Thursday, 1 December 2022

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 1st December 2022 Written Episode Update: Tiwari slaps Vibhuti.


Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 1st December 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Tiwari brings Vibhu inside and sits with him. Vibhu tells him to stop touching him. Tiwari asks Anu if David will also come as an dowry? Anu says, no. Tiwari says that it’s good, because he thought that David will come as they Vibhu and David share a great bond. Angoori tells Tiwari to complete all the paper work left. Tiwari calls Saxena. Saxena gives Tiwari a paper to sign. Tiwari and Vibhu sign on it to complete the procedure. Tiwari gets close to Vibhu and starts kissing Vibhu. Vibhu gets angry and tells him to stop touching him again. Saxena tells them that he also needs two witnesses to sign. Tiwari says that David is there. Saxena tells David to sign the papers. Angoori starts feeding Vibhu some ice cream. Saxens now says that Anu also have to sign the contract. Anu signs it. Vibhu says that will only stay here at condition. Anu also says that he Vibhu wants to tells them something, but it won’t bother them that much. Tiwari asks Vibhu, what’s the condition? Vibhu says he not say “B” letter in words and Angoori cannot says “M” letter, so that she cannot call him “Beta” and he cannot call her “Mother”. Angoori says she do not care because she got a son. Tiwari also starts kissing Vibhu constantly, and tells him that he loves him.

Anu is talking to her friend on call. Tiwari shows up and comes inside her house. Anu asks Tiwari that why is he here? Tiwari tells her that he wants to invite her and David for dinner. Anu says that she will come, but tells him to not kiss Vibhu, she doesn’t likes it. Tiwari gets ashamed. Tiwari says that he loves his son very much. Anu says that the he was kissing him was embarrassing. Tiwari says that he will now keep control on his emotions. Anu asks Tiwari about the advance. Tiwari tells her that she can send her account details and he will send money. Anu asks, how much is he going to pay advance? Tiwari says that he can send 10. Anu tells him to make it 20 lakhs. Tiwari gets shocked and starts stuttering. Anu says that she is not doing any social service and tells him to send decent amount.

Everyone is having dinner together. Angoori asks Vibhu that why is he not eating anything? Vibhu says that he is not hungry. Angoori tells him to have dinner. Vibhu again says that he is not hungry. Anu asks Vibhu that why is he not eating anything when Angoori is politely telling him to. Vibhu yells at Anu, and tells her not to give him orders. Tiwari gets furious and he’s shouts at Vibhu and starts scolding him. Anu tells Tiwari to be calm. Tiwari tells Anu that he will not tolerate this behaviour because he is a strict father. Tiwari orders Vibhu to apologise from Anu. Vibhu denies. Angoori says why will Vibhu apologise? Tiwari says, because he disrespected Anu, and he cannot tolerate that. Tiwari again orders Vibhu to apologise. Vibhu gets angry and starts shouting at Tiwari. Angoori tells Vibhu calm down. Tiwari starts slapping Vibhu and tells him that he’s his father. Vibhu gets up and leaves. Anu tells Tiwari that whatever happens next, she will not be responsible.

Angoori is searching Vibhu in the colony. Tiwari shows up. Angoori asks Tiwari if he found Vibhu. Tiwari says, no. Angoori tells Tiwari that it’s all his fault. Tiwari and Angoori again leaves to find Vibhu. Angoori goes to Master Ji’s house and asks him, if he knows where Vibhu is? MasterJi says that he doesn’t know where Vibhu is. Angoori leaves and continues to find him again.

Teeka and Tillu are sitting together and drinking expensive liquor. Vibhu shows up and snatches the bottle from Tillu’s hand and drinks all of it. Tillu starts crying and tells Vibhu that they has to go through a lot of disrespect to get this bottle. Teeka also starts crying. Vibhu says that they are only crying over a cheap bottle of liquor, and he went through a lot of disrespect. Tillu asks Vibhu that who disrespected him? Vibhu says, Tiwari, and he even slapped him in front of Angoori and Anu. Tillu says that Tiwari is his father. Teeka also agrees with him, and tells Vibhu that Saxena even showed them documents in which he has named of his property to him. Vibhu says that it’s all black money. Teeka and Tillu suggests Vibhu to spend it all and asks him if they can be his servants? Vibhu shakes their hands. Tiwari shows up and starts kissing Vibhu. Vibhu tells Tiwari to leave because he is sitting with his friends. Tiwari says that he made a bug mistake. Vibhu tells Tiwari that he will only forgive him, if he give money of the liquor he drank Tillu. Tiwari takes out 200 rupees from his pocket, and gives it to Tillu. Vibhu tells Tiwari that the liquor he drank from Tillu was worth 5000 rupees. Tiwari says that they doesn’t have status for that. Tillu says that their friend gifted them. Tiwari takes out money and Vibhu takes all of it and leaves with Tillu and Teeka.

Angoori brings tea for Tiwari calls him. Tiwari comes down and tells Angoori that 50k rupees is missing from their safe. Angoori tell him that she didn’t took anything. Vibhu is all dressed up, and have money in all of his pocket. Vibhu comes downstairs while dancing and tells Tiwari that he took that money. Tiwari asks Vibhu, how did he dared to take out his money? Vibhu says that he’s his only child, and can do that. Tiwari tells him to be in his limits. Vibhu tells Tiwari that it’s his property too. Tiwari says that he only gave his property for a week and he cannot do that. Vibhu says that he will spend all the money and distribute it among poor people. Tiwari says that he earned all the money by hard work. Vibhu tells Tiwari that now it’s his money too.

PreCap: None

Update Credit to: Tanaya

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