very strong but it starts getting budge now because of continuous lies and secrets. The small differences are turned in a big rift now where they both are falling apart. Nobody knows How and Why did this rift get create?

She sees their both picture on the table and picks it up. How smooth was there life going on? She was like a carefree bird and Ishu was a shield of her. But now she thinks that all was a lie, she has to think a thousand times before trusting anyone. “Who are you? Why did you come in my life? ” She asked in a cracked voice while looking at the picture. “Do tell me Who am I? Why is everything hidden from me? For God’s sake tell me my identity ” She shouts on her picture not realising the fact that it can’t talk. “Tell me, Who am I? What’s my life about? What happened to me that I didn’t remember anything. Why are you not telling me?… Break your damn silence ” She shouts while crying, falling on the floor.

“You know Shivay from before. Why didn’t you tell me? He said that you are his family, then Who the hell are you to me? Are you even real or you were faking yourself as my sister” Anika said in wrath and throw the picture. Its glass gets broken in pieces like her heart. They say that we can’t fix things, once it gets broken. This means that nothing can repair this rift between their relationship or is it possible to make it like before.

“I know that you are behind me then Why don’t you show up yourself, ” Drishya said coming in the middle of the basement. She looks on and turned when she heard someone’s footsteps. “You look very desperate to meet with me,” He said in a dangerous voice. “Why don’t you show your face then, Coward” Drishya said looking at the person in the hood. “I wish I can show you what I am capable to do with my face” He starts laughing. “You killed Mrs Khatri …Right” Drishya shout. “I tried to attempt but can’t able to kill her. I can kill her now….What say?” He asked while taking out a knife. “You get pleasure in torturing and killing weak people. I pity you, You are such a poor soul who can’t able to fight in front and backstabbed people” She said chuckling while he makes a fist in anger.

“You probably wish to die that’s why you are provoking me?” He said. “You can’t touch me, moron, until I have that pen drive,” She said. “Take that as a warning. You would end up like her if you won’t give me that ledger” He said. “Do try to kill me like her, then who will tell you where the ledger is?” She smirked. “You are smarter than I heard. People like you and me are superiors, why are you wasting your talent in living between these ants” He asked. “You have the power to ruin someone’s life, this must be contributing your delusional thoughts that you become almighty but I will never let you win” She shout while he chuckled. “How do you get to know it’s me? Isn’t there another serial killer who is killing people?” He asked.

“Seems like you are very much addicted to cigarettes. The serial killer you are talking about at least show little humanity.  You are so dead from inside. Nothing remains in you neither conscience nor humanity ” She replied. “I wish I can kill you with my hands. Did you call me to give advice?” He asked angrily.  “I thought to make a deal with you. I will give you the Pendrive and in return, you have to tell me the name of my father’s murderer” She said. “How can you change this much fast. Now you won’t think about the victim, you are joining hands with me. I thought that you were going to fight for truth” He mocked her. “I won’t sacrifice this time. I don’t care about anyone, just I have one thing to avenge my father’s murderer” She replied.

“I see, You all are are more dangerous than me. At least our mask is visible but what about your invisible mask which you keep wearing and act up all good” He said. “Every person have a double face just like a coin.” She replied. “Let me think for some time and make a deal then,” He said while she replied “I give you the time of today” “Where is the ledger? I want to take a look at it. What if you are betraying me” He said while she took out a chip from her handbag. On the other second, something like a wire sling around her throat and make her choked. “What do you think that you can make me run on your orders?” He said twisting the wire more and snatch the chip from her hand. “You fool! Be careful before playing with me. I am letting you go because you helped me unknowingly giving this chip” He said and remove the wire but it leaves the red marks and cuts on her neck. He vanished in thin air leaving her while she starts laughing. “You think yourself as smart but you are a real fool” She moves toward her car and took out recording from the dashcam of her car.

Drishya walked inside her cabin and locked the door. She inserts the chip in her laptop and copies the recording. She prints out a picture of her stalker. “Soon, you will get to know that if I decided to play with someone, then he has to lost everything” She muttered while holding the whiteboard in front of her and turned it. All the clues were mentioned and a picture of Anika, Shivay, Tej everyone who is connected was pinned there. She took out another pin from her drawer and pinned the picture of that man on the board. She writes “Another suspect of Baba’s murder” in bold letters from a marker on the above of the picture. “Once I get to know about you, I will make sure that you rot in hell…the hell in which I am burning from the past 15 years. The hell which I face every day in the form of Tej Malhotra” She thinks. Suddenly, she heard a knock, she turned the board again from the blank side while getting panicked.

“Boss, I got the chip for you” Daksh removed his black hood and told the person sitting in a three-piece suit. “I wonder how did she give you this much easier,” He said. “I snatched from that stupid girl. She wants to deal of Pendrive in return of identity of her father’s murderer” Daksh said. “You jerk! Have you lost your mind? That can be a trap” He shouted. “Let me check the pen drive,” Daksh said and insert it in laptop. “It is empty,” Daksh said. ” Didn’t I told you that she is way smarter. She tricked you”  He said snatching the laptop from his side. “What a stupid you are! This is tracker” He said while picking up a tracker from his hood.

“You here…” Drishya asked to him. She was amazed at why he is here. “I want to ask something” Kshitij replied. “You just met with him,” He asked. “Who?” She asked. “The one who is behind the condition of Mrs Khatri,” He said and slightly move her shirt’s collar. “These are similar marks.” He asked. “Yes, I met with him now” She replied and move toward her computer. “Here is he ” She played the recording while he looks at it. “What are you guys talking about?” He asked. “That’s not important. Here is the location of him” She said showing his phone. “I put a tracker on him while giving that chip, ” She said. “Are you mad or what? What if he gets to know and killed you in rage?” He shouts. “Then I get killed….Nothing else” She said and while he nods his head in disbelief. “Vishal, We need an immediate backup force in a construction site near Railway. Do contact nearby station, ” He said over the phone. “I will come later. Let me catch that psychopath first” He said and run outside.

“What are you waiting for? Break this now” He shouts while Daksh breaks it in two pieces. “They probably get to know about the location. Do tell everyone to leave this place and move from here” He said while walking out and drive away. “Drishya, You will get die if you again dare to come in front of me” Daksh gritted his teeth while throwing the laptop. “Boss said to move here. Police are in the way” He shouts while all the others goons get alert.

Shivay enters inside his house and hangs the coat in a nearby chair. He looks and she appeared from somewhere. “Do you even remember me” Her voice holds hurt. “Did you forget that there is someone waiting for you?” Maya said coming closer to him. He looks on and shook his head. “You told about me to everyone even that girl Anika too. So you start trusting her so much….Right Shivay” She asked in wrath. “I just felt to share with her” He sighed while she looks him angrily. She starts laughing like a maniac while he looks on. “You know how to feel….What a joke?” She mocked while laughing. ” She is more trustworthy than me….I see. Now, you don’t need me” She said and smile.

“I want to see how will you going to survive in those humans who are animals in disguise. Let’s see how your Anika going to save you” She said in dark tone while he looked at her shockingly. “You know why did everyone leave you alone because you don’t deserve to be together with anyone….They leave you because you keep leaving those who were behind you for the new one. You will always end up alone like this” Her words echoed in his ears. “Shut up! This all is a lie” He shouts while closing his ears restlessly. “What happens? Is the truth made you hurt? What do you think that what will Anika do when he gets to know the truth. How will you going  to control the monster inside you? She will never stay with you and leave you like all” She smirked and chuckle.

“You….Leave from here” He shouts in a cracked voice. “You can never separate me from yourself….Never, I live in you” She said and he throws the vase in the same direction not realising that she was just a mere imagination. He is only one going to hurt, she just knows to hurt, she can’t get hurt from this. He wipes his flowing tears and looks at the broken pieces. “Maya! Did you went leaving me alone? Please come back” He demanded like a child and try to find her. She was indeed right,  it’s nearly impossible to separate her from his personality.

Kshitij stops the car in front of that construction site. “What happens? Did you catch anyone?” Kshitij asked to Vishal. “No, I think he gets to know before” He replied. “Damn it! Check for any type of clue. I am sure he did some mistake in haste” Kshitij said. “We are checking but I think they are more than one or a group. We got the mark of cars tyres” He said signing toward the area while he examines the marks. “Sir, We get these boxes from inside,” One of the officers said to him while he turned. “Looks like some powder….Is it drugs?” Palak said looking at the white packets inside the box. Kshitij bends down and smells the powder. “These are drugs but still sent it to forensics for confirming,” Kshitij said while she nods her head.

“They needed something for transporting these drugs to this place,” He said looking all around. “What if they used their car to bringing these drugs here,” Vishal said. “No, It needs a lot of space….something like loader or truck. Do we have any CCTV camera near to it?” He asked. “Yes, I guess there is one in the main roads. We can look into it if some truck pass by here or not” Palak said. “Contact the traffic division immediately and ask for footage. Vishal, you contact every transportation company who hire trucks and loaders. Ask from them if they get any order of this place ” He ordered while they nods their heads. “I am going to the agency. I have still to solve the puzzle about Maya and Drishya” He said walking toward Car.

“How is she doing?” Drishya asked. “She is stable. She will become fine in some days but we have to keep her under observation” Dr. Reyansh said to her. “By the way what happened with her” She asked looking at the pale body of child. “It’s because of suffocation. She was locked inside the cupboard …” He replied. “Yes, Her condition was very serious before too” He said while she looks on. “What do you mean?” She asked. “She was starving from many days. Look at her fragile body” He replied. “What? But looking at her house I can say that they have enough money to arrange food” She replied.

“I told you what symptoms are showing,” He said while walking out of the ward. She stares her pale face, dried lips and wires attached to her tiny hands. She sighed and closed her eyes. “I wish I can kill the person behind your condition. I can’t tell your brother that we found you, he is already depressed. What will I going to say from him that there are monsters who don’t show mercy on little angels.” She said holding her hands carefully and tears rolled down from her eyes. “I know you are terrified, but do not let it become your last memory of this world. Don’t grow up like me, you have to fight for your existence. You are very small to get my words but I  hope that you will able to defeat those monsters.” She csressed her forehead and wipe her tears.

“I am sorry, We are sorry. My Baba told me that parents are the guardian of little angels like you, but I don’t know what to say now. Sometimes I think, Why did we grow up? Can’t we end up like children – pure, carefree and innocent. You know my Anika is like you, a pure and innocent soul but now change start coming in her because of this world. I want to tell her, that I love her carefree and innocent personality, she is stronger than us. She is different from selfish people like me. I hope she will not get change while trying to change the world around her” She muttered and sighed sadly.

Suddenly, her phone ring and she picked it up. “I told you that I wanna talk about something. Can you come to the agency” Kshitij said to her while she tries to clear her voice for making her tone casual. “Yes, I will ” She replied and cut the call. She moves toward restroom for cleaning her face. She stands in front of the mirror while bowing down head and putting her hand on the slab. Some familiar sobbing sound hit her ear, she looks here and there. “You keep telling her about justice. What about me then?” She heard a voice and looks on. She sees a reflection of a girl child with injuries on her face in the mirror.

“You look so shocked. Don’t you know me” She asked while she stares. “You killed me…You are a murderer of mine” She shouts while she looks on horrified. Drishya found her hand getting covered in blood. She tried to rub her hands and turn on the tap. “No, You are lying.” She muttered while washing her hands. She then realises that there is not anything on her hand, she checked her hands. She looked at the mirror and closed her eyes after not finding anything except her own reflection. “What’s wrong? Why are you imagining things? Stop it! Ishu ” She told herself while washing her face.

They both were sitting in the investigation room of that agency. She was sitting opposite to him and there is just a dim light and room is closed from all-around. ‘When thorns who are tough for protecting flowers, start pricking in flowers then they deserved to pull out’ What is it? ” Kshitij asked while she shook her head in confusion. “How can I know? Where did you get it?” She asked. “Culprit intentionally left this clue with bodies. I thought you maybe know the meaning behind this” He said keeping the same white chit in front of her. Within a seconds she notices that crease of paper. “He keeps these chits with himself and intentionally leaves after murders,” She said.

“What made you think that he can’t write on scenes,” He asked. “When someone tears the paper in hurry, it’s creased can’t be in this much perfect shape,” She told while signing toward the chit. “What can be the meaning of this line – Flower and Thorns?” She muttered, looking at the letters. “Its significance is deep, maybe about some person,” He said while she looks on. “No, It’s about abuse…Child neglection and abuse.”

“How do you get to know that these lines are connected to child abuse and neglection,” He asked. She looks on and then explains ” It was common, most people say that children are soft like flowers that’s why I get it and Guardian only become tough like thorns for protecting.” “I can believe as you are saying but I am not fully satisfied.” He looks on. “You are doubting on me.” She asked raising her eyebrow. “Everyone is suspect here….” He replied leaning on his chair. “How are you related to Shivay Miss Malhotra?” He asked. “I told you before also that he was patient in our hospital. So, I just know him casually” She replied playing with her fingers.

“Isn’t it plain unrealistic to believe that you just met him casually and he starts imagining you?” He asked moving his chair forward. “What are you saying that he imagine me? ” She asked shockingly. “We didn’t become a detective like this only. We dug out and I get to know that you never met with him in past one year but still he remembers you. For holding a place in the life of someone like Shivay, it took a lot of deep connection. Shivay is schizophrenic, he keeps forgetting things but looking his confidence about recognising you, I can say that he meet with you everyday” He said. “I never think that you can get this much easier,” She said. “You are gifted with the ability to notice things but we learn to notice things by our experience. My colleague was going to arrest you for faking identity, but when he dug out we,  get to know that you didn’t meet him. Anyone who has little sense and idea about Shivay’s condition can get it much easier” He replied while she nods her head.

“But we know that you are connected with him. We found this from the record of the orphanage. You do remember Smile foundation…..What even I am asking? How can you forget things?” He said putting the registration of charity. He gets frustrated after looking at her silence. “How I am going to believe you when you are not telling truth, ” He asked but she remains silent. “What can I understand from the silence of yours? Are you romantically involved with him or you both were in a relationship.” He asked all the possibilities and he finds some creased on her forehead. He gets understand she didn’t like to mention his name as her romantic interest. “Are you cheating your ex-boyfriend be in relationship with Shivay…Isn’t this the reason behind your breakeup” He asked for provoking her.

“Shut up! I and Shivaay were emotionally involved” She shouts in rage while he looks at her keenly. After regaining her composure, she didn’t take a few seconds to get it that he was provoking her for truth. As a doctor, she knows that truth comes out in rage after emotionally provoking any person.  She sighed disappointedly not for understanding his trap on time. “What is that mean that you are emotionally involved?” He asks her. “That was a very disgusting way to get the truth,” She said while throwing water glass angrily which kept beside her. “I asked you twice normally. Did you answer?” He replied.  “You were asking me how you are connected with Juhi, Shivay. Let me tell you everyone who is involved in this case is either victim of child negligence and abuse or child abuser. Who are you – Survival or Attacker? ” Kshitij said looking at changing, colour of her face.

Kindly Ignore grammatical and spelling errors. Take care and Keep smiling.



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