Tuesday 8 December 2020

Nefarious November at Naagin 5 (Analysis)

Nefarious November at Naagin 5

Hello everyone! So I am back here up with something….it’s been what 3 yrs.…. since I wrote something here…. So here I am with another article. I hope you’ll stick till the end.

Since so much has been happening in the November month on Naagin 5, and I was out of the loop for a large part of it, I just thought of writing about my views in a separate article instead of just going on and on in the comments and boring everybody to death.

So let’s start with the good things first,

  • VANI –
    • Oh God now where do I start….we got lots of Vani moments this month. They are slowly coming closer, Bani has started trusting Veer and has begun to see his good side. It all started with the bubble gun scene where Bani has a panic attack thinking that Shakura is back. Bani has always been a strong headed girl with all the aadi Nagin powers to back that up. She wasn’t scared initially, but when he took her to the clouds and then bind her naagin powers she was really left helpless. She found no means of escape and in her desperation she even jumped out the window thinking it is better to die then marry shakura. (The way she got saved was highly illogical but anyways) After veer’s return and shakura’s death any girl IRL would definitely have nightmares because she has not got that time to come to terms with the incident so someday it should erupt and veer used the bubble gun just triggered it. Now I don’t think that the writers must also have thought about the human psychology but they must have put there to give audience a Vani scene.
    • Veer telling Bani his truth about being Cheel was so well done….i think that’s the point when Bani really started falling for Veer. I know before that she trusted him somewhat but this moment was pivotal in their story cause he showed her his other side. Meera’s just one line that you cannot force love really hit him and he tries so show Bani why she could love him. My above theory is reaffirmed when Bani doesn’t stop Veer when he is pulling her leg later during the day in the aarti scene.
    • So now the truth of aadinaagin is out in front of everybody and Veer’s reaction to it was lovely. This guy is ready to go against his family and his entire race to protect the leader of the enemy race, who also happens to be his wife. For this he has my respect.
    • Then after lots of nok-jhok, shy smiles and fake fights, things are looking good between Vani at the moment. Vani sofa scene…. Veer sleeps on her lap and she lets him be…..and later the scene in bed room….just awww…. At this point in time I am like if you give me only Vani scenes like these even without a plotline or any story, just Vani scenes and I’ll watch them….
    • (BTW keeping a watch from so far was a terrible idea . There drainage pipes, AC ducts and a whole big window and CK has advantage of being both eagle and snake.) Also I thought they are past whole ‘sharing the bed’ thing? In the episode when Jai hypnotizes near the pool, they were sleeping on the same bed.
    • Then we got a heartfelt conversation between Vani in the bathroom and later Veer calm Bani after her vision/nightmare…. Aur kitne acche din chahiye tumhe??


  • Dances:
    • Navratri- This dance was all about Vani showing Tashan to each other. But it looked nice on screen. I think the originally planned Lahu Muh Lag Gaya song would have worked better as there was a lot of tashan between the two. (Maybe the makers didn’t get permission to use that song?)
    • Labon Ka Karobar- Now this was a fun dance….. can we just forget the original motive behind it and just see that Bani herself asked Veer for that dance
    • Bani’s Tandav- This was our AadiNaagin’s first solo Tandav and I think Surbhi did her part really well. But I also feel that the choreography of the Tandav could have been better.


  • Catfights-
    • But can I call it a catfight when none of those girls take a form of cat?? Just kidding. But that fight scene between Mayuri and Bani was well done…. Bani and Mayuri both got a go at each other, and it was not like only one person is dominating the fight…I’ll miss mayuri though.
    • I am not including Bani vs CK here as I have a different section for it later.


  • Shook shook Shukla : Now in this month since everybody is coming out clean with the things they have done, why hasn’t Jai told Vani that even Shukla was with him in the planning and why hasn’t Bani told Veer about Shukla? The only justification that I have is that the actor playing Shukla must not be available so the makers thought not to bring him in any conversation as of yet.


  • The Forgotten Brothers: The whole family has collectively forgotten Teer and Monil. Teer wasn’t even there in the childhood photo and neither has CK asked about her third son. Who actually killed Monil is still not known. Only for one episode did the cheels talk about taking revenge from aadi naagin…..then ‘raat gai baat gai?’


  • The Singhania Patriarch :
    • Balvant must have had a reason to capture CK in the dungeons right? I mean if she was just a normal human than Balvant might just have killed her or used her in hid trafficking business or something. I mean there must be a reason for keeping her in his line of sight, so why is he reacting so normally. Why so much of build up there?
    • But I also feel for Balvant yaar. It seems that no one is listening to the patriarch. Jai comes and ‘decides’ not ask or suggest just decides that he is going to stay in the Singhania mansion. Then Bani brings her family not for a visit but permanently. Balvant is like ‘ghar mere naam pe hai guys koi mujhse bhi toh puch lo’. And then finally when Veer says you are free to go from the house, for a teeni tiny moment Balvant is like ‘çhalo finally’ and Bani refuses….
    • He also has a point when he says can’t you all find a Cheel to get married….i mean look at all his bahus one is a Aadi Naagin, one was almost a Morni and now this one is a human….all his boys are doing intercaste marriages…. No bahu from the Cheel Vansh.


  • Cheel powers just for Chilling?:
    • That landmine scene….well it doesn’t work this way…. You step on a landmine and BOOM you’re gone…there’ll be nothing left….and Veer-Bani are running through as if in a garden… and Veer could have easily flown away now that Bani knows about him being a cheel. But I think the makers wanted a Bani-rescues-veer-scene so Veer can say u saved my life so u have feelings for me…etc etc.
    • The cheels are not using their powers when actually required. I mean they could have just taken their cheel forms when those sharp nails started appearing in the house. And cheel form could have given them better maneuverability as well to move about. Ponkey standing on the stairs could have just flown to his family. The only cheel using her powers right now seems to be CK.


  • Bade Miya Chote Miya : Jai-Veer verbal fights are literally the highlight of every episode these days. And Bani is like the mother refereeing between two little kids… like every minute they are together they both are ready to bite each other’s head-off. They scene when Bani throws pillows for Veer outside, next day at the dining table, ‘shakar lene jaa rahi hu koi piche nahi aayega’, and well you get the drift. And that is why it is so nice to watch the BTS and comments on each other’s posts where it seems they are really good friends…  But I felt confrontation scene between Jai and Veer outside the Tilismi cave was terrible….it could have been way, way better. I mean it was supposed to be the big reveal about CK and for that it was very bland. However, the fight in Saturday’s episode was good…both hot headed young men and emotions running very high led to a physical fight, quite understandable.


  • Fast and Furious? : I have read a few comments here and there so I know that you all also feel the same that the story is suddenly moving very fast. I hardly watch any daily soaps but what I know of them, they take one storyline and stretch for weeks if not months. Here, in the beginning of the month Veer had just returned and see where the story is now….so many things have happened. Inspite of that, I feel that story writing is very erratic. I am very impressed with one episode and excited to see how things progress further and then the writers just happen to ruin things…. (Anyone else feeling the same??)


  • Double Trouble? : Everything in Kalyug seems to be in double. First Aadi nagin’s biggest enemy was Aakesh. They became 2, Veer and Teer in Kalyug. Now her biggest enemy is this Maarkaat and she also became 2 in Kalyug.


  • Those learned and their Vows of Silences: Pandit- Panditain were given that status so that they could help the Naag-Naagins in their missions. Well your ‘Job Description’ says you are to help them. But whenever Bani needs help they just say we cannot tell you anything and you have to find it on your own. Either that or they completely talk in riddles that anyways won’t help Bani. Did Albus Dumbledore trained them or something?


  • Villains and their Monologues on World Domination:
    • Villains and their monologues, mostly about what they will do when they defeat the protagonist and then the world will be theirs for taking, have saved protagonists so many times that the villains should learn from it. Apparently you cannot teach old dog new tricks. Both times that Markaat had captured Bani and then started her tirade due to which first Jai-veer and then Shivji could save Bani. But Lord Shiva coming and saving Bani was a bit anticlimatic. She praying to him for strength was fine but I felt instead of Bani saving hereself, Shivji doing miracles was writers taking an easy way out of this.
    • Newton’s third law hold true everywhere. Fight may it be verbal, mental or physical is all about give and take. Action and reaction. The first fight was comparatively better, where both were having a go at each other but the second one was pretty much one sided where first Markaat is clearly winning and then cue some damroos, prayers and Tandav music and voila Markaat captured and all is well again.
    • When Markaat tried to take Lord Shiva’s moon he cursed her and said only Aadi nagin could beat her. But in the fight with aadi nagin, the lord himself had to come and capture her. So he could have done the same in satyug only. Why wait for so many years? Do you guys see the paradox here?
    • Furthur, if Aadi naagin is supposed to be so powerful than why are we not seeing those powers? Markaat is doing everything just by waving hands like locking up people, creating illusions, creating those sharp nails in the house. Why don’t we see Bani using any such powers?
    • And everyone healing powers or lack thereof has already been discussed in the comments so I am not elaborating it further.


  • Mr. Cheel!
    • Characters in a story to me are like onions. I know weird analogy but hear me out. I just love peeling off of the layers of each characters. To see what makes them the way they are? Why they do the things they do? What is their thought process everything…. Well so I am putting up this point. [And also a special mention to user ‘Z’. You know why Z.]
    • Do you all remember Veer from the beginning of the season? Veer is a son of a rich father coming from a famous family and is always used to getting his way. A perfect bad guy. But our bad guy has some morals of his own…I mean there was a reason why the family kept their illegal business activities away from Veer. And we know that he loves his family. Now he meets this girl and instantly falls for her but our girl is also feisty and isn’t going to give in this easily. But our bad guy is going to persue her further. But he is not forcing her. He respects her enough to do that. This is the Veer that I fell in love with…..
    • Story progresses, our not-so-bad guy and feisty girl get married, the guy is trying to remain in his character, she has killed his brother after all, but will not let any actually harm come to her even to the extent of going against his own family. He respects her privacy, lets her voice her opinions, takes care of her…how can we not love this guy yaar?
    • When Mayuri had injected Veer with Naagfani poison, Veer who is already so hot headed, it was supposed to enrage him further. Now remember that at this point in time Veer thinks that Bani has killed Teer and now taking his body in front of moonlight. The same Veer who is so prone to fighting and add the Naagfani effect. Even in that condition Veer argues with her verbally but doesn’t physically harm her. I think that this was such a character defining moment for Veer. You really get insights to a character through such small actions.
    • I also loved Veer and CK’s initial scenes where he was taking care of her. We saw another layer of his.  Son Veer >>> Husband Veer.
    • Veer character arc was really coming out well but since last few episodes I feel that the writers, to show more of Vani romance are ruining Veer’s character. He just simply agrees to everything Bani is saying these days. Bani has to just show her snake eyes. I understand that when Bani has her moments of weakness, he needs to be strong for her and I would love to see a sweet Veer there. (for instance, Bani’s waking up from the vision and the scene that followed  was really lovely ) But in other times I would love to see the old veer back, who is attitude wala, sassy, sarcastic but a softie, or as I call him, the-bad-guy-with-morals.
    • The only time when I see the old Veer is in Jai-Veer bantering scenes and recently in the last episode where he confronts Bani for leaving him at the temple where he was waiting for her and the scene that follows… Hoping we’ll get to see the old Veer back soon…..
    • (Why do I feel I am going to get lots of hate for this point? Well what’s done is done.)



Uff…..i think I should end this now. So finally done with this. Now that my job is done, yours start…..Since I spent most part of my first day after exams writing this up…you all are supposed to tell me in the long long comments down there that (i) how was the article as a whole?  (ii) which points do you agree/disagree with? I would really love to discuss things with you.

I would love to improve so suggestions and criticism are always welcomed as long as it is not offensive and abusive.


Signing out now.



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