Monday, 27 January 2020

Vighnaharta Ganesh 27th January 2020 Written Episode Update – Evil sooravansh shocked hearing gajmukh’s death

Vighnaharta Ganesh 27th January 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

The episode starts with brahmadev giving future predictions to sooravansh & he ignores cursing brahmadev saying nothing is powerful towards our powers. Gajmukh’s son is crying seeing his father & is cursing kartik while kartik is calming him saying now you are not in condition to fight but then too if you wish to then I am ready. Ganesh tells mushak it’s time for us to go fast towards father’s place. Soorsahi is warning brahmadev you do not know how much powerful my sons are so you don’t speak wrong towards my sons. Indra’s son is seeing brahmadev & thinking now what will happen of me if god like brahmadev is in his clutches. Sooravansh is harming indra’s son & laughing on brahmadev saying I am in trouble while I am very much safe & his sister comes telling him this small child could be our problems as brahmadev said & he is slapping his sister & insulting her so she gets angry on him & leaves his place. Her another sister comes telling her I know where devraj’s wife is & as she sees her tears she asks why are you crying & she tells her our brother insulted me within all people in palace. She tells her take me to her & they go there while devsena & her mother is praying in temple & devsena feels trouble around her & tells her mother so they pray taking kartik’s name while kartik & all gods are walking as he hears the sound of prayers thinking this is voice of my devotee & indra thinks it feels like some problem is going to arise & the evil sisters are facing storm around them & also indra in telling kartik there must be some problem going to arise & he calms indra & shoots an arrow for safety telling his warrior brother to be alert & go towards the direction of arrow.
The evil sisters are warning devsena to come along or you will be killed & devsena is warning to not to come near or you will be killed & they say who will save you then kartik’s warrior brother comes telling them I will save them & introduces himself to them & as both sisters try to touch devsena then he cuts both of their hands warning them that I won’t see anybody attacking woman & they warn him saying we will come back to kill you both.
He prays both of them as they ask him where you will take us & he says to Kailash & they both feel happy while mata paravati is glad hearing this.
Gajmukh’s son comes with a head in his hands to sooravansh as he asks him what is this & he tells him this is my father gajmukh’s head crying as sooravansh is shocked & explains him how he killed his father while his sisters too come with their hands cut crying to him & asks who is this person so they tell him kartik & he insults his sisters & they get angry on him saying to not to insult us instead go to fight in the battlefield & he leaves with his weapon warning them I’ll come back killing him & then punish you.

Precap: Ganesh & kartik leave sitting in mayur towards the temple of mahadev & paravati of kedarnath.

Update Credit to: Tanaya

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1/27/2020 08:40:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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