Wednesday, 19 October 2022

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 19th October 2022 Written Episode Update: BC’s plan to kill Tiwari.


Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 19th October 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Angoori tells Vibhu that she’s really afraid of Rats and tells him that there is a rat and again hops into Madan’s arms. Vibhu then realises that she’s really afraid of rats. Madan tells Angoori that he will protect her from all the rats. Vibhu tells Madan to be careful because he’s way too comfortable and leaves.

BC is holding a gun and saying that he will kill Tiwari soon. Anu calls his name. BC suddenly puts his gun back in. Anu brings coffee for BC. Anu suggests BC to get married. BC asks Anu if there is any girl for him in her grooming classes. Anu tells him that in there no girl in her grooming classes that can understand him. BC asks Anu then, you can find a girl for him in the colony only. Anu tells BC that there is no girl in colony too. BC asks Anu, who lives opposite to their house? Anu replies, Manmohan Tiwari and his wife. BC asks Anu, how does Manmohan Tiwari look like? Anu laughs and asks BC, do you want to get marry Tiwari? BC denies and asks if he got any sister? Anu denies. BC tells Anu that he wants to meet Tiwari. Anu asks Tiwari, why is he getting so excited to meet him? BC thinks that this excitement will only go to rest, once he will kill Tiwari.
Anu asks BC, how’s the coffee?

Vibhu is telling Anu that Angoori was feeling way too comfortable in Madan’s arms and starts crying. Anu asks Vibhu, how was Angoori acting? Vibhu says that she was all comfortable. Anu asks what did Angoori explained to you? Vibhu replies, that she told him that she got terrified from a rat and jumped into his arms. Vibhu asks Anu that what did she would have done in the same situation. Anu tells Vibhu that she would’ve done the same. Anu asks Vibhu that why is he overreacting so much? Vibhu says that she really care for her, and tells Anu that Tiwari would feel really bad if he finds about this. Anu tells Vibhu that she doesn’t like the way he thinks, and tells him that relation with brother in law is very pure and even Madan looks like a good man. Vibhu tells Anu that he looks like a thief and is a fraud. Anu tells Vibhu to go to sleep and turns off the light. Vibhu lays down and decides that he should check on Angoori.

Vibhu sneaks out of the window. Vibhu finds BC standing on the road. Vibhu asks BC, what is he doing outside this late? BC replies, he was just walking because of gas. BC also asks Vibhu that why is here this late, and why did he climbed out the window instead of coming from door? Vibhu tells him that wanted to take a walk and it is easier to come out of window. Vibhu asks BC if he ever got his gas problem treated? BC tells Vibhu that he took a lot of medication, but nothing worked. David comes out and tells BC that he will give a powder that will solve his all gas related problems. BC tells he will take it. David forcefully takes him inside his home to give him that powder.

Tiwari is getting worried about himself. Angoori comes in and asks Tiwari why is getting so tensed? Tiwari even gets scared of her. Angoori asks, what happened? Tiwari tells her that he’s getting very stressed because if BC gets to knows he lives right opposite he will shoot him without hesitation. Angoori says that she will not let that happen and will protect him at all cost. Tiwari hugs her. Vibhu climbs up the windows and sees them hugging together. Tiwari sees Vibhu peeking through the window and gets scared. Vibhu climbs down and gets even more depressed and starts crying. Teeka and Tillu are drunk and passing by. They sees Vibhu and asks him, that why is looking so sad? Tillu says that he thinks Vibhu got disrespected like always. Vibhu slaps them. Vibhu says that he’s sad and takes the bottle of alcohol from Teeka and drinks all of it. Vibhu, Teeka and Tillu all three of them starts crying. Saxena comes out of his home and asks all three of them to stop crying. Saxena asks Teeka and Tillu, why are they crying? Teeka tells Tillu that their heart is broken. Saxena asks them, who broke their heart? Tillu says, Rusa! Saxena asks Vibhu, who broke his heart? Vibhu says, nothing. Saxena tells them that he have a solution for all the broken hearts and leaves.

Anu and Vibhu are sitting together. Anu tells Vibhu that he needs mental treatment. Vibhu gets furious and asks if she thinks he has some mental problems? Anu says, yes. Vibhu tells Anu that he saw Madan hugging Angoori and Angoori was comfortable with it. Anu asks Vibhu if he was drunk? Vibhu says yes, but tells her that he drank only few ml. Anu tells Vibhu that he should stop drinking because he gets drunk in few drops only. Vibhu tells Anu that after two glasses he gets into his consciousness. Anu asks, if she should give him an award? Vibhu takes Anu with him.

Tiwari comes out of his bedroom and tells Angoori that there is a new problem. Angoori asks, what happened? Tiwari tells Angoori that, Vibhu saw them making love. Angoori asks Tiwari, then whats wrong with that, a husband and wife cannot do romance with each other? Tiwari says, that it’s okay, but everyone thinks that he’s not Tiwari but Madan. Angoori says that she completely forgot about that. Tiwari tells Angoori that now Vibhu will bring Anu with him. Angoori says then she will tell everything to Anu. Tiwari tells her not to do that or else he will be shot dead. Tiwari sees Anu’s hands on the window’s ledge and tells Angoori that Anu is here. Tiwari and Angoori starts acting differently. Tiwari and Angoori starts discussing that they should sleep separately. Angoori tells Madan that he should sleep in the bedroom and she will sleep in the hall. Anu sees them finds that everything going fine, Vibhu was just exaggerating things and climbs down. Tiwari and Angoori sees that Anu is gone and now they can act normal.

Anu climbs down. Vibhu asks Anu that what did she see? Anu tells Vibhu that he’s mentally ill. Vibhu asks, what? Anu tells him that everything good and they don’t have and love connections. Vibhu says that he saw that they were into each other. Anu tells him that Madan was touching Angoori’s feet. Vibhu says that he will also see and climbs the ladder again. Vibhu again sees them making love.

PreCap: None

Update Credit to: Tanaya

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