Tuesday, 2 August 2022

Kashibai Bajirao Ballal 2nd August 2022 Written Episode Update: Baji is ready to punish his family for Mastani


Kashibai Bajirao Ballal 2nd August 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

Scene 1
The palace gets attacked and the alarm rings. Baji wakes up and says Mastani? He comes out and starts fighting the goons. Ganga comes to Kashi and says the palace got attacked. Kashi says I told everyone to not do anything, if anything happens to Mastani then Baji will go crazy. Chimaji comes to Radha and says the attack happened at the right time. Radha says kill Mastani now.

Mastani wakes up. Matank says they want to kill you. Mastani takes her sword and starts fighting her attackers. Kashi gives her son to Ganga and runs to Mastani’s room. She hides and sees Mastani killing her attackers. She finds Matank and hides her from the goons. Baji comes there so Kashi pulls Mastani back and holds her. Mastani tries to go to Baji but Kashi sees her hand is injured. All attackers run away. Baji rushes to Mastani and hugs her. He asks if she is fine? Mastani nods. Kashi looks on, seeing them hugging.

Baji puts his sword on Chimaji and says you did it right? Chimaji says you are raising your sword against your own people these days. Baji says attacking Mastani is like attacking me. Sooriya says you are a Peshwa so maybe some enemy attacked us? Baji says I am sure someone from the family attacked us. They wanted to kill Mastani. He glares at Kashi and says you might be behind this? You have lost the most since Mastani came here. You know I won’t leave Mastani ever so you might be behind this? Kashi remains silent. Baji says you are a Peshwan so what do you want to say? Wouldn’t a woman attack another woman in this situation? Kashi is hurt and says if you have asked me then I would say if a person needs to be sacrificed for a family then that person should be sacrificed. All are shocked. Kashi says this is how it works. Mastani is a danger to us, our honor is at stake because of her so if she needs to be sacrificed then she should be. Baji says so you were behind the attack? Kashi says I didn’t. Our people rely on you and you need Mastani these days so she should be protected. Baji says then who was behind the attack? I told you to protect her. Kashi says calm down. It had to happen, she is a stranger and forced everyone to accept her. I will solve this issue and I am promising you to let me handle this matter. Baji says someone tries to attack her so I will use my sword to do justice now. Mastani holds his sword and says I won’t let you do it. They are my people so forgive them. Baji says no, they have to punished. I won’t spare anyone. He takes Mastani from there. Kashi looks on.

Scene 2
Baji sits with her family and tells Radha that she shouldn’t have done this. Chimaji says how did Mastani get saved? Kashi says what is wrong with you people? You should be ashamed of attacking a woman. Chimaji says she is not a woman, she is a snake. Kashi says you thought Baji would let anything happen to her? Chimaji says I did a mistake. Kashi says I won’t let anyone get killed. Radha says Baji wants to give your position to that girl. Kashi says I don’t care, he can give it to her. She tells Radha you have done so much in life so why are you doing this? I am begging you to not do all this, don’t go against me as I am tired. Chimaji says we are not against you. Kashi says we can’t separate Baji from Mastani as he will go crazy and then Mughals will attack us. It’s not a family matter anymore, it’s about our reign. I want to keep my son’s father happy so everyone will be happy. She breakdowns. Radha says I am sorry for hurting you. Chimaji says it won’t happen again. Ragma wipes her tears and says we can’t see you breaking down. Kashi says Baji has promised to find the culprit.

Matank cleans Mastani’s wound and tells Baji that she is not safe even when you are here? Baji says they will have to pay for this. Mastani says don’t go against your family. Baji says they have to pay for this. He leaves from there.

Kashi is with her son. Baji comes there so Kashi tells him to at least spend some time with his son. Baji says I know you want to pacify me and calm my anger down. Kashi says you take the wrong turn when you are in anger. I just want you to think about your son before doing anything. Baji says so you know someone from the family attacked Mastani? Kashi says I just want to say to think about your son. Baji says attacking the palace is not a small thing, I will do justice. He leaves. Kashi says I still trust in his justice.

The episode ends.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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