Monday, 18 October 2021

Mehndi Hai Rachne Wali 18th October 2021 Written Episode Update Esha shifts in Deshmukh house


Mehndi Hai Rachne Wali 18th October 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

At Deshmukh house, Amruta gets Esha ad Paying Guest, Sulochana says good you got her here come Esha, Milind says she will be fine don’t worry, Sharda says be comfortable, Amruta says to Esha come I will show you, Sharda asks which room, Amruta says Pallavi’s.

White Raghav appears in front of Raghav, and says you are disturbed right, Raghav says I can’t even look at her, that night appears in front of me when I see her, White Raghav says she will find something is wrong, Raghav says if she finds out she will breakdown and leave me forever, White Raghav says you can’t face her, in some or the other way, she will find it, so its your take now when to tell her.

Raghav walks to his room and sees Pallavi, Raghav says Pallavi I was not alone in Varangal, Esha was with me too, and we cleared differences and then drank a lot, and then I don’t know when we got close and I did a huge mistake, Pallavi looks at Raghav. Raghav says I am sorry, I know its not forgiveable, Pallavi says what are you saying and removes her headphones, Raghav says actually I, Jaya walks in and says Pallavi where is mosquito repellent, Pallavi says I will help you and leaves with Amma.
Raghav says God knows when will I gather courage again to tell you everything.

Esha thanks Amruta, Amruta says its nothing and I am happy you shifted, Sharda walks in with tea, and says feel free you are part of this family and like I have Pallu same are you, Esha says no I can never take her place, and you too have some tea, and shares with Sharda, Sharda says I’m missing my Pallavi a lot, when Pallavi came here first time she was just liie you, Esha asks first time, Amruta says Pallavi was daughter in law here its a long story will tell you later, now lets unpack. Esha thinks so Pallavi was married once before.

Raghav gets call from a security and he says the door is locked, Raghav says come back and hopes Esha is fine.
Pallavi lost in her thoughts thinking how Raghav is pushing her away these days and avoiding her, Pallavi looks at herself in mirror, Keerti asks what are you doing, Pallavi says something went in my eyes, Keerti says let me check, Pallavi says tell me one thing, how do you attract your husband and blushes, Keerti says this is skillful matter, you need a little change, you always in this same saree, stylish Raghav might want his wife stylish too and sometimes change is good for ourself too

Raghav visits Sumits house, Sumit asks what he wants, Sunny says you, Sumit asks why, Sunny says your ex wife is missing right, I am your helping hand against Raghav Rao, and if you want wife back trust me.
Esha asks Amruta can she help her with cleaning vegetables, Amruta says okay and I will be back with buying moong dal from market and leaves.
Sulochana sees Esha says I thought it was Pallavi, Esha says does she keep coming here, Sulochana says yes where else will she go, she has seen so many hardships and hope nothing of kind happens to anyone else, Esha says Amruta said she was daughter in law here.

Raghav trying to reach Esha, he walks in his room and sees Pallavi in yellow saree, trying to impress him, sing and dance, Pallavi gets close to him, Raghav pushes her back and says what childish behaviour is this, Pallavi says seriously I did this for you, you don’t like me, don’t like the way I look, I’m typical right and you like fashionable girls and so you running away from me, I am trying hard but I failed Raghav and leaves.

Raghav says Pallavi I love the way you are, I am the bad one, Keerti sees Pallavi leave the room crying.
Keerti asks Raghav why is he behaving with Pallavi so rude, Raghav says I hope I could tell you this, Keerti says is this because of Esha, but you had moved on, Raghav says I was with Esha in a room In Varangal and unfortunately we got close and I made a huge mistake, I slept with her. Keerti in shock.

Pre cap: Pallavi shouts at a man for cheating and I’ll treating his wife.
Raghav hugs Pallavi and says I am sorry and I love you, he sees it’s not Pallavi but Esha dressed in Pallavi’s saree.

Update Credit to: Tanaya

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