Saturday, 5 November 2022

Pandya Store 5th November 2022 Written Episode Update Dhara gets questioned for using Chikko’s money


Pandya Store 5th November 2022 Written Episode Update Dhara gets questioned for using Chikko’s money

Written Update

In today’s episode of Pandya Store, we saw Shweta convincing Dhara to take a loan for Chikoo’s funds so that they can send Shiva and Raavi to Goa. Krish is against this decision but Shweta insists that they should consider her advice. Dhara agrees and asks her to book the tickets. She says that she will return the money in 15 days.

Gombi helps Dhara to get ready and says that she is the queen of the house. Gombi says that she is the Lakshmi of the house and she is the one who should be worshipped tonight. He is about to hug Dhara and Dhara says Dev is here. Gombi gets alarmed but then realizes that Dhara is kidding him. He chases Dhara.

Pandya family prays to Lakshmi Maa for good health and prosperity. Dhara gives gifts to everyone and asks Shweta to light up every corner of the house with diyas. Dhara asks Raavi to light diyas on the terrace and asks Shiva to help her. Shiva says that he will light diyas on the other side of the terrace ha he wants no quarrel with Raavi on an auspicious day.

Shweta calls her mom and enquires when will they come to the Pandya house. While lighting the diyas in the house she sees the shirts which Raavi has brought to gift the members of family and Arnav. She replaces the shirt for Shiva with Arnav’s shirt. She says what will Shiva do with an expensive shirt when all he has to do is to go to the store?

Shweta’s parents arrive at the Pandya house and wish everyone happy Diwali. Shweta calls the travel agent and asks him to come to their place to deliver the tickets for Shiva and Raavi.

While everyone in the family is talking and having a good time, the travel agent arrives with the tickets. Sumar enquires that she thought that plan was dropped. Dhara wonders who will pay the travel agent as it was Shweta who was supposed to pay him. Shweta takes the agent outside and pays him for the ticket. Shweta’s mother misunderstands and says that it seems like Dhara has given the financial matter of the house to Shweta to handle. Shweta says that Dhara does not need to explain anything. Shweta tells everyone that they took the money from Chikoo’s funds to book the ticket for Shiva and Raavi.

Shweta pretends to defend Dhara and says that now she is a part of the family and it’s fine if they use the money to book tickets. Dhara asks what is she talking about. Shweta corrects herself and says that Dhara initially said no to it but then she insisted. Dhara tries to clarify but Shweta’s father interrupts her and says that it will be good for everyone if Chikoo’s money is used only for him. Shweta’s mom on the other hand says that she has full trust in Dhara. Shweta


Precap: Raavi gifts the shirt to Shiva. Shiva says that she has shown him his place by giving him the cheaper shirt. Gombi sees a fire in the house. Shweta tells everyone that she saw Shiva with the shirt which is burning.

Update Credit to: KritiS

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