Friday, 15 July 2022

Kashibai Bajirao Ballal 15th July 2022 Written Episode Update: Baji gives one day to Kashi to accept Mastani


Kashibai Bajirao Ballal 15th July 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Kashi tells everyone that Baji is right Mastani’s religion should be her father’s religion but Radha and Guruji are right too. I need time to take a decision, I need one night. Baji says why do you need that? Kashi says my one decision can change the whole history so I need some time to decide, can’t you give me one night? Baji says take one night but announce your decision tomorrow in front of Mastani as it’s her fight. I will bring her to the palace’s entrance tomorrow and you can decide if she can enter the palace or not. He leaves from there. All leave. Kashi sits alone and is stressed.

Kashi comes to her room. Krishnarao comes there and says what’s happening with you is wrong. Krisha says fine. Krishna says I know what I did with you was wrong but please forgive me. I want to be with you and become your strength in this matter. Kashi says you did a great sin but we are siblings, I am happy to see your support. She leaves from there.

Radha and Chimaji are packing bags. Chimaji says I am not going to wait for Kashi’s decision. We will leave. Kashi comes there. Chimaji says we were fighting for you and you took a turn? Ragma says if one woman doesn’t take a stand for herself then it impacts all women. You are an inspiration for a lot of women and if we see you losing then we will lose hope so let us go. Kashi says I came here to see you all off. I have called for the caravan also. Radha looks on. Kashi tells Radha I know if Mastani comes here then you won’t stay. I have to stay here to handle the matters of the state. If I let Baji handle the government matters then it means giving power to Mastani. I don’t know what her intentions are so I have to stay here and handle everything. I have to do it for my son. It’s his right so I will fight as his mother. She takes Radha’s blessings and leaves from there.

Baji comes to meet Mastani. She hugs him tightly, he says I am sorry I couldn’t come on time. Mastani says when will we start living together? Baji says I am fighting for our love. He says I have asked for justice and to bring you to the palace. I have proved that you are a Hindu and not a Mughal. Kashi will give her a decision tomorrow. You will stay at the entrance of the palace till then. Mastani says what if Kashi doesn’t accept me?

Radha tells Chimaji that we can’t let Baji do what he wants. We can’t let Kashi fight this battle alone. Chimaji says what can we do? Radha says I have blood in which I would even sacrifice my son for my family’s honor.

Kashi talks to her son and says I am sorry for not spending time with you but your father is giving me tension. I have to fight for your rights. Everyone is miffed with me, all family members want me to take their side and your father wants me to take his side. Nobody is asking me what I am going through. What should I do? Ganga says Baji should be raising Nana Saheb with you but he left you alone. God is with you though and you will win. Kashi says I wish you are right, I just want my Nana Saheb’s happiness. She says I have to go now.

Radha tells Chimaji that Baji is being stubborn but it’s about identity, I can’t let an ordinary Mughal make my Kashi cry. It’s about our throne too. Chimaji asks how? Radha says kill that Mughal girl. Chimaji is shocked.

Kashi tells force and Sooriya that tomorrow’s decision will bring unrest in the city. If the decision is in Mastani’s favor then people will be angry, if it’s against her then Baji will be angry. Sooriya says I agree. Kashi says you have to keep control over people tomorrow. I don’t want any violence. Sooriya nods.

Chimaji asks Radha if she is serious? Radha says that girl is the problem so we should end her. Chimaji asks how? Radha says she is lives in the jungle and it can burn right? Baji will be upset for some time but then he will move on. Just kill her.

Matank tells Baji that if Kashi doesn’t take a decision in her favor then she will be insulted. Baji says I trust Kashi, we will go to the palace together tomorrow. Baji goes to rest. Matank tells Mastani that you should see Kashi’s power and that even Baji has to plead with her for justice. He can’t even bring you inside the palace without Kashi’s acceptance. Now you know her power? Mastani says Baji is sure that Kashi will accept me. Matank says Kashi is playing a game so that she can insult you in front of everyone tomorrow. Why would a wife accept another woman in her husband’s life and bring her to her house? Mastani says Baji won’t let it happen. Matank says I am telling you to not go. Mastani says I have lived with taunts all my life but this is my only chance to become a legitimate wife of Baji so I have to take this chance. I will go there tomorrow as I also want to see what Kashibai can do.
The episode ends.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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