Muskuraane Ki Vajah Tum Ho 23rd June 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on
The Episode starts with Kishor and Kabir coming back to the hotel. Kishor criticizes Katha. He says Katha got pregnant before marriage. Kabir argues and defends Katha. He says a guy cheated her, she has courage to stand on her feet, she doesn’t want to compromise by fear of society, she is perfect, the guy who holds her hand will be the luckiest. Kishor says I hope you aren’t thinking to say yes to Uma. Kabir recalls Uma’s words. Uma says what did I do, I m so foolish to question Kabir, he supported us. Manyata says you asked him the right thing, I was thinking the same, their thinking matches a lot, why can’t they become life partners. Uma says he won’t marry her just like that, he doesn’t love Katha. Manyata says but he respects her, he didn’t say no. Uma says his silence had no hidden in it. Katha recalls Kabir. Kabir thinks of Katha and smiles. He says I feel I will get my destination here. Uma lights a diya and prays.
She says I just wish that Kabir and Katha are made for each other. Kabir writes yes on the paper. He writes his feelings for Katha. He says yes Kabir, Katha is the girl who can become a reason for my smile, maybe one day I also become a reason for her smile. Its morning, Katha is at the NGO. Kabir comes with Kishor. Katha avoids Kabir. Kishor says we should end the work and leave from here, did you talk to Katha. Kabir says no, I will talk to her. He goes to Katha. He rehearses in the mirror. Kids see him and laugh. Kabir says you are too busy today. Katha says I wanted to say sorry for last night. Fatima says this mic isn’t working. Kabir says I will see, maybe its battery problem. Kabir says Uma didn’t say anything wrong, I got the answer for her question, I want to keep it as a question in front of you. The mic gets on. Kabir asks Katha will you marry me. Everyone in the NGO looks on smiling. Kishor is shocked. Kabir sees the mic on. Fatima says if I knew this, then I would have arranged some music. The lady asks Katha to smile, a rich man has asked for her hand, she should agree. Kid says if you marry Katha then you will come every day to play with us, right. Katha leaves. Fatima says she got shy, go and make her say yes. Kabir goes after Katha. Katha cries. Kabir calls her out. He sees her and goes to her. He says I m really sorry, I didn’t know that the mic will get on and everyone will hear that. Katha says I know you didn’t do that intentionally, your nature is such to help others, but you made me feel so little, you pitied me, so you agreed to marry me. He says no, you are mistaken, I like you the day I met you, seeing your habit to help others, I always think of you.
Katha says its hard to trust your praise, I don’t need any sympathy, my child doesn’t need a father’s name, he will be known by my name. Kishor looks on. Katha comes home. She says Uma should have not asked Kabir, he has kept a marriage proposal. Manyata asks what, he proposed you. Uma says maybe this happened because Katha had Kabir in her fate. Katha says I refused to Kabir. Uma asks what, why… Katha says because its his goodness or pity, I don’t understand, I can’t stay in anyone’s life as a burden. Uma says don’t lose faith on yourself, maybe he really likes you, and your qualities. Manyata says yes, Kabir likes you a lot, his bakery’s Muskaan cake, you are his inspiration, I have heard him saying this. Katha says making cakes and marrying someone is different, we know he is good and helps others, I can’t ruin his life. Katha says I m your daughter, I learnt this from you to become independent, Kabir deserves every happiness, I can’t snatch the reason for his smile. Uma says I m really tired of this. Manyata says relax and think again, people like Kabir don’t come in life, he has always appreciated him, if you agree to marry then your jodi will be the best. Katha recalls Kabir. She says I don’t want him to defend me always, its my fight and I can fight alone. Manyata says he isn’t saying that you can’t fight alone, he loves you, he doesn’t think you are weak, he wants to hold your hand and walk with you, give him a chance. Uma also nods and agrees with Manyata. Katha thinks.
Precap: Kabir says I really love you and like you even I want to protect the baby. Katha sees the coin she had thrown in water and asks where did you find the coin?
Update Credit to: Amena
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