Friday 5 March 2021

World of SaiRat: Ruined Relationship OS


Hiya Twisties, I’m back with a new OS on SaiRat and because of that I changed the booktitle from It’s positive to World of SaiRat…

The prompt of this story is suggested by NupurGoyal1 so I hope you like my twists in it😄

Internal monologues are like always written in bold.

Short description and Introduction of the characters as this shot is not related to the serial Ghum hai kisikey pyar meiin

Sai and Pakhi are best friends. Pakhi has an ulterior motive and pretends to be a good person in front of Sai. The answer is simple: it is because of Sai’s childhood friend Virat.

Sai Joshi
She is a kind girl who can fight for her loved ones. She loves her two friends Pakhi and Virat a lot as well as secretly in love with Virat. She is a medical student in her second year.

Pakhi Khanna She knows what she wants (Virat) and gets it by hook or crook

Pakhi Khanna
She knows what she wants (Virat) and gets it by hook or crook. She always makes fun of Sai and is a third wheel between Virat and Sai.

 She always makes fun of Sai and is a third wheel between Virat and Sai

Virat Chawan
Sai is his childhood friend and the love of his life. He is friends with Pakhi too but only because she follows him and Sai around. He is happy to see that Sai got a really good friend in Pakhi. Wants to confess his feelings for Sai soon.

 Wants to confess his feelings for Sai soon

So now without any further ado…enjoy the shot…

{Sai’s POV}
I’m hanging out with Pakhi when we both say, “I want to tell you something,”

“You first,” I say but she shakes her head.

I say, “okay, I want to tell you that I’m in love with…” I don’t say his name as I know how excited she gets.

“Who?” She asks with excitement written all over her face. I smile while thinking of him. He is my first love and I’m always going to love him.

“It’s Viru.” I reply back but as I’m waiting for a response from her side, Virat comes.

“About whom are you talking about?” He curiously asks.

“About the exam we are going to have tomorrow.” I swiftly lie and he nods while not totally believing it.

“Okaaay,” he says plopping on my bed right next to me, Pakhi is awfully quiet, which is kinda unusual.

I look at her and she gives me a reassuring smile telling me that everything’s good.

How am I going to tell Virat my feelings? My mind asks.

Tomorrow after the exams is perfect. My heart replies back. I’m so lost in planning my way to propose to him, that I nearly do not hear what Pakhi then asks.

“So have you guys studied anything for the exams?”

“Yes,” I reply back.

“You are going to top the class like always!” Virat exclaims while clapping my back. I shyly smile. Pakhi makes a grimace.

What’s wrong with her? My heart asks this time and my mind has no answer for it.

She has been behaving a bit weird the last couple of days. I’m going to talk to her about it tomorrow as well.

“Bye guys,” Pakhi says all of a sudden, “I need to go home as I have something that I need to do today.”

“Bye,” I reply back but Virat doesn’t.

“Pakhi, I need to talk to you about something important,” he says while she nods and they leave my room to talk about it. I’m shaking a bit as I’m scared of losing him to someone else. But I would respect his decision and try to move on in my life.

A minute later he is back and gives me a heartwarming smile.

“Is everything alright?” I ask him in concern.

“Yes, everything’s fine,” he replies back and then asks, “so shall we study together my buddy?”

I nod as a reply and get my books.

For a few hours we keep studying until we both are extremely tired. We then clean my bed up by taking the books back to my study table.

Then we sit down on my bed, talk to each other to calm our nerves down for the upcoming exams. And I don’t know when we both fall asleep while still talking with one another.

The next morning I wake up because of that stupid alarm on my phone. As I try to get up, I see that Virat’s arms are around my waist.

I blush a bit and pretend to be still sleeping as I feel him stir. I can feel his gaze on me so I slowly open my eyes.

“Good morning Princess,” he says with a smile and calls me like he used to in our childhood.

“Morning Ru.” I reply back with a smile too.

He tries to get up but falls back into the bed and then realises why.

“U…uh…o…oh…Ii’mm…sorry,” he stutters because he is feeling shy and awkward.

“It’s okay Schatz(darling or treasure),” I say. He looks at me as he doesn’t understand the word “Schatz” as it’s in German.

Perks of having courses on different languages. He then slowly unwraps his arms around me. We then get up, he rushes out of my room to go to the house next door.

Meanwhile I walk into the bathroom to freshen up. I’m finished after a few minutes, walk downstairs into the kitchen, prepare something for myself and eat my breakfast quickly.

I wash the dishes, take the keys as dad is not home yet, I’m about to ride my bicycle when Virat offers to take me to our destination with his motorcycle.

I agree to that offer. He gives me a helmet and wears his own. I wear mine too. As he is about to drive off, his Kaku waves at us but not before yelling at us good luck.

Bhavani Kaku may be strict but she is fun too. We have pranked so many family members and till now they don’t even know who did it, I love her so much my darling Kaku.

15 minutes later we are finally at our Medical School and Pakhi’s already waiting for us. She looks quite moody today and ignores us both when we said hi to her and even tried to talk to her.

I shrug it off by thinking she might be nervous because of the exams. We walk into our classroom and get seated separately. So like you are sitting on the left side and there’s a space or two spaces in between you and the other student in all 9 to 10 rows.

I’m in the fifth row and on my right side is Virat and Pakhi doesn’t want to sit in the same row as us so she is a row behind us.

I pray to God for help when the teacher starts giving the rows in front of us the examination sheet.

Soon he reaches our row and hands out our sheets by then I’m finished with my prayers and wait until he is finished so that he then tells us to begin with the exams.

“You have 2 hours time to complete writing your exams.”

An hour later I’m finished with my papers and even read through them for about 4 times until I give them to the teacher. He tells me to wait outside until everyone else is finished too.

So I wait and wait until Virat is sent to call me back inside. I give a tired smile because I’m not feeling too well…or rather my gut feeling is. I follow him inside.

The teacher then starts saying, “so as today is your last day of exams, I wish you all a good time in your holidays and come back to this school with new energy. Thank you for listening and the class is dismissed.” He then takes his files as well as everything else and leaves.

I’m still packing my things when I see Virat leaving the classroom with Pakhi. So quickly pack my things and follow them. They have not noticed me.

Their destination is a garden. Which is beautifully decorated with rose petals on the grass and a white
patio or a stage near the water which is decorated too.

 Which is beautifully decorated with rose petals on the grass and a white patio or a stage near the water which is decorated too

I hide behind some bushes while my heart is breaking but I still listen in as well as I can.

“When I first met you,” he begins off saying and a cold lone tear falls down my face, “I instantly felt a connection with you.”

From where I’m standing I can see Pakhi’s face that has a big smile on her face.

Her betrayal just hurts me so much because she knows that I love him. My heart says.

She hasn’t betrayed us yet! My mind says.

“So what I actually want to say is that I love you. Do you want to spend the rest of your life with me…”

“Yes,” she says with a bigger smile than before and I run away from there…
{End of her POV}

{Pakhi’s POV}
When Virat takes me to a garden that is decorated for a proposal my insides are filled with nerves, it’s even better than I’ve ever imagined it to be.

The he starts saying all those beautiful words to me. I cannot stop smiling because he is going to be mine.

Tch, tch poor Sai’s heart is going to be broken. And Virat is going to be mine. I know that Sai followed us here and is hiding behind the bush. My mind says happily even though I know that Sai loves him but I don’t care at all. I only befriended her to get closer to Virat.

I then say yes to him, that’s when I see Sai running away from us.

A moment later he is about today my name but it doesn’t come, instead he says, “Sai!”

I can feel all the love from him pouring for her but I’m in shock because I felt like he loves me!

“Do you think she is going to like the proposal?”

I absentmindedly nod. He thanks me and asks, “can you please not tell her anything?”

I croak out a quick yes and pretend as if I’ve not seen her. I still am forced to look for her everywhere.

“She must have gone home,” he says and we go there too. Her father doesn’t know where she is but told us to check at Virat’s for some reason.

I shrug off the weird feeling and go to the house next door.

Sai is not there but an old lady that is glaring at us both and then she slaps my Virat all of a sudden.

“Kaku?” He asks in confusion.

“Maar gayi teri Kaku(Your aunt is dead to you),” She yells at him, “Teri aur is ladki ke wajah se ghar chodhke chali gayi Sai(because of you and this girl she has run away from home).”

“Kyun(Why)?” I ask and she hits her head in anger.

“Are you serious right now? She saw you both together and Virat proposing to you. Because of you both my partner in pranking all of you, is gone!”

Virat is about to answer back, when I say, “so what if she has left! Virat and I love each other and instead of being happy for us you are being dramatic…” I was interrupted by Virat, who slaps me and even my parents slap me a few times.

“Don’t you dare say anything else about my family and my Sai or else you are going to see how Virat Chawan can burn you,” he shouts at me. His Kaku then gives him a letter and forces one in my hand.

I open it and written on that piece of paper is,


I don’t know how to say it to you but you hurt me the most!

You knew that I have feelings for Virat and still you didn’t tell him off but said yes to him.

You know what from now on we are not friends anymore…

I wish you all the best,


I’m in between being happy or sad that I lost a good friend. Whereas Virat is completely broken…

I look at the crumpled piece of paper and written on it is the word Divorce. I want to say something but my mouth is completely dry…

“We are sorry for the problems Pathrelakha caused to your family, if you need our help to look for Sai just let us know.” My parents say and drag me with them…

Days pass by so fast, my friendship with Virat is completely cut off. He ignores me and now I know the meaning of being all alone…

My mistakes ruined three lives and I have to live with that guilt for the rest of my life…I hate what I’ve become and changing myself is the first step. I hope that one day they can forgive me!

The End!

Sorry for the ending, SaiRat may not have gotten back together again but Pakhi learnt a valuable lesson and she has to live with the guilt of ruining a marriage and her friendship with them!
{End of the AN}

Disclaimer: I hope you liked but do not copy or paste it anywhere!

The post World of SaiRat: Ruined Relationship OS appeared first on Telly Updates.

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