Wednesday 25 March 2020

Santoshi Maa 25th March 2020 Written Episode Update – Indresh’s father plays trick towards swati’s efforts.

Santoshi Maa 25th March 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

The episode starts with indresh’s mother trying to do her make-up but feels thinking this is not correct towards how swati did yesterday & swati comes telling her that can I do today also as still your kit has not come & today I’ll prepare you with different looks which will be more beautiful from yesterday’s & she feels happy & allows her. Indresh comes seeing this & praises his mother as she feels blushed.
Indresh’s mother goes to his father & he is again surprised to see her.
Indresh holds swati lovingly & they both talk with each other with delightful manner.
Indresh’s father is praising him mother & flowing flowers on her keeping on praising her while she blushes & replies why all this needed but he says your devotee needs this while some people come calling indresh’s father & as he goes to meet them they are talking with him arrogantly & cursing swati because of her you have no power but indresh is trying to stop them while his father stops him to not to interfere but they curse him too saying we thought you were very strong but now we see you have no power within your family & indresh gets angry & tells them to go away.
Indresh is telling his father why you stopped me or I would had thrashed all of them & he is also shouting his brother saying why you did not say anything & just watching insult of your father but he is cursing him itself saying all this is happening because of you & his father too tells him that leave of outside people but my family people itself are acting wrong behind me then why to blame outside people. Your grandmother & mother taking help from this girl from outside as one for pressing her legs & another for getting beautiful looks & he warns both of them if henceforth you do this then nobody will be more bad then me. His grandmother warns swati to not to help me & also not to come near me.
Indresh’s mother is washing her face while swati comes to stop her but she shouts her saying I was wrong to take help from you & henceforth to not to touch me & also to stay away from me.
Indresh’s father is watching this hiding & thinks now go & announce the world & also he is remembering what he had planned with his son abhay about this trick to play by telling all so that they will come to insult me & indresh will understand & swati too.
Indresh’s father goes towards swati & tells her the fact how this happened only because of me & warns her to leave form this house as it’s no use in front of me doing all kinds of drama & now you must understand that I made all your efforts back to zero & he leaves.
Swati cries saying I have lost & tired so I cannot fight any more now but indresh comes from behind & calms her.
Swati is expressing her discomfort of what mother-in-law & grandmother warned while he is trying to calm her saying we will face together but she is expressing her depression about not getting love of in-laws which I might never get but he is consoling her to stop crying & will fight to make all the people of community to love you as we still have 12 days to prove & will think something.
Indresh’s father is making his other son alert to keep watch on both of them as nothing should go wrong till 12 days do not finish.
Indresh’s sister-in-law is cursing swati in front of his mother, sister & grandmother but they are cursing her instead saying it’s only because of you this has happened as you were not serving us properly & she is trying to defend herself but his grandmother tells her that you have to be punished instead so for full night today you have to press my legs but she curses her & indresh’s mother slaps her warning to not to talk anything wrong with my mother-in-law ie. grandmother of indresh.
Mata santoshi comes to search dev rishi to talk about swati while he is trying to catch butterfly but he is unable to catch & feels confused & devi polomi is watching this & laughing saying you cannot catch this fly.

Precap: Indresh brings milk while grandmother asks him did you get it free & he says it’s purchased while sister-in-law asks him what about milk in fridge then he says if it’s given to swati from fridge then all will have problems but his father says yes as she has clutched you. Indresh comes to ask mother that swati is feeling uneasy & vomiting so to please tell some remedy then she replies why should I tell & he leaves while she thinks shockingly is she pregnant?

Update Credit to: Tanaya

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3/25/2020 10:22:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments