Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 4th May 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on
Tiwari in pain sitting in hall. Someone rings doorbell, Tiwari says he must be here and calls Angoori again and again. Angoori walks to him ask what happen why are you shouting. Tiwari says go open door and I feel like going washroom. Angoori says then go and make yourself comfortable. Tiwari says try to understand I can’t go, he shouts at her and ask her to open door. Angoori open door and see Saxena getting shock. Saxena greet Angoori and says don’t repair this doorbell ever. Angoori ask what happen what are you doing here this late. Saxena says Tiwari called me and walks in. Tiwari greet Saxena and get’s happy after seeing him and ask Angoori to go upstairs. Tiwari says to Saxena I have some important work for you. Saxena mocks him and says I thought your time has come to help me. Tiwari says yes I need your help it’s something important and ask him to bring his ear and teel the situation. Saxena laugh and says let me tell you one thing it’s good to keep your inner kid alive but this is least you can do, don’t be so lazy you can go and use washroom. Tiwari says if I try to go I’ll get destroyed, se you started to help people and now you are turning your back to me. Saxena says the kind of help you need for that I need some polythene I’ll get them.
Tillu sleeping near cliff. Tillu ask Malkhan to make tea for him, he open his eyes and get shocked after seeing the view, he gets scared and says where am I, he see Malkhan and Teeka sleeping together in a pit he throws stone at them. Malkhan wakes up due to stone. Tillu says look above. Malkhan and Teeka wakes up and greet him. Tillu shouts and ask how did I come here. Malkhan says you were going to jump but we saved you. Teeka abuses Malkhan and says why did you make him remember about suicide. Tillu remembers I came here to suicide and decide to jump again. Malkhan and Teeka stop him and try to convince him. Tillu start cursing Tiwari for not giving him money and says I’ll jump. Teeka says you have our swear don’t cry and says to Malkhan let’s bring Tiwari only then he will get down. Malkhan says okay and says to Tillu we request you not to jump we will Tiwari with us and we will bring breakfast for you and they leave.
Angoori come downstairs cleansing house and see Tiwari sleeping on sifa says he was here whole night, she wake him up. Tiwari says my body is aching and says good morning. Angoori sad says you hurt me last night. Tiwari says don’t be angry on small things. Angoori says stop it you even spoiled my mood last night. Tiwari says there is a situation which I can tell you why I was unable to get out of sofa. Angoori says I think so you have no interest in me. Tiwari shouts and says go get tea for me. Angoori says I won’t bring until I’m done with my pooja.
Vibhu se Angoori doing pooja in garden and flirt with her. Angoori in shock looking at him and laugh and says stop being boring. Vibhu says I apologise for last night I shouldn’t have said anything to Tiwari I really take my words back. Angoori says no worries I’m also sorry for being angry. Fufaji arrive and call Angoori. Angoori greet him and takes gis blessings. Fufaji blesses her and ask who is he. Vibhu says I’m Vibhuti and her neighbour. Angoori says to Vibhu he is my Fufaji Samman Chand Dubeyji, he came to meet Tiwari. Fufaji says they called me with so much of respect so I have to come because I’m hungry for respect. Vibhu says that’s good, you come on right time and start praising him. Fufaji says I felt good that your neighbour is so respectable person. Vibhu says that’s the beauty of our culture and says there are few people who do not respect others and ask him to help for luggage.
Tiwari listen Fufaji is here. Angoori make him sit and says to Tiwari he is my Samman fufaji. Fufaji greets Tiwari and ask how are you. Tiwari says just living my life. Angoori signal Tiwari to take his blessings. Vibhu says to Tiwari such a respectable person has come to your house won’t you greet him. Angoori walks to Tiwari. Tiwari says stay away don’t come close. Fufaji scolds him. Angoori says to Tiwari go touch his feets. Tiwari do it from distance. Vibhu says OMG your disrespected your Fufaji. Tiwari says I respect him a lot. Angoori says what has happen to you. Fufaji says I don’t think you respect me. Tiwari says you must eat and sleep because you have travelled a lot. Vibhu says to Fufaji this man consider him great, he has only a small shop of underwear, he considered himself to be so proud that he even don’t respect the elders. Tiwari says stop talking rubbish I respect every elder. Vibhu mocks him. Angoori says I never thought that you are insulting my fufaji, I don’t want to talk to you. Vibhu mocks him again and says to Fufaji I cannot see you disrespect, in your place I would have left and gone, so please forgive me, he touch his feet. Fufaji scolds Tiwari for his behaviour and ask him to learn something from Vibhu.
Master and Gupta in jungle. Gupta says I’m lookyfor a herb here. Tillu crying for Ruksana and says I will be with you soon. Master says to Gupta can hear someone crying. Gupta says yes I heard too and see Tillu standing up and ask him what are you doing here. Tillu says I came here to suicide because Tiwari is not paying my salary. Master ask are you scared because weak people usually suicide. Happu walks to them and ask Master to wait, I know this boy very well he lacks courage. Tillu mocks Happu. Happu says if you are talking about me then I’ll beat you. Tillu says then why are you standing here go to Tiwari and fullfill your greed of money. Happu says stop being filmy and listen to me. Tillu shouts at him go away. Happu says what do you think of yourself stop being over smart and says die if you want and write your reason for suicide. Master says to Happu why are you provoking him to die. Happu scolds him says I’m talking for your benifit, think if he die the a case will be made and you were the last person present here so think carefully. Gupta says to Tillu write a suicide note. Tillu says don’t worry I have written already. Happu ask him to read. Tillu reads his suicide note and says my reason for suicide is Tiwari and Happu Singh. Happu in shock says stop don’t jump, everyone start stopping him, Happu says don’t worry I’ll get your money back from Tiwari just come down we are going and Happu leave. Gupta says don’t jump.
David in Pelu’s rickshaw, he asl him to stop, he get down and ask him will you drive taxi in London. Vibhu walks out of his house and see David.
Fufaji says to Angoori when I came he didn’t get up from here and when I’m going he is still sitting here. Angoori says to Tiwari you disrespected me a lot.
Happu get’s in with bomb squad and start examining him.
Update Credit to: Tanaya
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