Wednesday, 17 August 2022

Kashibai Bajirao Ballal 17th August 2022 Written Episode Update: Mastani pressurizes Baji to marry her


Kashibai Bajirao Ballal 17th August 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Baji tells Mastani that they will get married now. Mastani says I can’t believe this. Baji says only Kashi could do this. Mastani says how will we prepare everything? Baji says I don’t care, we will get married tomorrow only.

Baji asks Radha why aren’t they decorating the palace? Radha says nobody wants to be a part of this. Baji says I am their Peshwa, this marriage will happen at any cost.

Kashi comes to the workers and asks them to decorate the palace for the wedding. Radha comes to her and asks why is she doing all this? why did you agree to this marriage? Kashi says have you seen Baji’s condition, he will not stop. Radha says he has gone mad. Kashi says I couldn’t stop him.

Matank comes to Mastani and tells her that Kashi has locked on of her soldier. Mastani says then why didn’t she expose me till now? What is she thinking? Matank says they have captivated him in the jungle. Mastani says get him killed, I don’t want any problem before my wedding. Matank nods.

Kashi tells Radha that we have to agree for this marriage, this city needs him. Radha says people won’t accept that marriage, he is going to destroy our family line. Kashi says he is our protector, we are all safe because of him. Radha says you can argue with me but I won’t agree. Kashi says it’s his only wish. Radha says I will never agree.

Mastani’s soldier becomes conscious. Sooriya says we have to inform Kashi.

Guruji meets Radha and says we will never agree to this wedding. Radha says Kashi is not on our side, we have to do something.

Baji sees people decorating the palace and asks how did they agree? The worker says Kashi asked us. Baji sees Kashi leaving and asks where is she going? Kashi says I am going to the jungle jail for some work. Don’t worry about your wedding, she leaves. Baji says she gave her life to me but I couldn’t do justice to her.

Kashi comes to meet the attacker. She says you are safe here, just tell me if Mastani sent you to attack her? Sooriya shouts at him to answer her. Kashi says to be calm. The soldier says I will never open my mouth. Kashi says nobody will force you but you can’t leave. Some other attackers arrive there. Sooriya says I am sure they are Mastani’s soldiers, they are here to kill the attacker as he is a witness. He asks Kashi to safely leave. Kashi says don’t worry about me, tell me if we can fight them off? Sooriya says don’t worry, they can’t attack us. Kashi tells him to let one soldier in. Just trust me. Sooriya lets one of Mastani’s soldier to reach the attacker. The attacker says I am sure you are here to save me. The soldier is about to kill him but Sooriya saves the attacker’s life. Kashi tells the attacker that Mastani sent these soldiers to kill you, I still won’t force you to tell me the truth. Kashi whispers to Sooriya to not force him. I can’t lose Baji’s trust right now. I know Mastani did wrong to win Baji over and she will be exposed but we have to protect him for now. Sooriya nods.

Kashi comes to the palace. Some people are there and they all say Guruji has left the mandir so there was no pooja happening there. Guruji arrives there and tells Kashi that our religion is about to be destroyed so I had to leave the mandir and come here. We have to protect our warriors, this wedding will not happen. Baji and Mastani are shocked to hear that. Kashi asks him to calm down. Guruji says we are our religion’s protector, if Baji can’t protect our religion then we will have to. Baji says what’s your religion? Just do pooja for some time? I protect these people and you are threatening me by using my people against me? I am the one to protect you all on the battlefield. Guruji says we will give our lives before accepting that Muslim girl, she is illegitimate. Baji is about to raise his sword but Kashi stops him. Baji asks how is loving a sin against the religion? You will never understand it. Guruji says your love changes with the bodies, we will never enter the palace again. Baji says you can do what you want but I will get married to Mastani. Guruji says if you do this marriage then we will never do any pooja or prayers in this city, you will be your responsibility for that. He leaves. Kashi pleads with her people to give her time, I will find a solution. People say we trust you, they all leave.

Radha comes to Kashi and says you have to stop this marriage. If Mastani has kids then they will snatch Nana Saheb’s rights. Kashi says nobody can take what he deserves. Baji has one wish only so let him do it. Radha says people will go against him. Kashi says I have always thought of these people but I am just thinking about my love for Baji, he has given his life for these people. When I saw him near death then I decided to do anything for his happiness. She pleads with Radha to accept Mastani for Baji’s happiness. Radha glares at her and leaves.

Baji is stressed. Mastani is going to him but Matank comes to her and says our soldiers attacked the attacker and he died. Mastani says that’s good, Kashi doesn’t have anything against me now. Mastani comes to Baji and says this is all happening because of me. Baji says this is a serious situation. Mastani says these people will create a scene till we are not married, once we are married then they will calm down. Their household is dependent on poojas, they earn from that so they will resume it once we are married. Baji is surprised and says how can you say that? You didn’t say once that we can postpone it. Mastani says I can live without marrying you. I wanted to leave but you stopped me, I was ready to leave with you for a war but how do I prove my love? It was you who proposed this wedding, I am still saying to leave all this. I got attacked so I can listen to taunts of people too. Baji says don’t say all that, the situation is out of control but I will find a way.

The episode ends.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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