Monday, 5 September 2022

Banni Chow Home Delivery 5th September 2022 Written Episode Update: Yuvan Celebrates Banni’s Birthday


Banni Chow Home Delivery 5th September 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Banni removes Yuvan’s blindfold and thanks him for helping her. Yuvan blindfolds her next and takes her to a decorated room to celebrate her birthday. Bolna Mahi Bolna.. song plays in the background. Banni feels very happy seeing the decoration. Yuvan wishes her happy birthday. Banni says nobody celebrate her birthday till now. Yuvan says she is very special. Banni asks if he remembers her birthday. Yuvan says he remembers everything related to her. Viraj gets jealous seeing Yuvan celebrating Banni’s birthday and tries to spoil it, but Charmi stops him and drags him away.

Banni asks Yuvan why he fixed only 1 candle on the cake. He says he is celebrating her birthday for the first time. She cuts cake and feeds him and says this is her life’s best surprise. Yuvan says he wants to give her better surprises and asks what she needs. Banni says she just needs 1 thing from him. He asks what she needs. Banni walks to Manini’s room calling her mamma. Manini angrily asks what is she doing here. Banni hugs her and says she came to take her blessings. Yuvan walks in with cake and says Banni wants to feed her birthday cake to her first after him and seek her blessings. Manini wishes happy birthday to Banni. Banni forcefeeds her cake and asks her to bless her. Manini blesses her. Banni says she will return soon and walks away signalling her.

Yuvan seeks Mani’s help to make Banni more happy and says he want her to prepare ghevar. Banni recalls asking Yuvan to convince his mother to prepare ghevar for all her 160 customers and thinks she took 10 days to learn preparing ghevar, let her see what Manini does. Manini thinks she doesn’t know to prepare ghevar. Yuvan takes Manini to kitchen and tells Banni that Manini wants to prepare ghevar with her help. Manini say she doesn’t know how much she loves Banni. Banni insists to help her prepare ghevar. Manini orders Yuvan to let Banni rest. Banni asks Yuvan to help Manini instead and leaves thinking Manini cannot escape now.

Manini calls Viraj. Viraj in sleep asks Charmi to disconnect call. Charmi disconnects it to take revenge from Manini. Manini gets tensed. After some time, Yuvan takes hot ghevar to Banni. Banni is surprised and reaches kitchen. Manini asks if she liked hot ghevar. Banni shouts a fire accident in kitchen. Ghevar chef comes out of hiding. Banni says he is Nathu halwai’s chef and threatens him to reveal the truth or else she will complain Nathu halwai. Chef agrees that Manini hired him. Banni says Manini cheated and doesn’t know to prepare ghevar. She tells Yuvan that truth is out that Manini is not Vandana maa.

Precap: Yuvan gifts a short dress given by Manini.
Charmi thinks traditional Banni will not wear a traditional dress. Banni walks down wearing the dress, holding Yuvan’s hand.

Update Credit to: MA

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