Wednesday, 29 June 2022

Jai Kanhaiya Lal Ki 28th June 2022 Written Episode Update: Vrindavan residents seek shelter at Govardhan Mountain


Jai Kanhaiya Lal Ki 28th June 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Kanha telling balram that the rain will never stop, it is Kans and Inder dev’s conspiracy. Soldiers thinks Kanha is behind the heavy rainfall and goes to inform Kans. Rohini and Yashoda are happy that rain is good for harvesting. Kirtida tells that they shall make bhoj for Narayan. Yashoda says yes. Radha tells Kanha that she is happy as everyone is happy. Kanha says he is happy. Kans laughs hearing the soldiers and says it is my planning, and my new friend’s anger. He tells Inderdev that he expect this from him. Inder dev says now the Vrindavan residents will know in sometime, what is insult. Soon the water gets in the Vrindavan, flooding Yamuna. Vrinda stands on the bed to protect herself.

Narad tells Inder dev that he is doing wrong and says your ego is making you do this. He says Prabhu warned you, just do your karma. Inder dev says I am just doing my work and I don’t need to ask you about my work. He says I am following your prabhu’s orders and showering rain on Vrindavan. Narad thinks he is Narayan about whom you are talking about. The villager comes to Nand and tells him about the continuous rain. Nand says what to do?

Balram asks Kanha what happened? Kanha says everyone has to leave Vrindavan, as all Vrindavan will be drown in water. Balram says no, how we will go? Kanha asks him to inform everyone. Radha asks why you are talking about leaving Vrindavan? Kanha asks him to promise that she will never leave his hand. Radha promises him.

Balram tells Nand that they shall leave Vrindavan. Vrinda says if we stay here then will be drown. Vrishbhan agrees. Nand says we shall not leave and shall go back to their houses. The Vrindavan residents say ok. Inder dev says they don’t know what happened, the rain will be more heavier now. The rain gets faster. The residents think to leave. Parvati asks Mahadev to stop inder dev. Mahadev asks her not to worry and enjoy Aaradhya’s leela. Everyone get ready to leave Vrindavan. Yashoda tells that she will take Kanha. Kirti da asks Radha to come. Radha says I will not leave his hand. Nand says we shall search a safe place to take shelter. Kanha says Govardhan mountain. Balram tells them. Nand says Balram is right. Akroor informs Kans that they had gone to Govardhan mountain. Inder dev thinks if Narayan manages to take them to the mountain, then my rain will not be useful. Kans says Inder dev can’t drown the mountain and thinks to see Guru Shukracharya’s help.

All the residents look at the mountain from far. Shukracharya asks Kans to go to Inder dev and tell him whatever I told you. Kans says ok. Rohini asks Yashoda and Kirti da to see Kanha and Radha holding hands. Yashoda says yes. She praises the kids. Nand says we shall stay here until the rain stops. They reach the mountain.

Kans goes to Inder dev and says you are not just the rain god, but you can bring the thunderstorm etc. Inder dev says yes. He asks him to say what he does with them. He uses his weapon to bring thunder storm. The storm/ lighting falls on the mountain. Kanha asks Radha not to worry. Devraj Inder tells that until his puja is done, he will not spare anyone

Precap: Devraj Inder attacks Radha. Kanha says I will never forgive you.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

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