Tuesday, 24 March 2020

KKM Story Of Love And War Between Siblings Episode 67

The episode starts with Pragya and Priyanka standing face to face with each frowning furiously into the other’s eyes. Pragya turns towards Abhi shouting, “Now this is the TRUTH Mr. Abhishek Prem Mehra, that Priyanka is the one responsible for all that happened with Shahana on Fashion Event night because the actual plot was not against Prachi but against Shahana only!” All are bewildered to hear that. Abhi counter asks, “Wait, what is all this nonsense? Why would Priyanka even do that?” Pragya replies in a raised voice, “Because she felt that SHAHANA came in between HER AND RISHI!” Abhi questions her, “Wait a minute, isn’t Rishi obsessed over her? Which is why……” he stops himself as till now he hadn’t revealed about Priyanka’s molestation case to anyone except to Purab. He clenches his fists hard, holds his breath and shouts out, “……which is why he had molested her!” All are astounded. Purab closes his eyes in dismay. Pragya opposes him, “No RISHI HAD NEVER MOLESTED PRIYANKA, BUT IT WAS SHE WHO MOLESTED HIM!” Abhi madly asks her, “No way, I had myself witnessed Rishi coming out of my cabin in a shabby state and when I went inside and saw Priyanka….” He again holds his breath and continues, “I feel ashamed even to utter it out….” Pragya cries out, “Well, now you will be ashamed to realise that your niece is a psychologically disturbed obsessed personality like your……” she stops herself from pronouncing Aliyah’s name, however her hands point straight towards her. Aryan and Purab look on. Pragya continues in the same tone, “…..she is such a psychologically disturbed obsessed personality who can fall low to any extent to get whatever she wants and on the very fashion event night, it was the her same OBSESSION FOR RISHI which made her plan such an EVIL PLOY against Shahana and her sister, Rhea!” Abhi tells her, “I don’t believe you Pragya!” Pragya tells him, “I knew you wouldn’t because you always have the habit of THINKING EMOTIONALLY when you shouldn’t, so I have the evidence which shows Priyanka’s obsession for Rishi.” All are startled. Pragya reminisces her meeting with Sunny.

Flashback, Sunny says, “Maasi, I’m sure when you will tell about Priyanka’s obsession to Chachu….” Pragya asks him, “Chachu? Didn’t you used to call him Chucks, Sunny?” Sunny puts on a fake smile, “My relation with him was something unique when I was a part of that family, I used to be his favourite! But when Purab Khanna himself threw me and my mother out of his life by choosing someone else, I lost each and every relation with all the people of that family, it’s true that I hate Mr. Purab Khanna but respect Mr. Abhishek Prem Mehra, but my relationship is not anymore, the same! He is my boss professionally and outside profession he is only CHACHU AND NOT CHUCKS!” Pragya gets distressed on hearing that. Sunny avoids further discussion saying, “Anyways, right now it is important to make Chachu realise the TRUE FACE OF PRIYANKA and it would be next to impossible because you know he is, he will never believe YOU!” Pragya asks, “Then what can we do?” Sunny says, “Maasi, do you remember Mehras and Kohilis housewarming party (Episodes 36, 37, 38)?” Pragya nods. Another Flashback, Sunny describes how himself and Sanju had also come for the party on Priyanka’s insistence and how he heard Priyanka pointing out while evilly gazing at a blade in her hand, “Now let me settle the scores with the SELF-RESPECT of the WOMAN who is trying to snatch my RISHI from me!”, Fb ends. Pragya’s eyes grow wide in amazement. Sunny continues, “At that very moment I had realised that Priyanka is trying to play something evil with Shahana and warned Aryan. Disha is stunned and asks, “Sunny, you have already met Aryan?” Sanju murmurs, “Well Mummy ji you don’t know that even Aryan knows his identity.” Sunny tells her, “Ma, I already said that I have no relations with anyone of that family, then why are you bothered about me meeting Aryan Khanna or not!” Disha stays silent, while Pragya getting confused asks him, “But Sunny, didn’t you say that you and Sanju have to still remain in the good faith with Priyanka, but won’t she doubt on you both if you reveal this incident!” Sanju smirks saying, “Maasi, neither of us is going to reveal it!” Pragya frowns in confusion, “Then how will we bring out Priyanka’s obsessive side?” Sunny plays forward the visual of the fashion event and it goes to the video recording of Mehra and Kohili’s house warming party of Mehras and Kohilis where it is clearly seen Priyanka ripping the back portion of Shahana’s dress while saying, “Now let me see your eyes fall down in shame, so that you don’t look up onto my Rishi again!” Pragya, Disha and Sanju are dumbstruck on seeing that, while Sunny tells her, “Maasi, we have to play crooked with the CROOKED! And I got my hands on the video covered by the camera installed in different part of the two houses during the house warming party as the event manager was again a friend of Hritik Uncle!” Pragya looks towards Disha who nods affirmatively while Sunny pronounces “And this will help you DISCLOSE PRIYANKA!” Flashback ends.

At present in Mehra Mansion, Pragya plays forward the visual in the pen drive and the video of Priyanka’s evil tactic against Shahana during House warming party is played in front of everyone. Pragya asks Shahana, “Don’t you remember of such an event which happened to you during the House Warming Party held here?” Shahana reminisces everything and nods in agreement. Everyone is taken aback, Pallavi cups her mouth with her hand. Both Abhi and Rhea become shell shocked on realising the true face of Priyanka. Rhea asks Priyanka in a quivering tone, “So, it was you who plotted against me, Priyanka? How could you? Aren’t you my sister?” Priyanka stays dumb and inert unable to answer her. Pragya tells Rhea, “Rhea, when her mind is filled with the DESIRE TO WIN RISHI AT ANY COST, she will not see what comes on her way to reach her GOAL even when it is her own family!” She then turns towards Abhi and continues, “I told you even earlier that she needs treatment, you need to send her……” Priyanka getting nervous cuts in shouting, “No Chucks, don’t listen to this Pragya….” Abhi shouts back, “Priyanka, the mistake is INDEED YOURS and learn to respect the person with whom you are talking to because SHE IS MY WIFE AND THE WOMAN WHO GAVE BIRTH TO RHEA!” Pragya and Rhea looks towards him emotionally. Everyone else smile cheerfully except for Aliyah and Priyanka who get irritated on his remark. Priyanka understands that she cannot get her way with Abhi anymore, turns towards Rhea, falls on her feet and emotionally blackmails her using her tears saying, “Rhea, you are my sister, you know me the most right! I’m sorry I used you to get my love but you would have also done the same thing to get Ranbir, wouldn’t you?” Pragya shouts, “Shut up Priyanka, don’t even compare yourself with Rhea, she may be your sister through relation but she is my BLOOD and I believe that she WILL NEVER FALL LOW LIKE YOU TO GET HER LOVE!” Rhea’s eyes fill with tears on hearing that, however she looks away trying to hide her tears. Priyanka ignoring Pragya continues to plead with Rhea, “Rhea,Please give me one last chance! Please tell Chucks not to send me to any asylum, you are my family right Rhea? And only a family can help me, please!” she continues to fold her hands in front her. Both Abhi and Rhea start falling emotionally weak into Priyanka’s words. Pragya notices the change and tries to stop her saying, “No Rhea….” but before that Rhea gives in to Priyanka’s words and tells, “Dad, Priyanka is my sister and she needs to get one last chance, so please let her stay with us!” Pragya gets disturbed on hearing her words. Rishi gets vexed while the other looks on. Abhi replies to Rhea, “Fine, let’s give Priyanka one last chance!” Pragya warns Rhea saying, “Rhea you are doing the same MISTAKE WHICH YOUR DAD…….” she stops herself again from taking out Aliyah’s name and continues, “Rhea don’t fall weak for your emotions like your dad, if Priyanka falls to this extent that she uses you to get Rishi then IN FUTURE she will try any means to get RISHI again!” Abhi tells her, “Now stop it Pragya, I agree that Priyanka has done a GREAT MISTAKE, but I ASSURE THAT SHE WILL NOT INTERFERE WITH RISHI’S LIFE AGAIN! And I promise to take back all the charges I put against Rishi regarding molestation” Pragya gets dejected with his decision and tells him, “As usual you are taking your decision by falling weak to your emotions, Fine, if Priyanka is like your daughter, then Rishi is like my son and if she ever tries to come near him again, then I promise, I’ll hand her to the LAW!” Everyone is shaken by her words. After saying that, Pragya gives a deadly stare to Priyanka, turns around and leaves from there. Prachi looks at Rhea pitifully, but follows her mother in a hurry along with Shahana. Rishi frowns at Priyanka disgustedly, turns around and leaves from there. Priyanka smirks as everyone disperses away.

Next morning, MMIS College

Sanju is seen wandering inside the college grumbling, “I don’t understand what sins I have committed in the previous life that I have to work for the PSYCHOS of the Mehra Mansion, first that Rhea Mehra, then Priyanka Rane and now this Sunny Khanna! And this time, I have to work along with doing studies, what the heck?” Just then, he sees Aryan coming in the opposite direction and reminisces Sunny’s first condition, “Sanju, I’m sure that other than us both, no one knows Aryan and Shahana love each other and now you have to see that it remains in the same way, no one should ever realise Aryan-Shahana’s love for each other.” Sanju comes out of his thoughts and notices Shahana approaching Aryan while waving at him. He inches close to them while keeping a certain distance and closely spies on them, Shahana tells Aryan, “Thanks to Maasi! Everything is solved, but Aryan I guess your brother is involved in unveiling Priyanka’s truth because the day before yesterday, Maasi got a call from him!” Aryan reminisces his deal with Sunny and says, “Yes, he is involved because he knew Priyanka was behind all this, as he was the one who had warned me even earlier regarding Priyanka’s plot against you on the House Warming party….” Aryan pauses as both of them get reminded of his first kiss on her shoulder and blush while turning their eyes away. Aryan changes the topic by revealing about his promise to Sunny. Shahana gets worried and asks, “What if he asks you to do something which will cause you great pain?” Sanju looks on. Aryan catches his breath and continues, “I’m ready to face anything for my brother, because whatever he went through in his LIFE TILL NOW WAS ONLY BECAUSE OF MY MOM AND DAD!” Sanju gets sad on hearing that. Shahana continues to ask him, “And what is the most important thing in your life?” Aryan is surprised to hear that question and get looking into her eyes. Both share an intense eye lock. Sanju smiles, turns around embarrassingly and gets shocked to see Prachi and Ranbir coming in that direction He gets fearful about Sunny’s condition and shouts out in a loud voice, “Oh hello my Jaane-man, Prachi!” Aryan-Shahana jerk from their position on hearing that.


To be continued.

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