Tuesday, 8 December 2020

#Enmity to Love #Riansh #9 Who is YOU ??

This is the last part..


You all be like 😟😟😟 

And me be like 😉😉

Well , No there are many more to go !! 


Episode begins with.., 

Riddhima : YOU !!

The voice: Riddhima..You on Vansh bhai’s phone ? 

Riddhima : Just like that …See you..Bye 

Siya: Bye

She hangs up .

Riddhima: Vansh , it’s Siya , your sweetheart??

Vansh: Hmm..

( Well most of you were right ) 

Riddhima : But why did you write such a kind of name..

Vansh : Because Siya is my closest person ..(in mind) after you..

He smiles.

Vansh : I have a meeting,  bye..

Riddhima : Bye..

Siya visits Riddhima for her treatment..Then , Riddhima finishes her work and both Siya and Riddhima reach the VR Mansion ..

Vansh is standing..Siya greets Vansh and goes inside her room.

Vansh : So you are back..

Riddhima: What do you think? 

Vansh: Was it a joke..If yes, then haha ..

Riddhima : It wasn’t a joke..

Vansh : My bad luck ..

They both smile. 

Vansh : So, how did the day go ? 

They both narrate about each other’s day…

Vansh : Let’s have dinner..

Riddhima: Hmm..

They both reach the dining table. Vansh sits while Riddhima is about to..Then, all including Vansh make a circle around her.

Riddhima : What do you all want ? 

Kunal : That

Siya : You

Ishani : Should

Vansh : Cook

Kunal : Today

Siya : For

Ishani : The

Vansh : Dinner 

Riddhima : But

Siya : Please

Riddhima : Ok..But I have a condition , you all need to tell what you want ?

Kunal : Ok

Vansh : For me , Cheese chili 

Kunal : Me , it’s biryani ..

Ishani : Me..pizza

Siya : And me , it’s mmm..mmm…Dal Makhni and Tandoori Chapati.

Riddhima : Just that much ..Anything else ? 

Vansh : Hm..Dessert..

Siya : Oh ! Ya , How could we forget that..

Vansh : For me brownie…

Ishani : Pastry

Siya : Muffin 

Kunal : And my you know , Ice-cream..

Vansh : How much time will it take? 

Riddhima : 15 mins only.

Vansh (confidently) : Well , I bet you can’t make all this in just 15 mins..

Riddhima : If I made then, 

Vansh : I will make tomorrow’s breakfast..

Riddhima : Just a min..

She brings her phone.

Riddhima : Now speak..

He speaks again and she records..

Riddhima : It’s 7: 30 ..Till 7 : 45 , everything will be presented here ! 

Vansh : Ok..

She goes to cook and cooks so fastly , at 7:45 sharp , she comes with all the food. 

Everyone is surprised.

Vansh : How did you make it so early ? 

Riddhima : With my hands..

She giggles..

Riddhima : So, tomorrow’s breakfast Vansh will prepare..Yayy!! And my mom and dad will be back..

Vansh : Hm

They all eat their food and praise Riddhima. Riddhima thanks them..

It’s 8 :15 , everybody is sitting near the poolside..

Riddhima is going to drink water. She finds a water bottle and gulps it..


Do read the next episode..It will be full of …

Keep reading , loving and supporting !!! 

Go and read my other ff’s on Wattpad (Riansh_obsessed)..Link :




 Comment down..I know its small…blame it on my exams ! 

The post #Enmity to Love #Riansh #9 Who is YOU ?? appeared first on Telly Updates.

12/08/2020 04:14:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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