Tuesday 7 March 2023

YRKKH OS – Abhir’s Truth Is Out


ONE SHOT – YRKKH Abhir’s Truth Is Out

Hi, I haven’t written in years. I’ve recently been following the story and here is my version of what I think should happen when Abhir’s truth is known to everyone.
I have taken some creative license for some drama and I have written mostly in English with some Hindi

Since this is a one shot, I haven’t included all details about how the truth came out but what happens after. In my story, Abhimanyu and Aarohi are married. Akshara and Abhinav have chosen to stay in Udaipur but not with the Goenkas.

Hope you all like it


Everyone stood shocked. What had Abhimanyu just said? Abhir… Abhir was his son? Akshara and Abhinav stood looking at each other worried.

“How could you keep that from us, Akshara?” Manjiri shouted, furious. “Abhir is my grandson. He’s a Birla. He is my Abhi’s son. Himmat kaise hui teri?”

Aarohi looked upstairs where Ruhi and Abhir were playing with Muskaan. “What will happen with my Ruhi now? Will Ma and Abhi want to be with Abhir more? Will Akshara come back to our house? Kis rishte se?”

Akshara looked at Abhimanyu and took a step forward. “Ji! Abhir is your biological son. This is the truth.”

Abhi smiled, tears in his eyes. His son? He had a son. He had a son with Akshara. His Chota Junior was his own son. He hugged his mother with joy. “Ma! Mera Bachcha. My son. Abhir is my son.” Manjiri smiled and kissed his forehead. “Haan beta. He’s your son. He’s my grandson. Humara Vansh!”

Suvarna came forward and held Akshara’s hand. Akshu hugged her. How did this happen? One day, the truth had to come out but so quickly? Abhir wouldn’t understand. He was too young. Aarohi and Abhi had just got married. Everything would become complicated again. What would she do now?

Manjiri stared at Abhinav with anger. “Six years. Six years, you both have kept this secret from us. From your own family. This was not right. My Abhi has been living with the thought that his children are dead. His brother is dead. His wife left him. Thank God for Aarohi and Ruhi who have brought life and light to our household. Varna toh Akshara had destroyed everything. But I won’t let you destroy anymore. Abhir is our grandson, our child. He will learn the truth. Go Abhi. Go bring your son.”

Akshara straightened and looked at everyone around the room. Abhimanyu stared at her, pain in his eyes. He shook his head and stiffened. He wanted to see his son. He moved towards the staircase, but a voice stopped him.

“Rukiye, Bhaiji.”

Everyone turned to Abhinav who came and stood in front of Abhimanyu. He held his hand in apology. “I’m sorry. I can understand your anger and hurt. But you can’t go and tell Abhir the truth. Not until Akshara Ji says it’s okay.”

Abhi smiled bitterly. “Abhinav Ji, I have a lot of respect for you. You are looking out for your wife’s happiness. Sahi hai. But no one can stop me from meeting my son.”

He took another step towards the staircase.


He stopped once more at her voice. He turned to face her and saw her face filled with determination. This was not his Akshu. This was a mother ready to do battle for her son.

“You can meet Abhir whenever you want. I will not stop you. But you or your family will not tell him anything.”

Manjiri came and stood beside Abhi.

“Who are you to stop him? Abhir is his son.”

“No, he’s not.”

Both looked at her shocked.

Akshara said calmly, “I said Abhir is Abhimanyu’s biological son. But Abhir’s father is Abhinav Sharma and his mother is Akshara Goenka Sharma. Abhinav Ji hi mere bachche ke pita hain. Please don’t forget that. “

“Are you mad? You’re accepting that Abhi is Abhir’s father but you’re not allowing him to meet him. You’re not allowing him to tell the truth.”

“I told you. You can meet him but you cannot tell him the truth. You don’t have the right to do that. Not anymore.”

Manjiri shouted Akshara’s name and raised a hand towards her cheek but a hand stopped her. She stared at Akshara’s hand holding hers. “Nahi Ma… I’m sorry. Nahi Manjiri aunty. You are elder to me but even you don’t have the right to hit me anymore. I’ve been through enough but I won’t tolerate this from now on.”


Akshu just lifted her hand to stop Aarohi. “When you don’t stop your mother from telling anything, You cannot stop me either.”

“Bas Akshara. Don’t cross your limits.”

Akshara smiled at Abhimanyu. “I’m also telling the same, Abhimanyu. Don’t cross your limits. With what right are you going to tell my son that you are his father? Have you done anything for him in his lifetime? Have you proved that you are his father?”

“Abhir is my Abhi’s son. His blood. His ansh.”

“Ofcourse Manjiri Aunty. Again, I haven’t denied that. I didn’t even stop you from meeting him but you will not tell him the truth.”

Abhi clenched his fists in anger. This had gone on long enough. “You cannot stop me from telling him the truth. I am his father. No one can deny that. And don’t you dare accuse me of not proving that I am his father. That’s your fault. You did not tell me that I had a son. You did not tell me that my child was born. So, don’t accuse me. And now, I will go and tell my son the truth.”

“Theek hai.”

Abhinav looked at Akshara in shock. She crossed her arms and looked at Abhimanyu. Manish said, “Akshu beta…”

“One minute, Bade Papa. You want to tell the truth to Abhir, Abhimanyu? Go ahead.”

Abhi looked at her for a minute and then moved. “I haven’t finished talking yet.”

He didn’t turn and took another step.

“If you want to tell the truth then tell him the entire truth.”

He stilled this time. Manjiri placed a comforting hand on his arm and spoke vehemently, “What do you mean?”

“The whole truth. How Abhi blamed me after Neel’s death. How you all blamed me for the three deaths. How he said our marriage was a mistake. How Aarohi, you, Abhi and maybe the entire family did not want me to stay with them anymore. How Abhi threw Sirat Mumma’s death in my face. How he spoke poisonous words in anger. How he signed the divorce papers. How he did not stop me from removing my mangalsutra and signing the divorce papers. How he did not care where I went after that. How he did not care that I fainted when I took the bus where I met Abhinav Ji. How he did not care when I called him to tell that one of our babies was still alive. How he rejected call after call when I tried to share the joy. How Bade Papa told that Abhi had changed completely and did not want to talk about me or the babies anymore. How Abhinav Ji once managed to talk to him and he did not bother listening to what we had to say. How he did not care where I went after my babies were not alive. How Abhinav Ji saw me, a helpless woman with no money and no shelter and gave me one. How Abhinav Ji was the one who took care of a broken woman who had a complicated pregnancy. How he took care of Abhir when he was born and I was too weak to. You want to tell the truth? Then learn to tell the entire truth. With what right do you claim to be Abhir’s father? You were the one who divorced me right? You were the one who didn’t want to be married anymore. Manjiri aunty told me to get out of your lives. I did. I tried to call when I learnt I was pregnant but you didn’t want to listen to me. A woman keeps her baby inside her for 9 months, Mr Abhimanyu Birla. The way you treat a woman will tell her whether you would be a good father or not. I’m sorry but you’re not a good father. Or any sort of father. Not to Abhir. So go ahead, bata do sab kuch Abhir ko. Then we’ll see what he says.”

A silence fell upon the house. Abhinav came forward and held Akshara’s hand. She clasped it and said gratefully, “You are Abhir’s father. By deed if not by blood. Even Manjiri aunty cannot dispute the fact. And aunty, since when did you start talking about blood and vansh? I apologise but you’ve been blaming me for six years for Neel’s death. Your son’s death. But even he wasn’t your biological son. You didn’t bother telling Harsh uncle for so long. Ruhi is not Abhimanyu’s daughter by blood. But she’s still his daughter. We all know that our relations are by love and not by blood. Toh ab aap kis haq se mujhse puch rahi hain? I was not wrong.”

“Do NOT bring up Neel’s name ever. You KILLED him.” Manjiri started crying and sank to the floor. “You took my Neel and my grandchildren. You didn’t tell me that one survived. YOU DID THAT.”

“Yes, I did not tell you when my child survived. If you want me to apologise for that, I will not. I did what was best for my child. Staying here whether with you or with the Goenkas, I would have never been peaceful. I would have stayed broken and not able to take any responsibility. I stayed away. I let everyone rebuild their lives without me. I stayed away from my family so that Aarohi could move on. So that she could have a support system and I could have one from far. I did not want to cause you pain so I stayed away hoping that you would find it in your heart to forgive me. I am not the cause of Neel’s death. I only wished to save those kidnapped children. But I do feel very guilty and I will always be sorry about that. I loved Neel too. He was my younger brother. I accepted all of you as my family. With one incident, you threw me out. You told me I was your daughter. How did you find it in you to ask me to get out? Apnapan sirf naam ka cheez reh gaya hai.”

Akshara looked at Aarohi who was holding Manjiri. “Bhagwan na kare, But if some incident happens tomorrow and you suffer another loss because of Abhi or say Abhir, Will you throw them out of your lives too?”

Both glared at Akshara.  Akshara raised her hands in apology. “Maaf kijiye. I shouldn’t have said that. I do not want to spoil things anymore. Please let me live my life with Abhir and Abhinav Ji and you live your life with each other and Ruhi. Manjiri aunty, when you want to meet Abhir, you can come, or I can bring him to you. I won’t stop you from loving him, but I will not let you take him tell anything about Abhi. At least not now. He’s too young.”

Manjiri got up and said, “Your threats won’t work. If you don’t want to do this the nice way, then we will go to court and settle this. We will get custody of Abhir.”

Abhinav said, “Akshara Ji did not threaten you. She said her truth. But you’re the one who’s resorted to threatening. Court jayenge aap log? Because she won’t let you tell Abhir that he has two fathers? For six years, you’ve been cursing her for taking your son away from you and now you want to do the same to her. Why have you blamed her all these years then? If you had not thrown her out, she would still be with you. She would have given you your grandchild. Abhir taught me a proverb. One bird in hand is worth two in the bush. Aapke pas tha sab kuch aur aap hi use jaane diya. So now, how can you expect her to come back to you?”

“Who wants her? I only want my grandson.”

Akshara chuckled. “Custody case file kar lijiye. I won’t stop without a fight. This is about MY son. I will turn the world upside down but I won’t let anything happen to him. What are you going to tell them? That I’m a bad mother? That I didn’t inform you. There is no law that requires me to tell you. Aap log doctors hai na. Ask Abhimanyu. Ask Mahima aunty. Ask Aarohi. I had no reason to inform you especially after the divorce. In spite of that, I tried to inform Abhi because I loved him. You did not want to hear my words. I went on with my life. I did not endanger myself. Abhinav Ji took care of me. Yes, I had a complicated pregnancy but I did everything that the doctor asked. Abhinav Ji and I have tried to provide Abhir everything that we could afford, small and inexpensive that it may be. We do not torture him; we do not deny him his wishes. So don’t think you can take my son away from me without a fight.“

“Wow, you hate us so much, Akshu? You’re so angry at us.”

Akshara closed her eyes at Aarohi’s words. Hate them? She had loved them. She had made mistakes but everyone made mistakes. Why had she been punished so much. But she couldn’t back down and stay quiet anymore. She had her son to think about. She would try to keep the peace in the Goenka family but she was not going to allow Abhir to stay with the Birlas.

“I don’t hate you Aaru. I don’t hate anyone. I just won’t allow anyone to take advantage of me anymore. Hating is your job. You’ve been angry and hated me for years while I love you. That hasn’t changed. As for anger, why shouldn’t I be angry? Someone’s talking about taking my son away from me. If someone in Neel’s biological family on his mom’s side appears and wants Ruhi because she has their blood, what would you do? Kairav bhaiya wanted you to stay here, with the Goenkas. Your mother could not stand that. Then how am I supposed to be okay with someone claiming my child? I’m also a mother, just like you. If nothing else, I thought you both would understand that.”

She removed her hands from Abhinav’s grasp and knelt down to face Abhi who had sunk to the floor when Akshu had brought up the past and had remained quiet ever since. “Abhimanyu?”

He lifted his face to meet hers.

“You know that I’m telling the truth. You know that I’m right. I have been wrong in the past and I will be in the future. But not this. This was not my doing. I did what was best for my child. Do not decide to punish me for your mistakes. If you had held an ounce of patience then, things might have been different. You were not the only one hurting. We all have regrets, Abhimanyu. Mine will be to not have waited for the police and that I inadvertently caused Neel’s death. It wasn’t my fault that we were out. I had not gone to the concert. I had gone to the hospital and I found out about the kidnapping. My intentions were good but the result was horrible. I would have understood your anger. But what you did was not out of anger. It was out of disrespect, selfishness and mistrust. Sirf pyaar kaafi nahi hota. Sammaan or bharosa bhi chahiye. It was missing in our relationship. It was inevitable that it would break. Abhinav Ji ne mujhe izzat diya, bharosa kiya aur diya. He has tried to understand me. He has tried to and has always been there for Abhir. If you’re not able to let go of your stubbornness for me, then do it for him. For the man who protected me and his son for the past six years without asking for anything.”

She stood and nodded to Abhinav and they both started going up the stairs to take Abhir back home.

“Sorry Akshara.”

Akshara turned in shock at Manjiri’s words. Was she going to forgive her? Would her burden decrease? She dared not hope.

Manjiri’s next words took away her hope and instilled anger in her. “Sorry, but no one will understand your words. How selfish are you to separate a father from his son?”

Enough was enough.

“Bas. This has gone on long enough. Selfish? I have been many things Manjiri Aunty but selfish is not one of them. I’ve always thought of my family. I stopped myself from confessing my love to Abhimanyu because I wanted Aarohi to be happy. I gave up being with Abhimanyu because I was blackmailed, and I wanted Abhi to continue to be a doctor. In both cases, I chose family then. Yes, I didn’t choose Abhi and I hurt him but I apologized for that. I stopped Aarohi from getting signatures from Neel the wrong way, Abhi and I hid the truth that she was blackmailing Abhimanyu. Abhi, Neel and I hid the fact that she lied about her pregnancy initially and was acting. Sab kuch maaf kiya and I was happy to. I thought that everyone was my own and I forgave everything. I’m sure you all have forgiven me multiple times for my own mistakes. But my intentions have always been good and they are good today as well. If I wanted, I could prevent you from ever meeting Abhir. I could leave for Kasauli or any other place and never let you see him again. And yes, this is also not a threat. I don’t want to do this. This will be my last desperate measure if you don’t give up your persistence to tell Abhir the truth. He is and will always be Abhinav Ji and my child. He isn’t a Birla. He is a Sharma, through and through. This is my final decision. Chaliye Abhinav Ji.”

Akshara and Abhinav climbed the stairs and walked over to Abhir’s room. She stopped him outside the door.

“Thank you Abhinav Ji. You have always supported since day one and you’re still supporting me. Whatever happens, you will be Abhir’s father. You have helped me raise him and we are his parents.”

“You made me from an orphan with no family to a husband and father. I will never misuse the trust you put in me. Please don’t worry. Even after going through so much, you are not forbidding Bhai Ji and his family from meeting Abhir. I will always support you. You have the right to choose what’s best for your son and I know you will make the right decision. And if you go wrong, I will try and help point in the right direction.

Akshara smiled. She had made lots of mistakes in the past but she had chosen Abhir’s father well.

Phew, finished.

This is biased towards Akshara. Not because I support her over Aarohi or anything but because I understand her situation more. This is mostly not going to happen in the serial but I hope Abhinav (my fave character) has a happy ending.

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