Thursday, 31 October 2019

Nazar 31st October 2019 Written Episode Update

Nazar 31st October 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Piya sees Mohana. Mohana says listen, please. Piya says I won’t listen to you. Mohana says there’s a dark mirror in the house. Try finding it.
Adi and Pari fight who would sit on the front seat. Chetali says shut up. Avi says we will decide when we go. First, I want to show you something. Pari says what? Chetali says it’s interesting. Pari says no we will go out in your jeep first. Adi says yes. Vedeshree says if they are asking, listen to them. They won’t take you later. Adi says what is it? Chetali says your world would change. You won’t be what you think you are. Pari says wow sounds cool.

Pandit ji asks Nishant what are you doing? Nishant says did you see all the dias in the city blew? Pandit ji says what does that mean? Nishant says I am trying to find out. I first thought it’s my office dias only. But then I found out they all blew together and black smoke was going in a particular direction. I took some of that smoke. He added it in a liquid. It turns into a mirror. Nishant says that means this black smoke was used to make a witch mirror. Mohana was with Piya so someone else did it.

Piya sees a black mirror. She recalls what Mohana said. She sees kids going towards it. Piya says stop. She says Mohana told me about this mirror. It wasn’t here. Where did it come from? Vedeshree says I ordered it. Piya says Mohana was telling me about the dark mirror. Vedeshree says she must have heard me ordering it. Don’t listen to her. She wants to scare us. Pari says Avi dada said this is interesting. Piya says let me talk check.

Nishan comes to the cave. Patrain says do you think I would give you answers after what you did to me? Nishant says you have to. She says you can only ask me three questions.

Update in Progress

Update Credit to: Atiba

The post Nazar 31st October 2019 Written Episode Update appeared first on Telly Updates.

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