Thursday 9 January 2020

Nimki Vidhayak 9th January 2020 Written Episode Update: Nimki gets to know about Mahua’s trafficking

Nimki Vidhayak 9th January 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Mahua tells Nimki that they have trapped us and will traffic us. A goon hits Mahua on the head and she faints. Nimki gets worried on the call. She runs from the function. All look on. Ganga tells the guests to enjoy the party. Parag tells her that her sister called and she got worried, I think her sister is I trouble. Ganga asks Shankar to keep an eye on Nimki, she might have gone to meet Shukla, we have to be careful even if Shukla’s power is gone. Parag says she looked very worried. Ganga says she might be acting.

Nimki calls Dumri and tells her about Mahua. Abhi says we don’t know where took their bus. Sweety asks him to call Mahua. Abhi says she is not picking up. We don’t know where they are.

The teacher drags Mahua’s body with her goon.

Nimki comes to the house and packs her bag. Tunee asks what happened? You have to tell us. Nimki searches Mahua’s things and says why can’t I find anything? We should have asked her everything before going. Tunee says if anything happens to Mahua then I won’t spare you. Nimki says you want to live a life with you but you didn’t even ask where she was going and with whom? I should have handled Mahua but I told her to think something new for her life, I wanted her to fly and will take care of her as a father and sent her there. I don’t know what to do now.

Mahua is tied in a room. She screams to save her. They lock girls in a room.

Scene 2
Dumri asks Nimki to calm down, Mahua will come back. Nimki says there are other girls too so it’s a trap. I have to save them.

The goon tells Mahua that you thought you could runaway from here? Mahua whispers that I know everything. He says nobody will save you. He tells the teacher Suneeta to keep an eye on these girls. Mahua pleads to leave her. The goon says nobody can hear you, we don’t send defected girls to the clients.

Nimki says Ganga can help us. Abhi says we shouldn’t tell her, she didn’t help before also. Nimki calls Ganga. Ganga asks what happened that you left? Nimki says my sister…

PRECAP- Abhi tells Nimki that they were talking about the incident but they are scared as a big politician is involved in this.
The goon beats Mahua and says no one will try to save her.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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