The episode starts with Vansh and Riddhima have been arrived back to the house and Riddhima was very happy and satisfied that she finally has ate the ice cream that she was eagerly wants to eat it.
Then Vansh has observed that so he starts talking with her about that.
Vansh: I can see that you became really relaxed after eating the ice cream as if you have returned the normal Riddhima that I already knows her.
Riddhima: To be honest I also wasn’t getting used with that Riddhima who was wanting to eat the ice cream as if she is a beast who wants to eat everything around!
Vansh: I was really scared that you could eat me if I didn’t get you the ice cream!
Riddhima: Don’t make fun of me and what I was passing through as you don’t really know what the women face and pass through during pregnancy. So you mustn’t get surprised with those behaviors as you are a doctor and of course you know how the Hermon isn’t stable during pregnancy and now I can think that we will not pass through another weird behavior due to the pregnancy as very soon I will deliver the baby and you will start to observe another weird behavior, but this time it will not be only from me as this weird behavior will be from our lovely child. As I’m sure that the child will disturb you a lot and I will be very excited to see how you will handle the child.
He grabs her towards him and he makes her close to him.
Vansh: I will always tolerate anything from you and from our lovely child sweetheart. Anything you or the child will do will be the best thing to me and I will enjoy to see any behavior from you both will do.
His words make her very happy and she smiles.
Then they complete walking towards their room.
Riddhima has forgotten that the time now is 12:30 so that means that the time has passed the midnight and she has forgotten that she was must to prepare the surprise to Vansh and surprise him with it when the time is 12 sharp, but due to what Vansh has made and said to her she wasn’t able to think about anything as she was super happy for being with Vansh.
At the same time, Vansh’s surprise was done and it is waiting for Riddhima’s arrive so she can be able to see that surprise.
While Riddhima and Vansh were going to their room, Vansh has left her so he could leave her to watch the surprise and he could enter at the right time.
Vansh: I will go to do something and I will return fast.
Riddhima: Do you will be late?
Vansh: No sweetheart. Don’t worry I will come fast. You just go to the room and relax until I come to you.
Riddhima: Okay.
After Vansh has left Riddhima, she starts completing going to the room.
Then Riddhima got surprised when she switched the lights on.
She found a beautiful decorations that are all made by the daisy flowers. She really liked the use of those flowers as she always believe that they are the symbol of relaxation and celebration.
She found her and Vansh’s pictures spread all over the room.
She also found a red and white balloons that was arranged in a lovely way.
There was a balloons that written by them:
” Happy 1st marriage anniversary sweetheart”
She also found a beautiful cake that is printed on it her and Vansh’s picture and there was a candle that is in the shape of number 1 which is refers to the year that they completed together in their marriage.
Riddhima was really surprised with all the decorations that Vansh has prepared to her.
She was really amazed for the hard work that he has done to get these ideas to surprise her.
Riddhima to herself: Wow! Vansh has done a beautiful surprise to me. I’m really happy that he doesn’t forget our wedding anniversary.
Vansh: I will never forget the most beautiful day in my life sweetheart.
Riddhima got surprised to see Vansh coming from her back.
When he enters the room, he hugged her from her back.
Vansh: How you could thought that I could forget such an occasion?! I will never forget the day that we have united on it and we have became one. I will never forget the day that I have took with you all the marriage promises. I would never forget the day that my dream became true on it and I have got married to the girl who I have loved the most. Actually, I have taken the advantage that you weren’t in the room due to your unexpected desire of eating ice cream so I could be able to surprise you during the first hour in our anniversary day. I decided that I must make that day very special from the beginning of our anniversary day.
Riddhima: You always surprise me Vansh with an adorable surprises! Every surprise is more beautiful than the one before it. I was also preparing a surprise for my dearest husband in our wedding anniversary, but as usual you have made your surprise first before me!
Vansh: You know that I always love to be the one who do the first things as I always love to make you enjoy at every occasion and at every surprise I make it to you. Actually, I’m sure that I will enjoy and love your surprise, but let’s first enjoy my own surprise and celebrate our anniversary together.
Before they start cutting the cake, he grabbed her towards him and he makes her closer to him.
Vansh: You didn’t tell me how much you have liked the surprise that I have done it to you sweetheart in our 1st wedding anniversary?
Riddhima: I can’t describe how much I have liked the surprise and the more thing that I have liked it a lot and makes me very happy is that you always remember everything and you always do your best to make me happy. I really can’t imagine that it has been a year that has passed since the day that we got married.
Vansh: It has been passed very quickly!
Riddhima: Yes, I really can’t imagine how the time pass very quickly when I’m with you. This year was very special and beautiful year because I have spent it with you.
Vansh: Yes this year has been passed very quickly, but its memories will never be forgotten. This year was filled with a lot of memorable memories with you sweetheart that will never be forgotten.
Riddhima: I’m sure that the upcoming years will be more beautiful. There is still a lot of things that I want to do it with you my lovely husband.
Vansh has kissed Riddhima a very long kiss to express to her how he really loves her and how he is very grateful that she is his lovely wife.
She got very shy when he kissed her.
Vansh: I promise you sweetheart that I always love you. I promise you that I will make the upcoming years that we will spend it together more and more beautiful than the previous year. I promise you that you will never get upset from me.
Riddhima: I promise you Vansh in our 1st wedding anniversary that I will always love you and care about you. I promise you that you will always be my priority and you will always be the first person that I think about him. I also promise you that I will always disturb you and don’t give you the chance to concentrate on anything other than me!
Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! I can see that the wife is preparing for a lot of disturbance during the upcoming years in our marriage!
Riddhima: Of course. You will not be able to get rid of me and my disturbance. Actually, you also will not be able to get rid of my childish behavior. I will always surprise you with different attitudes and behaviors that will shock you my dearest husband.
He hugged her very tightly.
Then he makes her sit on the edge of the bed so she could be facing the cake.
Vansh: I will always be happy from anything come from you sweetheart.
Riddhima: I’m really happy for celebrating our 1st wedding anniversary and I’m very happy that our child is feeling our happiness when he/she is in my tummy.
Vansh: Of course in our 2nd wedding anniversary, our lovely child will be with us and enjoying his/her time with us and then he/she will be very happy seeing his/her parents together and of course our child will share with us our happiness.
Riddhima: I’m waiting for that day very much.
Vansh: We have been waiting since a lot and what is remaining is very short. Just a few time left for the arrive of our lovely child.
Riddhima has putted her hand above her tummy and starts talking to her child.
Riddhima: We are super eager for your arrive my lovely child and we are really happy that you are with us during this celebration.
Then Vansh has also putted his hand above Riddhima’s tummy.
Vansh: I hope that you are enjoying seeing your parents celebrating their 1st marriage anniversary.
Riddhima: So let’s light the candle so we could celebrate our 1st wedding anniversary as I really have liked the cake so much.
Vansh: I decided to put our marriage picture because it will be the best suitable picture in our marriage anniversary.
Riddhima: It is really adorable Vansh.
Vansh: So let’s light the candle and before we blow it we must make a wish.
Riddhima: Okay.
Vansh lights the candle and they start singing and celebrating their anniversary together.
Vansh: Happy 1st anniversary to us.
Riddhima: Happy 1st anniversary to us.
They kept singing and celebrating for awhile.
Then Riddhima was going to blow the candle when Vansh stops her.
Vansh: Hold on sweetheart, let’s make a wish first.
Riddhima: I don’t need to make any wish as all my wishes have became true so I don’t have a new wish. As what I will want when you are with me? God have gave me more than I was dreaming to have and I really don’t need anything more than your presence in my life and I could be able to see my lovely child.
Vansh got very attached from Riddhima’s words and he was very happy from listening to Riddhima’s words.
Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! You became very romantic sweetheart! You have to know that I will get used to this and I will make you always treat me in that romantic way.
She comes near him and she hugged him.
Riddhima: You say what you want and I will do it to you as I don’t have more precious person to me more than you my dearest husband to make romance with him.
Then they blow the candles and they start making each one of them eat a piece of the cake.
Vansh: Happy Anniversary sweetheart.
Riddhima: Happy Anniversary Vansh.
They hugged each other a very long and warm hug.
They weren’t believing that they are really celebrating a year of being together.
They were very happy and enjoying being together.
Then Riddhima decided to give the occasion a fun flavor by surprising Vansh by putting some of the cake on his face.
Then Riddhima starts laughing and she was very happy.
Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! You will keep doing that behavior and you will not stop that?!
Riddhima: Vansh don’t be angry, now we could be equal as I can’t forget that you were the first one has putted parts of the cake on my face when we were celebrating the news of knowing my pregnancy. So now we could be very equal as I also done this first!
She said these words and she was laughing very loud.
Then he surprised her by putting a lot of cake on her face.
Vansh: I have liked your new make up sweetheart!
Riddhima: Really?!
She comes and puts more cake on his face and she was going to lose her balance, but he managed to catch her and they start smiling and enjoying their time.
The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.
The post Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 72 appeared first on Telly Updates.
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