Monday 31 October 2022

Sacrifice of love – A Jabir FF – Part 15


Hii…Hope you all are doing well….I’m back with next part of my story…. 

Let’s Start….. 

Waiter: Hii… Pooja mam… You came after so many days…where is K…

Suddenly pooja’s phone rang….. And someone calls that waiter before he complete kabir’s name… Pooja take a sigh of relief…

Pooja picks the call..

Pooja: Yes papa…
Ashok: See… Pooja… I know you are a very mature girl… And you knows what’s right and whats wrong for you… But I just call to tell you that tell dhruv whatever is in your mind…. Tomorrow is your engagement with him… And I want you to talk to him without any hesitation… I know you doesn’t share your feelings with me… Usually girl tells their feeling to their mothers… But our fate plays a game with us…God snatch her from us…. See I just want you to clear everything with him so that you can spend your life with him peaceful… Hope you understand…
Pooja: Yes… Papa…

Dhruv asks: What uncle said?..
Pooja: He just call to reminds me something…
Dhruv: I was asking you that is your happy?
Pooja thinks what her father said…
Pooja: I wanna tell you something?
Dhruv: Yes… Pls… Don’t hesitate…
Pooja: I like K…

Suddenly someone came and sit with them…

Pooja and dhruv in shock says: Kabir?…

Kabir: Hi… Guys… I usually came to this cafe… And coincidentally I saw you both here…
Dhruv: Ohk… I know… This is your favorite place… And you made this place my favorite  also…

Pooja looks at Kabir….

Kabir thinks about flashback

Kabir sit on a table in cafe and calls the waiter…

Waiter: Hii…. Kabir sir… How are you?….you know Pooja mam is also here..
Kabir: Pooja? Here?
Waiter: Yes… Sir… She’s here with her friend…. I was about to ask her about you but then her phone rang and i also went back to my work… See there she is…
(He points towards Pooja)

Kabir thinks: Ohh… So Pooja is here with bhai… I think I should leave… If Pooja saw me…she’ll hesitate in talking to him… I hope Pooja won’t tell about us to bhai… I leave as soon as possible… If bhai saw me he won’t let me go….

Kabir was about to leave but he listen their talks…. He doesn’t understand what to do?… What if Pooja tells dhruv about us… He just came and sit with them before Pooja complete her sentence…

Kabir’s thought’s broke from dhruv’s voice…

Dhruv: Pooja you was saying something…. You like what?…

His phone rang….he picks the call…

Dhruv: Ok… I’m coming…
Kabir: What happened bhai?
Dhruv: Someone hit my car in parking area…. So i have to go… I’ll be back in 5 minutes… Hope you don’t mind Pooja…
Pooja says with a smile: Not at all…

Dhruv leaves….

Kabir: What you was doing?…
Pooja doesn’t reply…

Kabir: I’m asking you pooja… Answer me…

Pooja: What?…

Kabir: What you was saying to bhai?… Is you’re going to tell him about us?..

Pooja: what else can i do?…. You know that I love you Kabir…

Kabir: Pooja please… Promise me… You won’t tell bhai anything about us…. Please…. For my sake…

Pooja doesn’t reply … She just look at Kabir….

Dhruv comes back….

Dhruv: So pooja…. You was saying something… You like what?…
Pooja: I like this coffee very much….
Dhruv: Ohh….. You doesn’t answer yet?… Are you happy?…
Pooja: I’m very much happy….

Kabir and Pooja look each other emotionally…

Kabir: I think I should leave… You both both must be talking something personal… And i interrupt…. Sorry…
Dhruv: No… Kabir… There’s nothing like that…. Don’t leave…. You and Pooja are college friends right?…

Pooja says No and at the same time Kabir says Yes….again they both look at each other…..

Dhruv: Yes or No?…
Kabir: Actually … We both just know each other…
Pooja: Yeah…
Dhruv: So… Kabir how is Pooja?… I mean you’re her friend you know so tell me her likes and dislikes…. Because I know Pooja doesn’t tell me anything….
Kabir: She is amazing…. You know once I tell you that I’ll find World best girl for you…. She’s the one… No one can be like her… If she loves someone she can go to any extend for make them happy…. According to me she is a angel on earth…. She must be came from heaven…. I believe that she’ll make your life beautiful….
Dhruv: You know her very much….
Pooja: Kabir remember once you said to me that you’ll dance in my wedding…. Be ready…. I’m getting married soon…
And she place her hand on dhruv’s hand…. Kabir saw this and a tear fell from his eye….
Kabir get up and start leaving…
Dhruv: Where are you going Kabir?…
Kabir: I have some work… I’ll meet you at home…
Dhruv: Ok…

Kabir leaves….

Pooja: I think we should also leave…. Papa must me waiting for me…
Dhruv: Ok… I’ll drop you…
Pooja: No… I’ll go myself…
Dhruv insists: Please Pooja….
Pooja: Ok..

Hope you guys like it…. Tell your reviews in comments…. Bye… ❤

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