Wednesday, 20 April 2022

Spy Bahu 19th April 2022 Written Episode Update: Drishti married Abhishek


Spy Bahu 19th April 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Shalini says Yohan believes money buys happiness. If you talk to him forget about her or.. He says then? She says flee with her. I will help you. He says why would you help? She says it’s a deal you will also have to help me. Don’t you love her? Yohan comes. He says where Abhishek? Sejal says he was here. Drishti calls Abhishek. Sejal comes to Drishti and says Abhishek came but he left. Drishti says it all happened because of you We would have married yesterday. Only he loves me with all shortcomings. Because of you I don’t even know where he is. Get out of here. Drishti calls Abhishek and says where did you go? Do you not wanna marry me? He says what are you saying. I’ve changed my decision. So I didn’t meet Yohan. We won’t take a risk. We will get married today. We shouldn’t have listened to that Sejal. Come to temple. She says I can come in half an hour but what about the guard? He says I changed him. Sejal shouldn’t know. Drishti says not at all. He says you have to do another thing. drishti says okay.

Shail says wow genius. I will throw 20 crores in their face. Shalini says I am so happy. They cheers. She says I have a solid plan. We will get our money, Drishti’s wedding, Yohan’s ego and Sejal will be kicked out. He says she’s a maid. Shalini says she’s not ordinary maid. She will get us kicked out. I will cut her wings. Tanhaji calls Sejal. She tells him she found the chip and the list. She says it could be my brother. Suryakant says I have started investigation. She says I have to go after Drishti. Tanhaji says don’t distract from your mission.

Scene 2
Drishti gets her mom’s wedding dress. She gets emotional. Drishti says I didn’t want it this way. I want your blessings. I will marry wearing your dress. I won’t disappoint you at all. Give me your blessings. I miss you. She hugs her photo and leaves. Sejal had put the chip in her bag. Sejal says you need rest. Drishti says stay way from me. Yohan comes. He says what are you eating these painkillers? I saw them in your room. Tell me. Drishti says I had headache after what happened. She says I am going for a head massage. He says I will drop you. Drishti says I will take Sejal. Yohan says take care of her. sejal says yes. He says don’t use your brain. He leaves. Drishti leaves with Sejal.

Abhishek waits for Drishti. He calls her everything is ready. Drishti texts him I am with Sejal, Yohan sent her with me. Drishti asks Sejal to get her a chocolate milkshake. Minal calls her. She says I will get late today. Minal says they make you work a lot. We need to talk to you. Minal sneezes. Sejal says are you okay? She says had cold water, it doesn’t suit me. Sejal recalls Drishti is allergic to milk products. She says why she asked for milkshake then. She looks back Drishti isn’t there.

Scene 3
Aarun asks Veera to get him 20 lacs from locker. Yohan says why is maa’s room open? He sees closet is open. He calls the staff and asks who came here? Who opened the closet? My mom’s wedding dress isn’t even there. Who took it? Shail says what would anyone do with it? Yohan sees Arti’s photo in a different place too. Sejal tries to track Drishti’s location. She sees she’s at the same temple. Drishti hugs Abhishek. Shesays no one can part us now. Aarun asks what happened? Shail says someone stole mom’s wedding dress. Yohan finds Drishti’s letter and reads it. It says sorry bhai I didn’t want to lose Abhishek so I had to take this step. By the time you get this letter I would have married Abhishek. Hope you will understand. Drishti and Abhishek are at the temple and the wedding starts. Shalini reads it. Aarun reads it too. Everyone is shocked. Shalini says we should check DDrishti’s room and find out who did she go with and who provoked her to take such a big step.

Yohan says Drishti didn’t go alone that. Sejal.. Shalini says Sejal went with her. She wrote a letter to Sejal thank you for helping me flee the house. I will give you he 20k you asked for. Thanks for getting everything done at the temple. No one can stop my wedding with Abhishek thanks to you. You were right no one will understand our love, not even Abhishek. Aarun is shocked. Yohan leaves in anger. Aarun says where is that Shera? Is he a part of it? He cals Shera.

Scene 4
Sejal runs on the road and tries to get to the temple. Drishti says I forgot the sindur. Now? He cuts his thumb and fills her hairline. Sejal says please stop. The guard stops her. Sejal says Drishti madam don’t do this. Drishti says leave us alone. Sejal says think about Yohan and his love. You will lose him. Sejal says I will call yohan. Yohan comes outside. sejal sees him. Abhishek makes Drishti wear the bangle. Yohan is shocked. Pandit ji says you’re both husband and wife now. God bless you. Yohan is shocked to see Drishti. Yohan says I can’t believe you married without telling me. This is a the biggest deciet my own sister gave me. Yohan says you could tell me, I would support you. She says dad won’t have agreed and he would have another fight with you. That’s why I didn’t say anything sorry. He says you can’t prove it right. sejal says everyone makes mistake.. He says you provoked my sister. Stop it.

Episode ends

Update Credit to: Atiba

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